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Kelekian Collection of cylinders, scarabs and seals

Tracings, rubbings and drawings of seals and scarabs, possibly all from the Kelekian Collection sold to Brooklyn Museum.

Also includes:

-Receipt signed by John D. Cooney, Brooklyn Museum, for the Kelekian Collection of cylinders, scarabs and seals, 12 July 1944

-Draft letter from Newberry to Dikran Kelekian relating to his collection of cylinders, scarabs and seals and describing his contribution to the war effort, c.1945

-Letter from John D. Cooney relating to the Lieder catalogue and Kelekian Collection of cylinders, scarabs and seals, 21 June 1944

-Letter from Dikran Kelekian relating to his collections and asking after Newberry's health, 17 May 1941

-Letter from Dikran Kelekian relating to his collection of cylinders, scarabs and seals, 12 June 1944

-Letter from John D. Cooney arranging to collect the Kelekian Collection, 9 July 1944

Research material on scarabs

Research material on scarabs including notes, cuttings, drawings and correspondence.

-Copy of inscriptions from scarabs in King Fuad's collection
-Letter from Flinders Petrie with postscript by Hilda Petrie relating to inscriptions on a scarab and cylinder seal, 5 December 1902
-Letter from Service des Antiquities, Karnak, relating to two scarabs, with drawings, 11 May 1903 (in French)
-One page of notes on the Fraser collection
-Notes on scarabs from Cyprus and and two letters from Einar Gjerstad on scarabs excavated by the Swedish Expedition in Cyprus, 12 January 1930-1 July 1931 to be deciphered by Newberry
-Letters from Arthur Evans and Claude Frédéric-Armand Schaeffer asking Newberry to look at scarabs excavated by Schaeffer at Ras Shamra, 21-25 August 1937
-Notes and drawings of scarabs excavated by Claude Schaeffer at Ras Shamra, 1937
-Two letter from John Garstang relating to scarabs, 3-21 Novemeber 1934 with response to the first letter from Newberry 7 November 1934
-Letter from John Garstang relating to the impression of a scarab in a jar handle, 19 December 1931
-Photographs of scarabs referred to by John Garstang in his correspondence
-Photographs of scarabs from the 25th and 26th Dynasties (C4724 and C4726, Hellenic Society Library Slide Collection listed in 'Accessions to the Catalogue of Slides', in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 50, Part 2 (1930), pp. xc-c)
-Photographs of scarabs, one of which has been identified during previous archival processing as being from the Vatican Museum
-Envelope labelled '(Enlarged 2 diams.) - J.A. Spranger his scarab' containing three photographs of a scarab
-Letter from Arthur Edward Pearse Broome Weigall relating to scarabs, 30 June 1901
-Pages from a notebook containing drawings of scarabs from Athens
-Letter from William Badè, Palestine Institute of the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California, relating to scarabs with two enclosed photographs, 26 September 1930.

Research material on cylinder seals

Research material relating to cylinder seals. Includes drawings, tracings, rubbings and cuttings of pictures of cylinder seals or fragments of cylinder seals, with references to publications and museum objects.


-Letter sent to Newberry from the Metropolitan Museum of Art relating to impressions of cylinder seals requested by Newberry, 26 May 1914

-Drafts on sealing wine and other jars

-Draft titled 'The Archaic Period'

-Notes on titles

-Envelope containing two pieces of card with drawings of cylinder seal impressions and button shaped seals and stamps from the collection of Frank Jay Gould

-Envelope labelled PEN/G.VI/E.E containing photographs of cylinder seal impressions from the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore

-Envelope containing two rubbings of a cylinder seal of Neuserre and one rubbing of a cylinder seal of Amenemhet III (Brooklyn Museum, 44.123.61)

-Envelope containing rubbings and tracings of rubbings of seals of Pepy I [also Pepi I] (Brooklyn Museum, 44.123.32), Neuserre (Brooklyn Museum, 44.123.31) and Amenemhet IV (Brooklyn Museum, 44.123.62)

Research notes on places and sites

Miscellaneous notes relating to places and sites in Egypt. Includes:
-Copy of inscription from a kneeling figure found in the tomb of Sebekhetep and sketches of decoration in the Palace of Amenhetep III
-Copy of an inscription relating to Sheshank III
-Newspaper article titled 'The Origin of Lake Mareotis'
-Note on the 'town of the lofty mountain'
-Notes on Lake Manzala

Photographs of Egypt

Photographs housed in an envelope labelled 'PEN/G.XIII/E.A - Various Photographs'. Includes photographs of landscapes, flora, presses, and a floral garland found in a tomb at Sheikh Abd el-Qurna in 1885.

Photographs of reliefs

Photographs of reliefs identified during previous archival processing with Topographical Bibliography references and museum references.


-Block showing Queen offering two obelisks to Amun from Shrine of Hatshepsut with boy lying on top (TopBib ii.67[VII.112 (302)])

-Relief of Queen offering wine to King from house O.49.1 of Pewah, el-Amarna (TopBib iv.205) (Berlin Museum, 20716)

-Fragment with name of Khui (TopBib iv.259) (Cairo Museum, JE 43107)

-Fragment showing Ka servant (joins with part in Boston Museum, 34.58)

-Fragment showing chariots from Great Temple, el-Amarna (TopBib iv.195) (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 27.6.1)

-Relief from West Wall of a Chapel of Ramesses I showing Sethos I and Ramesses I making offerings (TopBib vi.31) (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 11.155.3B)

-Relief from Temple of Sethos I (TopBib vi.8(92))

-Boundary Stela of Senusret I (Cairo Museum, temporary number

-Architrave of Irenre (TopBib iii.760)

-Stela of Rawer (TopBib iii.267) (Cairo Museum, JE 66626)

-Block with heads of first pair of princesses from tomb of Kharuef (TopBib i.299(7)) (Berlin Museum, 18526)

-Relief from TT279 Pabasa (TopBib i.357)

Photographs of rock inscriptions from Upper Egypt

Photographs of rock inscriptions at Shatt el Rigal and Aswan, and the Medamud Temple portico (also known as the Temple of Montu). The photographs have been identified during previous archival processing with Topographical Bibliography references.

Includes photographs of:
-Rock texts at Shatt el-Rigal (TopBib v.207)
-Medamud Temple portico (TopBib v.140)
-Graffito of Bak at Aswan (TopBib v.249) including copy of inscriptions
-Stela of man (name destroyed) before cartouches Amenophis III (TopBib v.224)

Photographs from the tomb of Pedusiri and the tomb of Djehutihotep, Deir el-Bersha


-Photograph labelled on the reverse 'Enlargement of a photograph by Major Brown, Inspector General of Irrigation, Upper Egypt. Inscription relating to the Colossal Statue at El Bersheh.' (TopBib iv.180(14-15))

-Two photographs of the exterior of the tomb of Pedusiri (TopBib iv.169).

The photographs have been identified during previous archival processing with Topographical Bibliography references written on the back.

Photographs from Upper Egypt including Abydos, Esna and Kom Ombo

Photographs of tomb scenes at Abydos, Esna and Kom Ombo. The photographs have been identified during previous archival processing with Topographical Bibliography references written on the back.


-Temple of Esna (TopBib vi.110)

-Third scence, fourth register from Temple of Esna (TopBib vi.114-115(25)-(29))

-Scene from lower register of Chapel of Horus, Temple of Sethos I (TopBib vi.18(170))

-Scenes from First Osiris Hall, Temple of Sethos I (TopBib vi.19(177)-(178)) (TopBib vi.19(183)-(184))

-View of Kom Ombo (TopBib vi.179)

Copy of inscriptions and notes on sites


-Copy of inscription from Stela of Khunes, son of Iufni at el-Mialla (TopBib v.170)

-Notes and drawings of inscribed objects including lotus pattern, canopic jar, alabaster shabti leg, clay shabtis, and relief identified during previous archival processing as possibly Zawyet el-Amwat (TopBib iv.139)

-Copy of tomb inscriptions not yet identified

-Sketch plan of tombs and cemeteries at Meidum

-Letter from Newberry to George Willoughby Fraser offering to assist him study hieroglyphics by sending him texts with transliteration and translation notes, including example from a stela of Akhenaten from Amarna, 8 September 1890

-Copy of inscriptions from tomb of Haremkha'uef at Kom el-Ahmar (TopBib v.196)

-Notes on tombs at Deir el-Gebrawi

-Notes on inscriptions titled 'Carnarvon Excavations 1912 - Newberry Note-book PEN/G/II/F.A' which copied by Dr Rosalind Moss from one of Newberry's notebooks

-Copy of inscription labelled black granite seated figure, identified during previous archival processing as an official of Hurbeit (TopBib iv.26)

Research on tomb and rock inscriptions including at Aswan and Sehel

Research material on tomb and rock inscriptions including at Aswan and Sehel

-Cartouches of Neferhotep I and Sesostris III from rock texts at Sehel Island (TopBib v.250), text of Haankhef from rock text at Konosso (TopBib v.254), and text of Neferhotep I and family from rock text at Aswan (TopBib v.246)
-Copy of text from the 'famine stela' (Brooklyn Museum, 9.4.004) (TopBib v.252(81))
-Copy of names and titles from tombs at Aswan including Mekhu and Sabni (TopBib v.231(1-2)), Heqaib (TopBib v.232), Sirenput II (TopBib v.233), Aku (TopBib v.234), Khui (TopBib v.235), Khunes (TopBib v.235), Khenuseu (TopBib v.235), Herkhuf (TopBib v.237), Pepynakht (TopBib v.237), Senmosi (TopBib v.237), Sirenput I (TopBib v.238), Sebkhotp (TopBib v.239), Khuenkhnum (TopBib v.240), Thethi (TopBib v.240), Sen (TopBib v.240), Iba (TopBib v.240) and extract from a letter from Professor Elmar Edel to whom these notes had been sent for consultation in connection with his work (in German)
-Copy of inscriptions including from Aswan, Bijeh, and Sehel copied from Morgan, J. de, Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de l'égypte antique. Première série, Haute égypte, (1894) (OEB 136449)

Material relating to the Tomb of Nefersekheru

Research material including copy of 'The Tomb of Nefersexeru [Nefersekheru] Miniah: Kom el Ahmar XIX Dynasty' by George Willoughby Fraser, 16 December 1889, including handrawn plan of the tomb of Nefersekheru and copy of inscriptions with handwritten annotations (TopBib iv.139). Also includes incomplete letter from George Willoughby Fraser on his excavation work, with the date 3 May 1889 written in pencil.

Control: PEN/G.II/E.H

Notes on the Hatshepsut inscription at Speos Artemidos

Research notes on the Hatshepsut inscription at Speos Artemidos (TopBib iv.163(1-2)) including copy, transcription and translation of part of the text.

Also includes Golenischeff / Golenishchev copy of inscriptions from tomb of Istabl 'Antar at Speos Artemidos (TopBib iv.164(17)) copied from Rougé, J., Inscriptions hiéroglyphiques copiées en égypte pendant la mission scientifique de M. le Vicomte Emmanuel de Rougé, (1877) (OEB 148962).

Notes on tombs at Sheikh Said

Research material with note made during previous archival processing which reads 'vol. IV 187 1892-3 Notes for E.E.F. [Egypt Exploration Fund] by Newberry et al later used by Davies when writing Rock Tombs of Sheikh Said'.

Notes on rock tombs at Sheikh Said including copy of inscriptions from tombs 1 and 2, and tombs numbered by Norman de Garis Davies 15,18, 19 and 20 (TopBib iv.189-190). Also includes list of the tombs at Sheikh Said numbers 1-25.

Includes reference to NB [Notebook] 5/17.

This material was previously housed in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Sites (except Theban tbs [tombs])'.

Related Publications:

Davies, Norman de Garis, 'The rock tombs of Sheikh Saïd', (London, 1901) (OEB 137917)

Research material on tombs in Asyut

Research material on tombs in Asyut, identified during previous archival processing as being for a publication on Assiut [Asyut], and corrections to Griffith, F., The inscriptions of Siut and Dêr Rîfeh, (1889) (OEB 140749).

The original folder has been re-used and the title 'Flora - General (1)' crossed out. The folder includes a list of material relating to the original contents on flora.

Contains notes on tombs in Asyut including descriptions of tomb decoration with sketches, sketch plans of tombs including measurements with position of objects and paintings, copy of inscriptions, translations of inscriptions, and family trees.

Also includes copy of inscriptions from an 11th Dynasty tomb at Asyut (TopBib iv.265A), see Magee, Diana. 1988. Asyût to the end of the Middle Kingdom : a historical and cultural study. Thesis (D.Phil.), volume 2 page 34, University of Oxford. Faculty of Oriental Studies, and corrections to Griffith, F., The inscriptions of Siut and Dêr Rîfeh, (1889) (OEB 140749), including cuttings of lines from plate 9 and 10.

Copies of Aswan and First Cataract inscriptions

Envelope labelled 'Aswan and Cataract Inscriptions' and numbered A.106.

Envelope includes copies of rock inscriptions at Aswan. Also includes four photographs of numbered rock inscriptions (photographs taken from a distance and inscriptions not clearly visible).

Description from Harris catalogue:

Transcription headed "Keep in Aswan and Cataract inscriptions" A.106. Transcription from Urk. IV, 89. Copy of an inscription of a royal son of Kushtemp. Seti I from Cat. De Morgan, 177. 11 pages of copied inscriptions from Aswan, Sehel, etc., some from publications - some may have been done on the spot? Pages from a notebook with inscriptions and sketches headed: Aswan tombs - Elephantine Museum garden: stelae, statues and other objects. Copies from blocks and stelae evidently from roads in the district. One headed 'end of Aswan Road by Shellal near Ba (Many others with similar types, Aswan , Sehel, Bigeh.) Inscriptions from de Morgan: Aswan, p.4O, no.174. XIII, 334. Sehel, p.90. no.79. de Morgan, p.38, no.157; p.26, no.188, no.189. Four pages of inscriptions from Aswan Tombs and many more from Aswan district. Most of them as though they may have been copied from originals.

Photographs of Theban tombs

Photographs of tombs in Thebes and views of the Theban necropolis. The photographs of tombs have been identified during previous archival processing and the tomb numbers written on the back.


-Views of the Valley of the Kings

-Views of the Theban Necropolis

-Sarcophagus chamber in the royal tomb of Haremhab TT57 (TopBib i.568)

-TT93 Tomb of Qenamun

-TT219 Tomb of Nebenmaat, including notes on the tomb on the back, possibly by Pierre Jouguet

-TT277 Tomb of Ameneminet

Photographs from sites at Thebes

Photographs from sites at Thebes including photograph and cuttings of drawings and plans of the Colossi of Memnon (or statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III) (TopBib ii.449) and official photographs taken at Deir el-Bahari by A. Gaddis & G. Seif.

Also includes photographs of:

-Statue of Khons (Cairo Museum, CG 38488) (TopBib ii.237)

-Scene from Temple of Sethos (TopBib ii.415(78))

-Scene from Court in Luxor Temple showing decorated bulls (TopBib ii.308(29))

-Nile-gods binding sma-symbol on sides on throne (TopBib ii.313(70))

-Colossi between columns at Luxor Temple (TopBib ii.311(58)-(59))

-Statue of Hathor Cow [postcard] (TopBib ii.380)

-View of Karnak

Copies of Theban graffiti

Envelope labelled 'Graffiti : Thebes 1912' and numbered A.15.

Contains copies of graffiti including from the chamber above Deir el-Bahari. Includes reference to NB [Notebook] 5 and numbered notes by Howard Carter e.g. Carter 47.23.

Research material relating to Theban tombs

Material relating to Theban tombs collated during previous archival processing.

-Tracings of Tyi and Amenhotep III depicted during the heb-sed festival at Soleb and copy of text from Lepsius, R., Abtheilung der Äegyptischen Alterthümer : Beschreibung der Wandgemaelde III, Band 5, plates 84-85 (OEB 143571), c.1919
-List titled 'List of the Sheikh Abd el Gurneh Tombs' numbers 1-82
-Photocopy of list titled 'List of the Sheikh Abd el Gurneh Tombs' numbers 1-82 including an additional page listing Kings and tombs
-Two handwritten pages titled 'Report on some excavations in the Sheikh Abd El Kurneh during the Winters of 1900-1901 by Percy E. Newberry'
-Two pages of Theban graffiti, including one of Rameses, High Priest of Amun
-One page of notes from the tomb of Any, High Priest of Amun, at Dra' Abu el-Naga
-One page of notes with corrections and restorations to a hieroglyphic text

Results 2791 to 2820 of 8676