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4092 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques


Folder titled 'Fauna: Birds' containing a handbound folder titled 'Birds'. Folder includes notes on different species of bird including the crested ibis and the Egyptian vulture including drawings. Also includes cutting of a photograph of a mechanical bird trap and a list of Arabic names of birds.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Flora and Fauna 2'.


Folder titled 'Owls [and hieroglyphic and hieratic renderings]' containing a handbound notebook titled 'Owls'.


Notes on the owl

-Draft titled 'The owl as a hieroglyph' including tracings and drawings

-Tracing of a hoopoe

-Tracings of owls and cartouches wihich include an owl hieroglyph

-Rubbings of the 'Tehenu' or 'Libyan Palette' (Cairo Museum, CG 14238 and JE 27434)

-Card featuring a watercolour of an owl, 1910

-Notes on Buma

-Notes on the owl and Athena

-Draft titled 'The Owl as the bird of Death'

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Flora and Fauna 2'.

Dynasty I Pot marks, Cairo Museum

Folder titled 'Predynastic. History' although this has been crossed out containing another folder titled 'First Dynasty Potmarks - Cairo Museum'.

Loose material:
-Photographs of line drawings of predynastic objects from a publication
-Drawings of pot marks with Cairo Museum temporary register numbers

Folder titled 'First Dynasty Potmarks - Cairo Museum' includes:
-Notes on potters signs on pots
-Rubbings from pots at Cairo Museum with temporary register numbers

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Predynastic pots rubbings'.

Nome ensigns

Folder titled 'Drawings Ensigns' containing notes, correspondence, photographs, rubbings, tracings and drawings relating to nome ensigns or standards (also referred to as cult ensigns).

-Section of a draft and notes on the pomegranate tree and pomegranate ensign
-Photographs of boats on predynastic pottery and a rock drawing
-Letter from Newberry to Myrtle Broome relating to a seal of King Den in which he is harpooning and wrestling a hippopotamus published in Petrie, F., 'Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties II', Plate VII 5 and 6, (London, 1901) (OEB 147184), with enclosed tracing
-Tracings of boats from predynastic pottery with museum references
-Drawing, cutting and rubbings of a carved slate in the MacGregor collection resembling the 'Dogs Palette' published in Legge, F. 'A New Carved Slate', in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, p.87, (1906) (OEB 206093)
-Letter from Carroll R. Young, The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia relating to predynastic pottery that shows boats and standards, including list of relevant items from the Museum and sketch of jar (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, E1405), 12 July 1944
-Letter from William A. Ritchie, Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, New York, relating to a boat standard on a predynastic pot (Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, E15259) on loan from the University Museum, Philadelphia, with sketches, 18 July 1944
-Letter from John D. Cooney, Brooklyn Museum, New York with two enclosed photographs of predynastic vases featuring boats (Brooklyn Museum, 09.272; 07.144) and catalogue notes (letter refers to three photographs but only two with letter)
-Draft on an ensign on a small pot figured in Morgan, J. de, 'Recherches sur les Origines de l'Egypte', plate ix, no.3, (1896) (OEB 145678) and other similar examples which according to Newberry are inaccurate
-Notes and parts of drafts on the harpoon ensign and harpooners including handwritten draft titled 'The Harpoon Ensigns'
-Notes and part of a draft on variant forms of bows
-Notes on the pomegranate ensign

The back of the folder contains a large number of tracings and drawings of cult ensigns or standards, mostly copied from publications.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Predynastic pots - Cult ensigns'.

Titles and officials

Folder titled 'Titles' containing a paper folder and loose notes which appear to have been taken from several different notenooks. Contains notes on titles, officials and other positions of authority, and royal administration.

Envelope includes:
-Letter from Erik Iversen, 27 August 1947, to Newberry on the article: Dittmann, K.H., 'Zum Titel [Aa27 M3 Aa1 X1]', in <i>Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde</i>, 77, (1942) (OEB 138256), with draft responses and notes from Newberry
-Copy of inscription from door jamb from the tomb of Hetep-herenptah, 5 February 1928 (Cairo Museum, JE 15048)

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Titles'.

Crane Dance

Folder titled 'Crane Dance' containing notes, drafts, correspondence, tracings, cuttings and drawings relating to the Crane Dance.

Also includes:
-Postcard and card with pictures of cranes
-Letter from Battiscombe Gunn referring to an article by Newberry on the Crane Dance, 14 January 1938
-Versions of draft titled 'The Crane Dance in Ancient Egypt'
-Draft on cranes in Egypt, c.1940s
-Notes on Muu dancers
-Notes on the Muu head-dress
-Draft titled 'The Crane Dance'
-Letter from Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings to Essie Newberry on the Crane Dance with related extract enclosed from 'The Yearling', 29 March 1939
-Cuttings of scenes from the southern wall of the tomb TT15 Tetiky (TopBib i.26) taken from Carnavon, Carter et al, Five years' explorations at Thebes : a record of work done 1907-1911, (1912) (OEB 136376)
-Postcard with bas-relief from the tomb of Ankhafitka [Nenkheftka], Saqqara, in the Cairo Museum, CG 1533 [TopBib iii2.580(4)]
-Notes on the labyrinth, swastika and Dipylon geometric style

Also includes reference to the tomb of Sehetepibre (TopBib i.679) and the location of the Ramesseum papyri.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 1'.

Bees and bee-keeping

Folder titled 'Bees' containing notes, drafts, correspondence, tracings, drawings and cuttings relating to bees, bee-keeping and honey in ancient Egypt, including draft titled 'Bee-Keeping in Ancient Egypt' (written later than 1934 based on references).

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 1'.


Folder titled 'Games' although this has been crossed out. Contains notes, drafts, tracings, drawings and cuttings relating to games played in ancient Egypt and the boards used.

Notes include reference to NB [Notebook] 38.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 1'.

Architecture and buildings

Folder titled 'Architecture. Building' containing notes, tracings and drawings relating to architecture includings notes on tents and primitive Egyptian houses, construction of buildings and palaces, building methods and materials, building workers, styles of architecture e.g. columns and recessed brickwork.

Also includes photographs of Morrocan architecture.

There is also a paper folder attached to this folder containing a couple of pages of notes on columns.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 2'.

Architectural features including the lotus pattern and fluted columns

Folder titled 'Fluted columns' containing research material on architectural features including the lotus pattern and fluted columns.

-Letter from Eiddan Edwards referring to an article by him on early architectural features, 15 January 1949.
-Tracings, cuttings and drawings of lotus patterns
-Drawings of examples of floral headdresses
-Drawings of examples of column heads
-Notes on columns
-Notes on silphium and silphium columns

Also includes draft letter to Sir Edward Salisbury which refers to a short paper Newberry is writing up on the origin of the fluted columns of Egypt and Greece.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 2'.

Egyptian art

Folder titled 'Art. Painting Sculpture ' containing draft and notes on Egyptian art including tomb paintings and sculpture.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 2'.

Glass and glass manufacture

Folder titled 'Glaze-ware: Glass' containing notes, cuttings, drawings, tracings and correspondence relating to glazeware, glass, and glass manufacture.

-Small painting of a chalice of Tuthmosis III published in Newberry, Percy E., 'A Glass Chalice of Tuthmosis III' in <i>The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology</i>Vol. 6, No. 3 (Jul., 1920), pp. 155-160 (OEB 146363)
-Small painting of a translucent blue vase from the palace of Amenhotep III
-Newspaper clipping with the headline 'Chance Find Restores Beauty To The Portland Vase', c.1945-1949
-Newspaper clipping with the headline 'Silica-Glass From Libyan Desert - Specimens For Natural History Museum', 28 January 1935
-Reprint of Spencer, L.J., 'Two New Gem Stones', in <i>The Gemmologist</i>, November 1933
-Typescript on the history of Oriental Faiences by the Kalebdjian Frères
-Cutting of review by Newberry of Hayes, William C., <i>Glazed Tiles from a Palace of Ramesses II at Kanfir</i>, (New York, 1937) in <i>Journal of Egyptian Archaeology</i>, Vol.25, June 1939
-Letter from Harry Powell, Whitefriars Glassworks, on early Egyptian glass manufacture, 12 April 1907
-Draft on glass manufacture in Egypt

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 2'.

Painting of a chalice

Small painting of a chalice of Tuthmosis III published in Newberry, Percy E., 'A Glass Chalice of Tuthmosis III' in The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Vol. 6, No. 3 (Jul., 1920), pp. 155-160 (OEB 146363).


Folder titled 'Glass' containing material relating to the manufacture and use of glass in ancient Egypt. Includes notes on glass, ceramics, faience. glass manufacture, cutting glass, and enamelling. Also includes drawings and cuttings of vases, beads and other glass objects.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 2'.

The sistrum

Folder titled 'Sistra' containing notes, correspondence, tracings, drawings and cuttings relating to the sistrum.

-Copy of inscriptions on block statue of Espekashuti (Cairo Museum, CG 42232) found in the Karnak Cachette (TopBib ii.149)
-Letter from Ernest Thomas, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, relating to the interpretation of a monogram in Beni Hasan III, 5 April 1932
-Extract from a letter from Major MacPherson, Cairo, to E. E. Evans-Pritchard relating to the sistrum, 26 November 1935
-Letter to Charles Seligman relating to the sistrum with tracing, 22 September 1934
-Response from Charles Seligman to the letter above relating to the sistrum, 25th September 1934

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 3'.

The was sceptre

Folder titled 'w3s-sceptre' containing notes, draft, tracings and drawings relating to the w3s or was sceptre. Includes photograph of a statue of a nome triad: King, Hathor Mistress-of-the-Sycamore and Theban nome-god (Cairo Museum, JE 40678) from the pyramid complex of Menkaure (TopBib iii.28)

Also includes drafts of Newberry, P.E. 'The [was] Sceptre', in Studi in memoria di Ippolito Rosellini, Volume I, pp.269-72, (1949) (OEB 2130).

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 3'.

Cuttings of predynastic ivory carvings

Folder titled 'Predynastic Ivory Carvings' containing cuttings of carved ivory objects from predynastic Egypt.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 3'.


Folder titled 'Army: Weapons' containing notes and cuttings relating to weapons used by ancient Egyptians in war.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 3'.

Oils, unguents and vases

Folder titled 'Unguents and vases' containing a notebook and loose notes, cuttings, tracing and drawings relating to unguents and oils.

Notebook titled 'Oils. Unguents Cosmetics' and numbered 1 includes an inside the front cover and contains notes on oils, unguents, and their uses including annointing and use on the body and hair.

Folder includes:
-Offprint of Spiegelberg, Von Wilhelm, 'Die Gruppe [hkr nswt]', in <i>Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde</i>, Volume 34, 1896 (OEB 150751)
-Cutting of photograph of inscription from tomb TT55 Ramosi showing three girls with sistrum and <i>menats</i> before deceased and wife (TopBib i.109(9))
-Notes and draft on alabaster vases
-Draft and notes on the kheker sign and associated title which translates as favourite of the King
-Tracings of variants of the kheker sign
-Notes and draft relating to <i>nwdw</i> seeds and oil
-Draft on cones of fat
-Tracings from Davies, Norman de Garis, <i>The tomb of Rekh-mi-Rē at Thebes : Volume II</i>, 1943 (OEB 137925), showing the use of oil
-Cutting of a photograph of a false door of Nenkheftka (Cairo Museum, CG 1484) (TopBib iii2.581(6))
-Tracings showing examples of cones of fat on the head

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 4'.


Folder titled 'Palettes' containing notes and versions of draft on the Libyan or Tehenu Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14238) including the cities depicted such as 'Owl city'.

Includes notebook containing handwritten draft titled 'The Cairo Schist Palette No 14238' also known as the Tehenu or Libyan Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14328).

Also includes notes on the Narmer Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14716), the ivory cylinder found at Hieraconpolis with Narmer depicted as a catfish striking his Libyan enemies [Ashmolean Museum, E.3915] and the 'Hunters Palette' (Louvre Museum, E11254 and British Museum, EA 20790).

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 4'.

Royal titulary

Folder titled 'Royal Titulary' containing notes and drafts on royal titulary including the Horus title.

Harris description:
Notes and refs. On royal titles: the title the Smsw-Hr, the Vulture Goddess Nhbyt, the Griffon Vulture, the titles Noty Osiris priesthood. Coronation of Hatshepsut (copy). The Predecessors of Menes. The union of Upper and Lower Egypt, The royal titulary, etc. Notes on thnw and thn.t. (Transfer to G.XIII] Aiguptos - A derivation and some suggestions: a note on the origin of the name Egypt.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 4'.

Bird cults

Folder titled 'Bird Cults' including notes on the pheonix, 'Ba', njw bird, and bennu bird.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

The soul

Folder titled 'Souls. Totemism' although 'Totemism' has been crossed out. Includes notes on the soul, the after life, and Thoth. Also includes handwritten draft titled 'The Sacred Ibis'.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

The god i3ks

Folder titled 'The god i3?s' including notes on i3?s, the scorpion macehead (Ashmolean Museum, AN1896-1908.E3632), the cuirass or leather garment worn by early kings of Egypt, and leather working. Also includes drafts of a letter to Alan Gardiner, c.1946, and a draft titled 'The shepherd's crook'.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

The Sed festival

Folder titled 'Heb-Sed' containing notes, drawings and cuttings relating to the Sed festival and related ceremonies.

-Newspaper cutting titled 'Think Heb Sed Feast is King's Remarriage - Professor Newberry Argues That it Coincides With Discarding of Old Wives for New', New York Times, 1923
-Two letters from Battiscombe Gunn relating to the Sed festival, one dated 26 May 1920
-Cutting from publication of an image titled 'The canonisation of Joan of Arc: The Pope leaving the Vatican for St. Peter's in the sedia gestatoria under a baldaquin, with two flabella (ceremonial fans) behind, 29 May 1920
-Notes on records of Sed festivals
-Notes on rules which regulated the right to the throne
-Two notebooks containing notes on the Sed festival, one with the number 4 on the front (notebooks no longer contain many pages)
-Notes and drawings from Naville, E., The Festival-Hall of Osorkon II in the great Temple of Bubastis (1887-1889), (London, 1892) (OEB 146149) referred to by Newberry as 'NFH'
-Notes titled 'The Succession to the Kingdom in Ancient Egypt'
-Text of a lecture on the Sed festival

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

Min, Amun and Horus

Folder titled 'Horus' containing research material relating to Min, Amun and Horus which has been sorted into three paper wallets.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

Osiris, Dionysus and Isis

Folder titled 'Osiris. Isis' containing notes on Osiris, the Djed pillar, Dionysus and Isis.

-Notes and drawings on the Djed pillar
-Notes on the tomb of Osiris and identification of the tree beside it
-Notes on trees including the cedar and cypress
-Notes on places associated with Osiris
-Notes on the false beard
-Notes on Dionysus in envelope numbered 54
-Notes on Isis
-Notes on priesthood and titles of Osiris
-Letter (which appears to have been added to this folder during archival processing) from Augustine Henry, Professor of Forestry, Royal College of Science Dublin, 26 October 1915, relating to the following reference in Frazer, J.G., Adonis, Attis, Osiris: Studies in the History of Oriental Religion, Volume 2, (1914) (OEB 8394):

'In a letter to me (dated 8th December, 1910) my colleague Professor P.E. Newberry tells me that he believes Osiris to have been originally a cedar-tree god imported into Egypt from the Lebanon, and he regards the ded pillar as a lopped cedar-tree. The flail, as a symbol of Osiris, he believes to be the instrument used to collect incense. A similar flail is used by peasants in Crete to extract the ladanum gum from the shrubs. See P. de Tournefort, Relation d'un Voyage du Levant (Amsterdam, 1718), i9, with the plate. For this reference I am indebted to Professor Newberry.'

Notes include reference to NB [Notebook] 29, NB 1 and NB 38.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

The pig and Seth

Folder titled 'The Pig and Seth' containing research material relating to Newberry, J.E., 'The Pig and the Cult-Animal of Set' in The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 14, No. 3/4 (Nov., 1928), pp. 211-225 (OEB 146390). Includes offprint of the article with handwritten annotations. Also includes corresponce from Alan Gardiner, Herbert Winlock and Harold Nelson, 1909-1926.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 2'.

Khonsu, Nekhbet and Wadjet

Folder titled 'Khonsu, Nekhebet, [G15], [M13]' containing material sorted into three paper folders:
-Notes on Nekhbet
-Notes on the symbol of a papyrus stalk or stem [M13], Buto and Wadjet
-Notes on Khonsu and the King's placenta

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 2'.

Résultats 5791 à 5820 sur 8677