Sammlung Seligman MSS - Charles Gabriel Seligman Collection

Bereich "Identifikation"


Seligman MSS


Charles Gabriel Seligman Collection




Umfang und Medium

Bereich "Kontext"

Name des Bestandsbildners


Biographische Angaben

British ethnologist; he was born in London, 24 Dec. 1873, only child of Hermann Seligmann (the final 'n' of the surname ceased to be used after 1914), a wealthy wine merchant, and Olivia Mendez da Costa; he qualified in medicine (pathology), but became involved in anthropology through the Cambridge anthropological expedition to the Torres Strait in 1898; he became a lecturer in ethnology at the London School of Economics, 1910, and Professor (part-time), 1913, a position that he held until 1934, but he also taught anthropology for Petrie's Egyptology diploma course at University College London; he was very widely traveled but is known especially for his fieldwork in Papua New Guinea and Sudan; with his wife, Brenda Zara Salaman (1883-1965), he first visited Egypt in 1908-09 where he spent a considerable amount of time with Petrie at his camp in Thebes; they visited Egypt again in 1913-14 and collected a large number of lithics from surface deposits and through excavation around Abydos and Thebes; he and his wife undertook a survey of Nilotic groups with funding from the government of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1909-10, 1911-1912, 1921-1922; he saw in the pastoral tribes of the Upper Nile Province, a corrupted remnant of prehistoric Caucasian immigrants, whose arrival in Africa had precipitated the rise of ancient Egypt dynastic society, a now discredited idea; apart from several articles including the extensive 'Some aspects of the Hamitic problem in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan', Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 43 (1913), 593-705 and 'The older palaeolithic age in Egypt', ibid, 51 (1921), 115-153, he published Egypt and Negro Africa: a study in divine kingship, 1934; he died in a nursing home in Oxford, 9 Sept. 1940.


Abgebende Stelle

Bereich "Inhalt und innere Ordnung"

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

Drawings of Meroitic subjects.

Bewertung, Vernichtung und Terminierung


Ordnung und Klassifikation

Bedingungen des Zugriffs- und Benutzungsbereichs



In der Verzeichnungseinheit enthaltene Sprache

Schrift in den Unterlagen

Anmerkungen zu Sprache und Schrift

Physische Beschaffenheit und technische Anforderungen


Bereich Sachverwandte Unterlagen

Existenz und Aufbewahrungsort von Originalen

Existenz und Aufbewahrungsort von Kopien

Verwandte Verzeichnungseinheiten

Bereich "Anmerkungen"

Alternative Identifikatoren/Signaturen


Zugriffspunkte (Thema)

Zugriffspunkte (Ort)

Zugriffspunkte (Name)

Zugriffspunkte (Genre)

Bereich "Beschreibungskontrolle"

Identifikator "Beschreibung"


Benutzte Regeln und/oder Konventionen



Daten der Bestandsbildung, Überprüfung, Löschung/Kassierung




Bereich Zugang

Verwandte Themen

Verwandte Personen und Organisationen

Verwandte Genres

Verwandte Orte


  • Fach: 1712