- ColecciónGriffith MSS - Francis Llewellyn Griffith Collection
- SerieGriffith MSS 1 - Egyptian texts
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- Unidad documental simpleGriffith MSS 1.48 - Notes on the titles of Tjy, Vth Dynasty (TopBib iii.116)
- Unidad documental compuestaGriffith MSS 1.49-55A - Various drafts for articles on "The System of Writing in Ancient Egypt"
- Unidad documental simpleGriffith MSS 1.56 - List of principal hieroglyphic signs with their phonetic and symbolic values
- Unidad documental simpleGriffith MSS 1.57 - Hand-copy of unidentified text with name of Ry
- Unidad documental simpleGriffith MSS 1.58 - Text from fragment of sarcophagus of Pairkap, formerly in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, and now in London, British Museum, EA 1387 (TopBib iv.48 - fragment 2)
- Unidad documental simpleGriffith MSS 1.59 - Text from circular disk of Mentuemhet (TT 34), glazed steatite, Dyn. XXV, formerly in J. Henderson colln., now in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, 1879.349 (TopBib i2.846)
- Unidad documental simpleGriffith MSS 1.60 - Hand-copy (possibly by Alan H. Gardiner) of text from fragment of coffin of Herunefer, 2nd Intermediate Period, in London, British Museum, EA 29997 (formerly 6636 a) (TopBib i2.657)
- Unidad documental simpleGriffith MSS 1.61 - Readings of rock texts from Wadi Hammamat
- Unidad documental simpleGriffith MSS 1.62 - Discussion of various points arising from Griffith, F. L., 'Notes on Egyptian weights and measures', in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 15 (June 1892), 301-316 (OEB 210426)
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