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Griffith Notebook Kum Afrin

Notes by Griffith on the archaeology of Kôm Firîn of [401-690] & Kôm el-Ḥiṣn of [TopBib 401-700].

Kôm el-Ḥiṣn [TopBib 401-700]:
-Front Cover: Contents page of notebook with erasures where leaves were removed.
-Description of places and their locations relative to Naucratis (several sites of which listed in the publication).
-p1: Copy of inscription on “sandstone ? apparently of Rameses”, left side (not in publication). Sketch of inscription from front of the throne between the figures.
-List of various place names, presumably from the surrounding area, and description of “Ramsys”. Statue of Rameses labelled I in pl xxiv.
-p2: Sketch of the left side of a seated statue of Rameses (labelled I in pl xxiv) and accompanying note; “Right side similar but throne name in upper cartouche”.
-p3: Measurements of, presumably, the left side of the seated statue of Rameses (labelled I in pl xxiv).
-p4: Sketch of inscription “on back” of the seated statue of Rameses (labelled I in pl xxiv).
-p5: Note concerning the removal of a [great] stone by Effendi 6 years previously; “Canopus Decree”.
-p6: Sketch and measurements concerning the “quartzite groups”, statue of Rameses (labelled II in pl xxiv).
-p7: Note concerning inscription “on back” of the aforementioned statue (II in pl xxiv) with the conclusion; “so evidently a statue of Hathor at the side”.
-p8: Notes concerning; No.3 granite statue (labelled III in pl xxiv) “standing holding inscribed staff”. Sketch of inscription “on back pilaster” (not in publication).
-p9: Sketch of two columns of inscription from right side of No.3 granite statue (labelled III in pl xxiv) (one not in publication).
-p10: Notes concerning location of No.4 sandstone with respect to No.3 and No.1 and No.2 proximity to the pylon.

-p11: Basic sketch of the Tell.
-p12: Sketch of pylon with notes on measurements of the pylon and the bricks of which it was constructed.
-p13: Basic sketch of settlement/site locations.
-p14: Notes and sketch of a column inside the mosque of Gebâris (site 17. of publication) and notes on further granite columns inside the dome (not in publication).
-p15: Blank sketch of column/lintel(?).
-p16: Notes concerning; Zemrân el Kom (site 7. of pulibcation; Kûm Zemrân) and limestone slab at entrance from sebil to mosque and granite column bearing the names of Rameses.
-Notes concerning; limestone and marble fragments, but no granite, from Zanyet Mesallim (site 10. Zanuyet Mesallem of publication).
-Notes concerning; Bueqa (site 3. Biyûqa of publication), Tut (site 2. Ṭût of publication), Besûme (site 1. Besûm of publication), Khême (site 4. H̱ême of publication) and Abu Semadheh (site 5. Abû-Samadheh of publication).
-p18: Sketch of inscription from “back of sandstone statue” (labelled III in pl xxiv).

Griffith Notebook "Gamaiyemi and Nebesha, 1885-6"

Notes by Griffith on the archaeology of Nabesha (Tell Farꜥun) [TopBib 401-150] & Tell Gumaiyima [TopBib 401-160]:

-Front Cover: Contents page of notebook.
-p1: Erased notes concerning tombs(?). Sketch, with scale, of SW corner “foundation deposit” (as labelled in contents) detailing platters, plaques and short and long pots (from Temple of Aahmes).
-p2: Sketch map locating Tell Faraûn, Gamaiyemi, a central “stone tomb” on the southern mound of Zuwelên, the northern mound of Zuwelên and Tell Sân.
-p3: Detail sketch map of southern mound of Zuwelên detailing stone tomb of 26th Dynasty on the SE end of the mound, and labelling 300 yards of tombs.
-p4-6: Southern mound of Zuwelên. Notes and calculations concerning tombs (presumably from southern mound of Zuwelên).

Gumaîyima [TopBib 401-160]
Gumaîyima. SE Enclosure.
-p8-9: Detailed sketch map of the SE enclosure (Temenos) with measurements, matching publication.
-p10-11: Sketch map locating find spots of artefacts (in Temenos) with reference to a “NE find point”. e.g. Ptah and Osiris figures (noted on page 16 also).
-p12: Notes and calculations concerning workmen(?).
-p13: Sketch, with scale, of NW corner “foundation deposit” (as labelled in contents) (presumably from Temenos). Reference at top of page to “14 pages on” (i.e. page 27).
-p14: Notes and calculations concerning workmen(?).
-p15: 1st March. Notes concerning discovery of fragments of mosaic within the enclosure, a portion still in situ with bronzes at side. Accompanying sketch of bronzes. Notes concerning limestone chips beneath two kneeling royal statues, various fragments of bronze hooks and other mosaic fragments.
-2nd March. Note concerning the discovery of the foundation of a pillar during work on the East wall.
-p16: Dairy notes concerning Tuesday 2; bronzes at NE corner (of Temple).
-Dairy notes concerning Wednesday 3; copying inscriptions from basalt sarcophagus in “great tomb”, and similar sarcophagus in “great limestone tomb on N side.”; Foundation deposit in SE corner of centre chamber and mosaic in NE; Ptah Osiris and hinge found at NE corner of enclosure (Temenos).
-Dairy notes concerning Thursday 4; work at Zuwelên south tracing mosaic; foundation deposits in gateway foundation as at Nabêsha; artefacts: two porcelain plaques, mortar, grindstones; NW apparently broken up; SW corner deposit scattered; artefacts: two plaques, grindstone and broken mortar.

Nabêsha (Tell Farꜥûn) [TopBib 401-150] & Gumaîyima [TopBib 401-160]
-p17: Dairy notes concerning Friday 5; excavation of square at south Gamaiyemi of “late Roman?”; work no south wall producing several moulds “(for glass?)” in limestone; bronze portion of headdress from SE corner; four long bronze rods; glass mosaic hawk.
-Dairy notes concerning Saturday 6; return to Nebesheh and arrival of Petrie.
-Dairy notes concerning Sunday 7; returned to Gamaiyemi with Petrie.
-p18-19: Notes concerning tomb measurements (some numbered).

Gumaîyima [TopBib 401-160]
-p20: Sketch, with measurements, and notes concerning “Gateway Gemaiyemi” on the west wall of the Temenos; Brick wall plastered. Foundation deposits in NE, SE, SW corners much disturbed. NW wall broke away.
-p21: Diary notes concerning Monday 8; work halted by midday due to wind and sand; bronze (?) found in NE chambers with a “rough Bes (Roman)” (presumably from chamber between the central building and the S enclosure wall referenced in publication).
-Diary notes concerning Tuesday 9; finds of various plaster “limestone(?)” moulds for glass in S central chambers, a “pair of seals?”, poor plaster casts in a heap in centre E and SW corner; deposit of (?), no grindstones, two stones coloured green(?).
-Diary notes concerning Wednesday 10; NW corner finds; grindstones, plaques, number of fine glass hieroglyphs found in limestone rubbish (presumably from chamber between the central building and the S enclosure wall referenced in publication).
-p22: Notes and calculations concerning workmen and pay(?).
-p23: Diary notes concerning Thursday 11; excavation of NE corner and wall itself, with finds; glass fragments, bronze hooks (found in filling) – deepest object yet found.
-p24: Notes and calculations concerning workmen and pay(?).
Sketch of “central deposit” with measurements of group of five platters (sketch of six platters [plates] crossed-through).
-p26: List of workmen.
-p27: Sketch in greater detail of NW corner “foundation deposit” (Temenos and Temple). Objects located on sketch are referenced in notes with letters; small, short and long platters, “socketed fas”, plaques (deposited beneath the large platters).
-Reference at top of page to “14 pages back” (i.e. page 13).
-p30: Sketch and orientation of four bronze rods and “eagle” of mosaic found in a shallow trench through surface rubbish. Deposit of beads also sketched. Note concerning rings of yellow crystalline(?) molten(?) (silver?) at intervals of 1½” along the rods (publication references blue porcelain rings).
-p31: 3D(?) reconstruction(?) sketch of bronze rods complete with rings (panels having perished).
-p32: Sketch of W wall with notes and measurements concerning the thickness of the “wall deposit”, size of bricks, and layering of sand between bricks (presumably relevant to notes on West wall of “Temple of Uarti” in plate xiv).
-p33: Notes concerning find of limestone blocks, with measurements.
-p34-45: Calculations concerning workmen’s pay.
-p46: Pay calculations concerning a workman and notes and calculations concerning postage.

Nabêsha (Tell Farꜥûn) [TopBib 401-150] & Gumaîyima [TopBib 401-160]
-p51 [facing]: Sketch map, with orientation, showing location of tombs in relation to “enclosure Gemaiyemi”(?) (central point on sketch map).

Historical Notes
-p51: Two leaves removed prior to renumbering of page 51, at least three containing lecture notes(?).
-Page of lecture notes(?) concerning “great Rameses who at the end of a severe campaign in the (?) of Syria concluded a treaty with the Hittites married the daughter of the ruler and abandoning the policy of his predecessors” and the relationship of the Hyksos to the Hittites. Discussion of a Hittite inscription which will provide a link between “the great Empire of Asia and of Africa”.

Gumaîyima [TopBib 401-160]
-p52-53: Location sketch of Temple within Temenos with scale and overlaid grid.
-NW, SW and SE corner deposits marked with depth noted, no deposit in NE corner.
-Shallow pit located as well as “fragments of sculpture trial pieces” in SW proximity.
-NE area contains locations of; “Roman rubbish”, “Isis(?)”, bronze (?), queen with (?).
-SE area contains locations of; plaster figures, large jar, “2 stools(?)”, glass fragments.
-p55: Four preceding leaves removed, at least three of which contained what were presumably lecture notes as before (must have been ripped out prior to continuing notes as the next sequential page is renumbered accordingly).
-Sketch of rectangular structure(?) with measurements and accompanying calculations.
-p62-65: Lists of workmen and accompanying pay calculations.

Nabêsha (Tell Farꜥûn) [TopBib 401-150]
Nabêsha (Tell Faraûn) Temenos.
-p67: Sketch with accompanying notes of inscription of the west door jamb of the “Shrine of Uati” within Temple of Aahmes in the Temenos. Comments about the inscription; “fine shallow cutting” and measurements of the length of signs.

-p68-97: Lists of workmen and accompanying pay calculations.

-p98: Location map with orientation and approximate distances between Gemaiyemi, tombs far south of and around Zuwelên and the San in the north in relation to Zuwelên (central location of map).
-p99: Location map with undefined central point referencing “small town mound” to the NW and “tombs” as well as “opened tombs” to the W and SW, with approximate scale.

-p100: Notes and calculations concerning; “Cases of Antiquities”, “uninscribed or rough shabti”, and miscellaneous calculations.

-Back Cover: List of workmen and accompanying pay calculations for Gemaiyemi.

Griffith Notebook "Gamaiyemi and Nebesha, 1885-6"

Notes by Griffith on the archaeology of Nabesha (Tell el-Farʿun) [TopBib 401-150]:

-p. 1-3: List of tombs (numbered 1 to 50) with one line descriptions.
-p. 4-5: Plans of structures with detail of bricked-archway.
-p. 6: Small Temple of Amasis. Sketches of blocks of stela dedicated to Min from Temple of Amasis with accompanying notes.
-p. 7: Temple of Goddess Buto. Sketch of granite column and of text from column of Merneptah.
-p. 8-9: Sketch of gateway with accompanying note.
-p. 10-11: Temple of Goddess Buto. Sketch of inscribed limestone block (of Ramses III) built into pavement of the gateway.
-p. 12: Cemetery, Tomb 77, a. Dyn. XXVI. Sketch of inscription from basalt sarcophagus of Psamthek, Dyn. XXVI.
-p. 13: Sketch of figures from sarcophagus of Psamethek, probably Dyn. XXVI.
-p. 14: Sketches of pots and the layout of an inscription.
-p. 15: Sketches of pottery assemblage found in a foundation deposit of the building in the cemetery.
-p. 16: Cemetery. Tomb 77, b, c. Dyn. XXVI. ‘out of order’ sketches of inscription from “side” of limestone sarcophagus of Psammethek-menkh-ib, Dyn. XXVI.
-p. 17: Cemetery. Tomb 77, b, c. Dyn. XXVI. Sketches of inscription from “side” of sarcophagus of Psammethek-menkh-ib, Dyn. XXVI.
-p. 18: Cemetery. Tomb 77, b, c. Dyn. XXVI. Sketches of inscription from “body” of sarcophagus of Psammethek-menkh-ib, Dyn. XXVI.
-p. 19: Cemetery. Tomb 77, b, c. Dyn. XXVI. Sketches of inscription from “back” of sarcophagus of Psammethek-menkh-ib, Dyn. XXVI.
-p. 20: Cemetery. Tomb 42. Dyn. XXVI. Sketch of inscription from lid of sarcophagus of Pedamun (incorrectly labelled #49).
-p. 21 [facing]: Cemetery. Tomb 42. Dyn. XXVI. (presumably). Sketch of sarcophagus outer case and capstone cross-section with measurements and notes respectively.
-p. 21: Sketch of “quad tomb on NB” with “inexact measurements”.
-p. 22: Sketch “on cover of sarcophagus”.

-p. 72: Notes regarding funerary objects found in rubbish on the South side of (?). Sketch of pottery assemblage, and accompanying notes and list, found in NW corner foundation deposits (presumably of the building of the cemetery).
-p. 73: Sketch of assemblage and list of plaques from the SE corner foundation deposits (presumably of the building of the cemetery).
-p. 74: Sketch of assemblage and list of plaques from the SW corner foundation deposits (presumably of the building of the cemetery).

-p. 86: Notes relating to the “great tomb” of Amun Qeniat Amun (?), possibly Dyn. XX.

-p. 95: Notes describing gilded and inlaid artefacts.
-p. 96: List of squeezes: 30 (temple gateway), 32 (standard of Amonis), 33 (basalt sarcophagus of Psamtek), 34 (limestone sarcophagus of Psamtekh-menkh-ib[?]).
-p. 97: Sketch of inscription (?).
-p. 98: Note concerning the Euphrates-Tigris and Nile.
-p. 99-100: Notes in Arabic and calculations.
-Back Cover: Notes describing; purchase of artefacts, a building, and location of artefact found there.

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