3531 Treffer anzeigen

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3531 Treffer mit digitalen Objekten Treffer mit digitalen Objekten anzeigen

Page 19

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.72 Black granite baboon Fuamerth high priest of Amen offering to Tehuti, on pectoral.
-K.72 [sic = K.73] Red granite stele (about 1 ton) 29th yr of Ramessu III
-K.74 Upper part of stele, limestone. Isit, daughter of Ramessu IV & queen Nubkhesdeb, offering to Haremkhuti & Osiris.
-K.75 Princess Isit (from above)

Page 20

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.76 Wall scene of Ptolemy I. Soter.
-K.77-80 Black basalt inscription of Senushepses [T22A-nw:nw:nw-A17-A51A-s] majordome of Arsinoe queen of Philadelphos, high official & rebuilder of the temple of Koptos. 110 cuits long. 40 wide. 15 high.

Page 21

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.82 Foundation deposit of Ptolemaic temple. [Gilt limestone, Silvered wood Copper Lead various glasses Ores Pitch Vases.]
-K.81 Piece of statue of Ptolemy III
-K.83-4 Ptolemaic statue in sandstone. Found at back of great temenos.

Page 22

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.85-6 Lion's head spout sandstone. From Ptolemaic temple.
-K.87-8 Side chamber in Roman pylon to temple of Isis.

Page 23

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.89 Offerers on Roman pylon
-K.90 Head of Isis, or queen.
-K.91 Piece of capital, Roman.
-K.92 Piece of column, Roman.

Page 24

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.93 Model tank with steps. Many such were found in the temple.
-K.94 Ptolemaic chapel near S. gate
-K.101 Detail of K 100.
-K.95 Interior shrine of chapel.

Page 25

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.97 Inner E side of chapel
-K.96 E side door of chapel
-K.98 Inner W. side of chapel
-K.99 W side of door of chapel

Page 28

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.109 Stele, temp. Tiberius.
-K.110 Hieroglyphic & demotic stele. Shewing two Min statues, one in shrine.
-K. 111 Osiris tablet. Roman age. Found in a chapel on S. of temenos, built by Aahmes II, restored in Roman age.
-K.112 Altar of M. Aurelius Bēlkabos standard bearer of the Palmyrene archers. Caracalla.

Page 29

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.113 Colossal red granite head of Caracalla
-K.114-6 Limestone stele of the customs dues imposed at Koptos on arrivals from the Red Sea. Under Lucius Antistius Asiaticus, eparch. [K.116 Reversed]
-K.115 Grenfell taking a squeeze.
-K.116 Reversed

Page 29b

-Giza Museum.
-Handwritten by W. M. Flinders Petrie.
-'Photographs from the Ghizeh Museum'
-'This museum is not only shamefully perilous, in view of a fire occurring, but it is also altogether unsuitable for a collection. There is but one hall where any top light can be obtained for sculpture; and everywhere else side lights, often of most inappropriate kinds, make it difficult to see sculptures, & almost hopeless to photograph them. The insecurity of the cases makes it needful to keep them screwed up & pad locked, so that it is very troublesome to open any case.
-These photographs are very far from being what they should be; but their defects are largely due to the miserable light, & the need of frequently photographing through glass cases.
-I have to thank the curator, Brugsch Bey, for granting me permission to photograph whatever I desired. These were done in the course of three days.'

Page 30

-Giza Museum.
-501 Primitive granite statue Memphis (catalogue No 1.)
-502 Head of Hesi (cat. 2)
-503 Head of Hesi. (catalogue 2)
-504 Head of Hesi.

Page 31

-Giza Museum.
-505 Detail of panel of Hesi.
-506 Painting of geese Medum. (cat. 3) (under glass)
-507 Fresco of geese. Medum.
-508 Fresco of geese (cat. 3)

Page 32

-Giza Museum.
-509 Sam of throne of Khafra. (cat. 64)
-510 Sam on throne of Khafra (cat. 64)
-511 Sam on throne of basalt Khafra. (cat 42)
-512 Sam on throne of basalt Khafra. (cat 46)

Page 33

-Giza Museum.
-513 Wife of the "Wooden Man" (cat 35)
-514 Statue of Menkaura: (diorite) (cat 40)
-515 Statue of Userenra red granite (cat 39)
-517 Part of alabaster vase of Pepy / Alabaster cup of Merenra (cat 58) (in glass case)

Page 34

-Giza Museum.
-519-520 Granite statue of Sedenmat. (Cat. 76)
-521-2 Granite statue of the dd-mer Maa-nefer [E17-K1:N36-U1-F35-f:r]. (not in catalogue, old no. 926.)

Page 35

-Giza Museum.
-523-4 Nameless statue of limestone, remarkable for detail of shoulders. Salle 2
-525-6 Statue of Anskha (circumcised) [D35-s-M12-H8-A]. Cat. 20.

Page 36

-Giza Museum.
-527-8 Statue of a scribe found in 1893 at Sakkara. (in glass case)
-529-30 Kneeling figure. (cat. 89) (in glass case)

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-Giza Museum.
-531-2 Statue of Ata [i-t-i]. (not in cat. old no. 6944)
-533 Two statues. Salle 7
-534 Corn grinder. Salle 7 (in glass case)

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-Giza Museum.
-535 Seated figure, found 1893. (in glass case)
-536 Statue of Atep. (cat. 21) [i-t:p]
-537 Group of family - Salle 2 - man [h-t:n-A50A-s-i] wife [O10-n:D28-D28:D28] boy [R11-A50A-A50A-p-w-A]
-538 Head of Ptahshepses. Salle 2.

Page 39

-Giza Museum.
-539 Nameless granite statue. Salle 39
-540 Small hard stone statue. (old nos 516 3911) (in glass case)
-541 Statue of Nefert nef. [F35-r-t:n:f]
-542 Figure of Apa [i-p-i], with open work. (cat 82)

Page 40

-Giza Museum.
-543 Stela of [H-w-O7-O7-U33] and [k:t-i-s-n]. Salle 2
-544 Hotepheres [R4:(t*p)-Hr:r-s] & Ahat her daur. Ahat [i-H-A-t] & Sitmert [G39&t-U6-r:t] (Cat 23)
-545 Heknu and Ata performing. Stele of Ahat. (Cat 23)
-546 Lower part of stela of Shery [S:r-i-i] (rest of tomb at Florence & Oxford) (Cat.13)

Page 41

-Giza Museum.
-547 Uaset.ankh [M13-t-S34] Salle 2
-548 Boatmen (under No 93 cat.)
-549 Fight of boatmen. (Cat. 94)
-550 Man seized by baboon. (over 93 cat.)

Page 42

-Giza Museum.
-551 Sculptors (cat. 83)
-553 Stele of [i-d-A17-i-i] (old no. 6963).
-554 Stele of Neternefer. [R8-F35-f:r]. (cat 63)
-555 Altar with sculpture of tank in which is the depth of water stated for different seasons. Inscriptions in tank [1-1-.-1-1-1-.-10-10-.-?-Aa19-t-?-M8F(?) / 1-1-1-.-10-10-.-?-Aa19-t-r-? / 1-1-.-10-10-.-?-Aa19-t-n-?]

Page 43

-Giza Museum.
-556 Carved wooden head. (Cat 908) called "Saitic", but pobably XII dyn. (in glass case)
-557 Black stone bowl with figures in boat. (in glass case) Salle 70
-558 Mummy of Ament priestess of Hathor, with original bead necklace. (in glass case) (Cat 115) She has original tattoo lines across the stomach, like a modern Sudanic.
-559 Remains of the stele of king Antef & dogs. (Cat 112)

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-Giza Museum.
-560 Nefert, queen of Usertesen II. (cat 122)
-561 Nefert. broken statue (cat. 122)
-562 Nefert: broken statue. (cat. 122)
-563 Sphinx of Sebekhotep III, & statues of XII dyn. (cat. 144)

Page 45

-Giza Museum.
-566 Head of "Hyksos" from Bubastis (cat 124)
-565 Head of "Hysos" Bubastis (cat. 124)
-567-8 Granite statue from Medinet Fayum. "Hyksos". cat. 137.

Page 46

-Giza Museum.
-569 Group of heads of "Hyksos" type. Tanis. (cat. 138)
-564 Stele painted & partly engraved. Salle 25
-571 Painted limestone, Amenhotep I (under glass) (cat. 538)
-572. Fragment of stele, Amenhotep I. cat 693. (in glass case)

Page 47

-Giza Museum.
-573 Enigmatical inscription of Tahutmes I. (cat 159)
-574 Queen of Pun (cat 236) (now placed about 7 feet high)
-575 Trial piece of Tahutmes III. &c. Salle 55
-576 Colossal red granite head. Court 26.

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