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P. Mon. Apollo 2
P. Mon. Apollo 2
'It is our father who writes'
'It is our father who writes'
Bawit papyri and other miscellaneous material concerning the Monastery of Apa Apollo
Bawit papyri and other miscellaneous material concerning the Monastery of Apa Apollo
Hermopolite Monastery of Apollo and other monastery sites
Hermopolite Monastery of Apollo and other monastery sites
Corpus Christi College Library Hoskyns MS 541
Corpus Christi College Library Hoskyns MS 541
Sir Herbert Thompson Archive
Sir Herbert Thompson Archive
Material concerning various other mainly Coptic collections in Cambridge
Material concerning various other mainly Coptic collections in Cambridge
Coptic papyri in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
Coptic papyri in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
Shine nsa ostraca
Shine nsa ostraca
Coptic text collections in USA
Coptic text collections in USA
Papyri in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Papyri in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Michigan Papyri
Michigan Papyri
Pachom Archive
Pachom Archive
8th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Paris 2004
8th International Congress of Coptic Studies, Paris 2004
Coptic documentary editions checklist
Coptic documentary editions checklist
Twenty-third International Papyrology Congress, Vienna 2001
Twenty-third International Papyrology Congress, Vienna 2001
Correspondence c.1991-2003, arranged alphabetically
Correspondence c.1991-2003, arranged alphabetically
Hermolite Monastery of Apa Apollo and Bawit texts
Hermolite Monastery of Apa Apollo and Bawit texts
Louvre Bawit papyri
Louvre Bawit papyri
Notebook containing Coptic Bawit notes and notes on Arabic language, papyrology, etc.
Notebook containing Coptic Bawit notes and notes on Arabic language, papyrology, etc.
Copy of Sarah Clackson’s PhD thesis
Copy of Sarah Clackson’s PhD thesis
Coptic text collections in Cambridge
Coptic text collections in Cambridge
Ostraca in the Fitzwilliam Museum, University Library, and Leys School
Ostraca in the Fitzwilliam Museum, University Library, and Leys School
Cambridge University Library Michaelides Papyri (CUL Michael)
Cambridge University Library Michaelides Papyri (CUL Michael)
F. W. Green and J. M. Plumley papyri (Coptic, Greek and Arabic) in Cambridge University Library
F. W. Green and J. M. Plumley papyri (Coptic, Greek and Arabic) in Cambridge University Library
British Museum Coptica
British Museum Coptica
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung
Resultados 1 a 30 de 72