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Francis Llewellyn Griffith Collection English
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Vizier Texts

Vizier texts - Duties of and installation of the vizier:

  1. Translation (handwritten draft and typewritten annotated version) - Rekhmireʿ TT 100 (TopBib i.2.206(2))
  2. Annotated proofs of Newberry, Percy E., The life of Rekhmara, vezîr of Upper Egypt under Thothmes III and Amenhetep II (circa BC 1471-1448) (1900) (OEB 146373), plates II (2 copies) & III, IX & X
  3. Hand-copies of texts from the Tomb of Rekhmireʿ at TopBib i.2.207(4) and from the Tomb of Amenemopet (TT 29) at TopBib i.2.46(3), see Davies, Norman de Garis, The tomb of Rekh-mi-rē' at Thebes (1943) (OEB 137925), plates XVI, CXIX & CXXII[A]
  4. Hand-copy of text from the Tomb of Rekhmireʿ at TopBib i.2.206(2), see Davies, Norman de Garis, The tomb of Rekh-mi-rē' at Thebes (1943) (OEB 137925), plates XXVI-XXIX.

Some descriptions and texts

  • Griffith MSS 1.17.1, 2, 5, 5 verso, 7, 8: Stelae in Oxford, Queen's College, Nos. 1110 to 1113 [on loan to the Ashmolean Museum]. Smither, Paul C. and Alec N. Dakin, 'Stelae in the Queen's College, Oxford', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 25 (2) (1939), 157-165 (OEB 150464), plates XX [1, 2], XXI [5, 4].
  • Griffith MSS 1.17.3, 4: Stelae in Brighton Museum - Ram of Amun in papyrus, XVIIIth Dynasty and Minhotep, XIIth Dynasty. Weigall, Arthur E., The funeral tablets in the Brighton Museum, in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 22 (1900), 272-273, with plates I and II (OEB 152091).
  • Griffith MSS 1.17.4: Block statue of Minmosi, temp. Rameses II, in Brighton Museum. Clère, J. J., 'Deux statues 'gardiennes de porte' d'époque ramesside', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 54 (1968), 135-148 (OEB 12800), esp. 135-8, 142-5 with fig. 1 and plate XXI.
  • Griffith MSS 1.17.4a verso: Ushabti in Brighton Museum.
  • Griffith MSS 1.17.4b: Notes on objects in Brighton Museum.
  • Griffith MSS 1.17.2 verso: Wooden mummy case in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum.
  • Griffith MSS 1.17.6: Unidentified text.

Aberdeen Anthropological Museum

  • Griffith MSS 1.22.1 [upper]: No. 1012. Drawing of scarab. Gardiner, Alan H., 'The Delta residence of the Ramessides', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 5 (2, 3) (1918), 127-138, 179-200 (OEB 139901), esp. fig. 3, p. 198.
  • Griffith MSS 1.22.1 [lower]: No. 1551. Hand-copy of text on lower part of donation-stela of Hatihati, temp. Takelothis I. Provenance not known. Wiedemann, A., 'Stela at Freiburg in Baden', in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 13 (1890-1891), 31-39 (OEB 152503), esp. p.36 [middle].
  • Griffith MSS 1.22.2: No. 1578. Stela of Ahmosi before Reshef-Shanwana. Griffith, F. Ll., 'The Aberdeen Reshep stela', in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 22 (1900), 271-272 (OEB 140705), esp. plate opposite p. 271.
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