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Demotic texts from Hammamat

Demotic texts from Hammamat traced from Plate V (nos. 8, 9, 10) in Saulcy, F. de, 'Lettre à M. Letronne sur les actes d'adoration, ou proscynèmes, rédigés en langue égyptienne et tracés en écriture démotique', in Revue archéologique 1 (1844), 735-747, 785-809 (OEB 149298).

Hand-copies of demotic ostraca from Petrie in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum; some with transliterations by Griffith

Hand-copies of demotic ostraca from Petrie in Oxford,Ashmolean Museum; some with transliteration by Griffith.
Demotic Ostraca 19, 240, 263, 266, 270-2, 283-4, 325, 362, 387, 391, 396, 401, 405, 488, 517, 543, 545, 559, 593, 600, 647, one in unnumbered Tray B, and 2 not identified.
The group includes a postcard from Petrie to Griffith dated 13/08/1900.

Turin Demotic Papyri; transliterations and translations

  • 1-2: Papyrus 2122 (with hand-copy of verso) and transliteration and hand-copies of witnesses on the verso of three unidentified papyri.
  • 3-4: Papyri 2124, 2125 (with hand-copy of verso).
  • 5-6: Papyri 2126 (with hand copy of verso) and 2127(?).
  • 7: Transcription of Colin Campbell fragments.

Letter from Spiegelberg

Letter from Spiegelberg (March 1925) with photograph of ostracon, Roman Period, in Munich, together with transliteration. Notes by Griffith and Thompson.

Spiegelberg, Wilhelm

Resultados 4741 a 4770 de 8675