167 Treffer anzeigen

Archivische Beschreibung
Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards Collection Englisch
Druckvorschau Hierarchy Ansicht

156 Treffer mit digitalen Objekten Treffer mit digitalen Objekten anzeigen

Philae from the north

Watercolour in its original mount, showing the temples on Philae Island, viewed from the north-west.

  • The watercolour is captioned on the mount, once below the watercolour and again on the verso. The captions are both the same but are written in two different hands: "Philæ from the North."
  • Although the watercolour is not signed, it was most certainly painted by Amelia A. B. Edwards.

Woman and crocodile

Ink drawing of woman with crocodile:

  • [on drawing] 'The Larches, Westbury-on-Trym, Nr. Bristol.' (printed) 'The delights of sketching 1000 miles up the Nile, Scene the Second (Rapid disappearance of A.B.E.) April 24 / 88. (underlined) Here is Scene the Second in this terrible Tragedy for you - + I' (ink note)

My first love

Ink drawing of man in profile:

  • [on drawing] 'Pictorial Biography of A. B. E. (underlined) My first (underlined) Love. No 1.' (ink note)

Percy Shelley's grave

Pencil drawing of Percy Shelley's grave:

  • [on drawing] 'Shelley's grave. Rome. Feby. 20th 1857.' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'Shelley's grave, Rome. 1857.' (pencil note)

Head of Ti

Printed invitation to the Egypt Exploration Fund's Annual General Meeting with pencil drawing of head of Ti pasted on reverse:

  • [on mount] 'Ti (underlined) - a priest + landowner of Memphis. Vth Dynasty.' (ink note)

Statue from Kom Firin

Ink drawing of statue of seated figure from Kom Firin:

  • [on drawing] 'Limestone statuette from Kom Afrin. in ABE's collection. Such work - archaic.' (ink note)

Greek male torso; Greek female head

Two drawings:

  • left: pencil sketch of statue of man.
    • [on drawing] 'Archaic Greek torso (male figure) showing extreme development of muscles.' (pencil note)
  • right: ink drawing of Greek head.
    • [on drawing] 'This is a rude attempt at a female figure - the "wings" are arms. Archaic Greek head female - circa B. C. 600. curls represented by [drawing of curls] + tresses as ropes. The eye, though face is profile, is always given as in full face - as in Egyptian paintings' (ink notes)

Scene at Interlaken

Pen and wash sketch of scene at Interlaken mounted on reverse of invitation to Jolly & Son's Annual Winter Sale:

  • [on sketch] 'A.B.E. Interlaken Oct. 18th. 1872.' (ink note)

Head of Kushite captive at Abu Simbel

Pencil drawing of Kushite captive at Abu Simbel:

  • [on drawing] 'Head of captive to right of Entrance. Ibid: Aboo Simbel' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'Head of Cushite captive. East wall w sight of entrance. Great Hall. Aboo Simbel.'

Front end paper

Front end paper with pasted note:

  • 'This volume was re-bound through the generosity of AEMES (Ancient Egypt & Middle East Society, Lincolnshire), Manchester Ancient Egypt Society and the Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt (Derbyshire) in August 2002' (printed).
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