Unidad documental compuesta NEWB2/333 - Griffith, Francis Llewellyn - correspondence

Área de identidad

Código de referencia



Griffith, Francis Llewellyn - correspondence


  • 1885 - 1932 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Unidad documental compuesta

Volumen y soporte

2 cm, 70 letters

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor


Historia biográfica

British Egyptologist; he was born in Brighton, 27 May 1862, youngest son of the Revd John G., LLD, headmaster of Brighton College and a mathematician, and Sarah Foster his wife; educated at Brighton Coll., Sedbergh, and Highgate School; he gained a scholarship to The Queen's College, Oxford 1879, but while there refused to read for final hons. and studied on his own; in 1882 he was articled to his brother, a solicitor in Brighton; graduated 1884; MA; DLitt; Hon. LLD Aberdeen; FBA; FSA; his interest in Egyptology was first awakened by reading Belzoni as a child, later at school he became more involved with it and by 1884 had not only acquired a good knowledge of classics but had taught himself Egyptian; he asked Petrie for help and spent four seasons with Petrie and Naville excavating in Egypt, 1884-8, at the sites of Naucratis, Tanis, Tell el-Yahudiya, and Gumaiyema in the Delta; he also gained valuable experience 1886 when he accompanied Petrie on a trip through Upper Egypt from Minia to Aswan, and at this period made a trip across N. Sinai to Wady el-Arish to copy and publish an inscription found by Sayce; he worked as an assistant in the Dept. of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography in the British Museum, 1888-96, but continued his Egyptian research in his spare time; he was also Assistant to the Professor of Egyptology, University College London, 1892-1901; Hon. Lecturer in Egyptology at Manchester University, 1896-1908; appointed Reader in Egyptology, University of Oxford, 1901; Professor, 1924; Deputy Professor, 1932; Professor Emeritus, 1933; Hon. Fellow of The Queen's Coll., Oxford; he undertook excavations at Faras and Sanam in Nubia 1910-3; he married 1. Kate daughter of Charles Timothy Bradbury of Ashton-under-Lyne, 1896, who had studied under Petrie, died 1902; 2. Nora C. C. daughter of Surgeon-Major James Macdonald, died 1937; Griffith was the foremost philologist in the whole range of Egyptian texts in Britain, and in the field of hieratic studies broke new ground; with his transcriptions, translations, and interpretations of the Kahun and Gurob Papyri he dealt with extremely difficult cursive texts most accurately; he next turned to Demotic and his Stories of the High Priests raised him straight away to be the leading Demotist of his day; he also did valuable research in Old Coptic and the Nubian language, but his greatest achievement was the decipherment of Meroitic script; this with H. Schafer's similar feat in Christian Nubian was the first pioneer work of its kind since Champollion and brought him world-wide recognition; Griffith's bibl. lists over 260 books and articles his principal works were, Tanis, 1888, a chapter in Petrie's Pt. Naukratis, Pt. ii, 1888; The City of Onias and the Mound of the Jew, 1890, ed. Naville; Two Hieroglyphic Papyri from Tanis, 1889; Inscriptions of Siut and Der Rifeh 1889; Beni Hasan, pts. iii and iv, 1896, 1900; Hieratic Papyri from Kahun and Gurob, 2 vols. 1897, 1898; Hieroglyphs from the Collections of the Egypt Exploration Fund, 1898; Stories of the High Priests of Memphis, 1900; Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leyden, 3 vols. 1904-9, with Sir Herbert Thompson; Catalogue of the Demotic Papyri in the Rylands Library at Manchester, 3 vols. 1909; The Meroitic Inscriptions of Shablul and Karanog, 1911; Meroitic Inscriptions, 2 pts. 1911, 1912; The Nubian Texts of the Christian Period, 1913; 'Oxford Excavations in Nubia', in Liverpool Annals of Arch. & Anth., 1921-8; Christian Documents from Nubia, 1928; after his death his wife also completed two of his works, Catalogue of the Demotic Graffiti of the Dodecaschoenus, 1935, 1937; The Adler Papyri, 1939; he wrote articles in EB (9-10 eds); Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible, etc.; in all Griffith wrote or contributed to 19 EEF reports and memoirs, and edited no fewer than 25 vols. of the Archaeological Survey of which he wrote 5; he was by far the greatest literary contributor to the work of the EES, writing many articles and reviews in JEA and editing the Annual Reports for twenty years; he wrote bibls. for 34 years from 1892 on; in later life he was again excavating at Amarna and Kawa in the Sudan; by his will he bequeathed his magnificent Egyptological library, the finest one in existence, and papers, together with a large financial endowment to build and maintain an Institute of Near-Eastern Archaeology at Oxford; this took effect on the death of his wife in 1937, and the Griffith Institute, attached to the Ashmolean Museum, was built and formally opened, 21 Jan. 1939, on his 70th birthday, a fine volume of Studies by 72 of his colleagues, pupils and friends was presented to him; he died in Boar's Hill, Oxford, 14 March 1934.

Historia archivística

Origen del ingreso o transferencia

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

Correspondence from Francis Llewellyn Griffith including relating to Newberry's work at Beni Hasan; comparison of Newberry's copies of inscriptions with Hay's work by Blackden; publication of Beni Hasan and El Bersheh; Rekhmara inscriptions; corrections to the publication of text from the tomb of Nebamun; readings and corrections of texts.

Correspondence includes notes on inscriptions in Beni Hasan tomb 2 belonging to Amenemhat [known as Ameny], tomb 13 belonging to Khnumhotep, tomb 14 belonging to Khnumhotep I, tomb 15 belonging to Baqet III, tomb 21 belonging to Nakht, tomb 23 belonging to Netjernakht, tomb 26, and tomb 33 belonging to Baqet II.

Also includes:
-Correspondence from Newberry to Griffith relating to arrangement for Blackden at Beni Hassan and M de Morgan’s refusal to allow him to work at Tel el Amarna
-Correspondence from Griffith to Newberry’s brother John E. Newberry reporting news from Beni Hasan and on available work
-Copy of letter sent to Selima Harris relating to acquiring her father Anthony Charles Harris’ papers

MSS 21/1 is also numbered 149
MSS 21/2 is also numbered 148
MSS 21/3 is also numbered 128
MSS 21/4 is also numbered 130
MSS 21/5 is also numbered 146
MSS 21/6 is also numbered 134
MSS 21/7 is also numbered 121
MSS 21/8 is also numbered 129
MSS 21/10 is also numbered 153
MSS 21/11 is also numbered 152
MSS 21/12 is also numbered 120
MSS 21/13 is also numbered 142
MSS 21/14 is also numbered 21
MSS 21/15 is also numbered 21a
Letter without Dawson reference numbered 22
MSS 21/16 is also numbered 141
MSS 21/17 is also numbered 119
MSS 21/18 is also numbered 126
MSS 21/19 is also numbered 132
MSS 21/20 is also numbered 155
MSS 21/21 is also numbered 142
MSS 21/22 is also numbered 127
MSS 21/23 is also numbered 117
MSS 21/24 is also numbered 137a
MSS 21/25 is also numbered 154
MSS 21/27 is also numbered 136
MSS 21/28 is also numbered 123
MSS 21/29 is also numbered 58
MSS 21/30 is also numbered 58
MSS 21/31 is also numbered 37
MSS 21/32 is also numbered 62
MSS 21/25 is also numbered 25
MSS 21/36 is also numbered 23
MSS 21/38 is also numbered 27
MSS 21/40 is also numbered A.225
MSS 21/41 is also numbered A.259
MSS 21/42 is also numbered 56
MSS 21/45 is also numbered 58
MSS 21/47 is also numbered 43
MSS 21/49 is also numbered 12
MSS 21/57 is also numbered 44
MSS 21/63 is also numbered A.155
MSS 21/64 is also numbered A.145
MSS 21/66 is also numbered A.174
MSS 21/67 is also numbered A.175

Valorización, destrucción y programación


Sistema de arreglo

Área de condiciones de acceso y uso

Condiciones de acceso


Idioma del material

Escritura del material

Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras

Características físicas y requisitos técnicos

Instrumentos de descripción

Área de materiales relacionados

Existencia y localización de originales

Existencia y localización de copias

Unidades de descripción relacionadas

Descripciones relacionadas

Área de notas

Identificador/es alternativo(os)

Former reference code

MSS 21/1-68

Puntos de acceso

Puntos de acceso por materia

Puntos de acceso por lugar

Puntos de acceso por autoridad

Tipo de puntos de acceso

Área de control de la descripción

Identificador de la descripción

Identificador de la institución

Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

Estado de elaboración

Nivel de detalle

Fechas de creación revisión eliminación




Área de Ingreso

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