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Petrie 'Post Card Album'

Album, 36 x 24.5 cm, "Post Card Album” impressed on the cover, 38 pages with 192 postcards. Most of the postcards have not been used, those which have been posted are all addressed to Alfred Lionel Lewis (d. 1920), a Prehistorian and Vice President of the Royal Anthropological Institute. The Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford, also possesses a collection of Lewis’ scale models of prehistoric monuments. Most of the postcards are listed in the order they are presented in the album.

Prehistoric monuments
-Le Croisic
-La Rochelongue
-l’île d’Oléron
-La Rochepot
-Les Ventes
-Vallée d’Iton

  • Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil (series produced during the C. Hauser excavations)

-Gurat, église monolithe Saint-Georges
-Lanterne des Morts (Charente, Quercy, Cellefrouin, Château-Larcher, Vivonne)
-Aubeterre, l’eglise Saint-Jean

Several series of postcards produced for congresses
-Congrès Préhistorique de France, Autun, 1907 (Alise-Sainte-Reine, Mont Beuvray, Camp de Chassey, Solutré-Pouilly)
-IVe Congrès préhistorique de France, Cambéry, 1908 (Pierre-Châtel, Saint-Saturnin, Aiguebelette, Aix-les-Bains, Butte de Montjay, La Balme, Lac du Bourget)
-Ve Congrès préhistorique de France, Beauvais, 1909 (Trie-Château, Champignolles, Villers-Saint-Sépulcre, Champlieu, Sainte-Geneviève, Beauvais)
-XIVe Congrès d’Anthropologie et d’Archéologie préhistoriques, Genène, 1912 (small flint figures)

Prehistoric monument

United Kingdom
Prehistoric monuments
-Coria (Corbridge; Corstopitum) (objects)
-Arran, Shiskine
-Penrith, “Giant’s Grave”
-Aylesford pit Kent, Bennett Coll.

Objects in museums
-Colchester Corporation Museum (The Colchester Vase, British 1st and 2nd Century vessels)
-Glastonbury Bronze Bowl
-Oxford, Ashmolean Museum (Knossos, great store-jar and fresco-painting)

-Westminster Abbey, funerary wax effigies of British Kings and Queens

Petrie, (Lady) Hilda Mary Isabel

Copies of Petrie notebooks and tomb cards

Photocopies of excerpts from selected notebooks with notes on Petrie excavations, compiled by Petrie, J. E. Quibell and H. W. Price.
Microfiches of Petrie notebooks and tomb cards in the archive of the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College, London.

Photocopy of notebook 8 (Ballas)

Notebook 8, recording details of excavation at Ballas, tomb groups Q31a, Q32 and Q73-Q99, compiled by J. E. Quibell on behalf of Petrie. Photocopies of notebook cover and 47 notebook pages.

Quibell, James Edward

Hilda Mary Isabel Petrie Collection

  • Petrie, H. MSS
  • Colección
  • Probably early 1900s

Two albums. One labelled 'Scraps', which contains mainly photographs, only one of which shows Egypt (Pyramids and Great Sphinx at Gîza); the rest are British churches and historic buildings. The other album is labelled 'Post Card Album' and contains postcards showing French Prehistoric stone circles, megaliths, and chamber tombs, as well as excavations in progress.

Petrie, (Lady) Hilda Mary Isabel

John Phillips Slides Collection

  • Phillips MSS
  • Colección
  • Probably 1960s to early 1970s

2,500 slides (35 mm), taken in 1962 and 1963 at sites in Egypt and in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Folder containing typewritten and handwritten lists/catalogues.

Phillips, John

Piankoff, Alexandre - correspondence

8 letters from Piankoff, 6 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Piankoff.
Book exchange, Černý's work on ostraca, as well as personal matters.

Pinero, Enrique J. - correspondence

5 letters from Pinero, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý's secretary, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Pinero.
Correspondence with an Argentinian Egyptologist.

Pirenne, Jacques - correspondence

1 letter from Pirenne to Posener regarding Černý.
Pirenne wanting to consult Černý, and publication plans for Persian period donation stelae.

Arthur Ferdinand Rowley Platt Collection

  • Platt MSS
  • Colección
  • 1896

Ferdinand (Ferdy) Platt's correspondence relates to two excursions to Egypt, in 1896 and 1907-1908.

  • First group: eighteen letters and postcards, sent during Platt's first independent visit to Egypt in early 1896, when he initially travelled with a friend. Dating between 26 January and 19 April, the letters are addressed to Platt's mother and brother Erny. They record meeting Flinders Petrie and other notables.
  • Second group: thirty-one letters sent during Platt's second trip to Egypt in 1907-1908, when he accompanied the eighth Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, their relations Lord and Lady Gosford with their daughter Lady Theo, Sir Charles Cradock-Hartopp. Dating between 4 November 1907 and 8 February 1908, they are addressed to Platt's wife, Mabel (May). They record Platt's encounters with Winston Churchill, Alan Gardiner, James Quibell, George Reisner, Archibald Sayce and Arthur Weigall, among others. The letters also mention a meeting with Howard Carter when the latter was still earning a living as an artist, producing paintings for tourists; the letters provide important insights into Carter's life just before he began his partnership with Lord Carnarvon.

Arthur Ferdinand Rowley Platt

Plumley, J. Martin - correspondence

15 letters from Plumley, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Plumley.
Professional as well as personal matters:

  • Coptic studies
  • Plumley's publication, Plumley, J. M., An Introductory Coptic Grammar (Sahidic Dialect) (1948) (OEB 1487)
  • hieratic papyri research in Cambridge, of interest to Černý
  • Plumley's promotion.
  • personal and family matters of both correspondents
  • mutual visits
  • meetings

Poellnitz, F. - correspondence

1 letter from Poellnitz, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Barbara Sewell (Griffith Institute secretary), sent in Černý's absence.
Book exchange and a visit to Oxford by Poellnitz.

Polotsky, Hans Jacob - correspondence

7 letters from Polotsky, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý's secretary to Polotsky, sent in Černý's absence.
Professional as well personal matters:

  • linguistics
  • Coptic etymologies
  • travels of Polotsky and Černý
  • 1968, an oblique reference to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia

Pomorska, Irena - correspondence

1 letter from Pomorska.
Pomorska's research including topics for her thesis, interest in ostraca and finds from Deir el-Bahari (Deir el-Bahri).

Bertha Porter Collection

  • Porter MSS
  • Colección

Copies of some stelae in the British Museum. Within Sir A. H. Gardiner MSS Collection (esp. Gardiner MSS 27; see also Gardiner MSS 21).

Porter, Bertha

Posener, Georges - correspondence

110 letters from Posener, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Posener.
2 letters from Posener to Marie Černý.

  • renewal of the Deir el-Medina ostraca project after the Second World War (WWII)
  • Posener's publication plans, work on Kemit (later published as Posener, G., Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques littéraires de Deir el Médineh ii (Nos 1109 à 1167), (1951) & (1991) (OEB 3065))
  • Posener's research on execration figures, literary ostraca, translations of various texts
  • Černý's research on supposed consanguineous marriages in Egypt
  • book exchange and mutual help in obtaining rare volumes in Britain, Egypt and France
    Personal and family matters
  • some remarks on the situation in Czechoslovakia after the communist coup on 25 February 1948
    After Černý's death, Marie Černý consulted options for Černý's posthumous publications with Posener, especially the Late Egyptian grammar and the involvement of S. Groll in the grammar project.

Lord Prudhoe Collection

  • Prudhoe MSS
  • Colección
  • 1827-1829

Typescript of journals (1827-1829) and negatives of drawings, mainly of Upper Nubia by Major Felix (1828).

Prudhoe, Lord

Préaux, Claire - correspondence

6 letters from Preaux, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý's secretary to Préaux, sent in Černý's absence.
Appreciation of some of Černý's publications and intended publications (e.g. on ancient Egyptian religion); Préaux visited London several times during 1950 and met Černý on at least one occasion; social contact with other scholars resident in Belgium.

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