Notes and ephemera
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This group consists of two parts:
part one: Edwards MSS 1.1-311
notebook, annotated on the cover: "Notes & Extracts"
containing 311 numbered ruled pages, with some loose and affixed items
content includes handwritten and printed material, watercolours and drawings
part two: Edwards MSS 1.312-347
1 package containing 36 loose, numbered items
ephemera, mixed media, including handwritten notes, letters, sketches, rubbings, poems, newspaper cutting etc.
The Damascus Gate; men riding donkeys; a shaduf; camels; and water bearers
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Nine mounted pencil sketches:
top left: man on donkey
top middle: shaduf
[on mount] 'The Shadoof' (ink note)
top right: man on donkey
middle left: man
middle middle: Damascus Gate, Cairo
[on mount] 'The Bab en Nasr - or Damascus Gate. Cairo' (ink note)
middle right: man
bottom left: two camels
bottom middle: man
bottom right: camel, man and three women with water jars
[on mount] 'Going to fetch water from the Nile' (ink note)
Dahabiyya, shadoof, Sheik Cotton, Mehemet Ali, water collection
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Five mounted pencil or pencil and wash sketches:
top: Dahibyya
[on mount] 'native boat' (ink note)
middle left: Sheik Cotton
[on mount] 'Holy Sheyk Cotton' (ink note)
middle middle: a shaduf
[on mount] 'The Shadoof.' (ink note)
middle right: Mehemet Ali
[on mount] 'Mehemet Ali.' (ink note)
bottom: woman collecting water.
Dahabiyyas at Roda
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Two dahabeeyahs at Roda:
[on mount] 'Native Dahabeeyahs. Roda' (ink note).
Camels; remains of boat
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5 mounted pencil sketches: 4 depict camels; bottom sketch depicts the remains of a boat.
Sunset; Kasr es Syad and Gebel Tookh; near Siout
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Three pencil and watercolour sketches:
top: sunset
[on mount] 'Sunset (near Magada)' (ink note)
middle: dahabiyya on the Nile
[on mount] 'Kasr es Syad & Gebel Tookh' (ink note)
bottom: dahabiyya on the Nile
[on mount] 'Near Siout' (ink note).
Arab tombs near Siout
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Pencil sketch of marabouts near Siout
[on mount] 'Arab tombs near Siout' (ink note).
Necropolis of Abydos and Kom es Sultan
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of necropolis of Abydos and Kom es Sultan:
[on mount] 'Necropolis of Abydus and Kom es Sultan' (ink note).
Ali the Nubian; Riskalli; Salame; Reïs Hassan; unidentified people
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Nine pencil sketches:
top left: person with staff
top middle: man sitting and smoking
[on mount] 'Ali, the Nubian.' (ink note)
top right: veiled woman with jars
middle left: head of man
[on mount] 'Riskalli' (ink note)
middle middle: group of men with boat near Manfalut
[on mount] 'Group of Natives (waiting for the Ferry) Manfaloot' (ink note)
middle right: Man sitting
[on mount] 'Riskalli' (ink note)
bottom left: Reïs Hassan
[on mount] 'Reïs Hassan' (ink note)
bottom middle: man reclining on ?carved block
bottom right: man standing
[on mount] 'Salame' (ink note).
Hypostyle hall at Karnak
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of hypostyle hall at Karnak:
[on mount] 'Hypostyle Hall. Karnac. Looking East.'
Hypostyle hall at Karnak
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of Hypostyle Hall at Karnak:
[on mount] 'Hypostyle Hall. Karnak. Looking West.' (ink note).
Mountains above Thebes; mountains above Moramballa Marsh
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Two images:
upper: watercolour of the mountains above Thebes
[on mount] 'Mountain range above Luxor. East Bank.' (ink note)
lower: clipping with engraving of landscape with caption: 'Mansanga, looking east from Moramballa Marsh'
[on clipping] Extraordinary resemblance to mountain range near Thebes, R. Bank. See sketch by ABE. S. East Africa. On the river [illegible], flowing out of Lake Nyassa, + into the Zambesi. This is near the mouth of the [illegible].' (pencil note).
Rock inscriptions at Philae
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of rock inscriptions at Philae:
[on mount] 'Inscribed Rock. Philae.' (ink note).
Rock of Abusir
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Pencil and watercolour sketch of the rock of Abusir:
[on mount] 'The Rock of Abooseer. Second Cataract' (ink note)
Dolomites album
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Album containing drawings and watercolours made by Edwards when travelling through the Dolomites, Italy, in 1872. Many of the preliminary sketches and watercolours in the album were used to illustrate her book Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys , published in 1873.
Contains 29 numbered pages with 44 mounted items
Watercolours, drawings and sketches made in Italy, some accompanied by Edwards' annotated captions.
Front end paper
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[on label] 'This volume was re-bound through the generosity of AEMES (Ancient Egypt & Middle East Society, Lincolnshire), Manchester Ancient Egypt Society and the Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt (Derbyshire) in August 2002' (printed).
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of Castellavazzo.
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Mounted watercolour sketch of Antelao from below the Crepa.
The Rosengarten
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Mounted watercolour of the Rosengarten.
[on mount] 'The Rosengarten from Bolzen. 3.30. Am.' (pencil note)
Blank page with label
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[on label] 'With the compliments of the Acting Keeper of the Department of Western Art, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford' (printed) '3 Albums brought down from upper Library by Mrs. Gunn. They seem to be Griffith, one having F.II. G. (underlined) inside.' (pencil note)
Monte Gennaro
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Ink drawing of Monte Gennaro:
[on verso] 'Monte Gennaro (the Mons Lucretilis of Horace) from Monte Mario Rome - 1872' (ink note)
Woman from Rome dancing
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Pencil drawing of woman dancing:
[on reverse] 'Roman peasant girl dancing the Saltarello. after Pinelli (undelined) ABE (underlined)' (pencil note)
Woman and crocodile
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Ink drawing of woman and crocodile:
[on drawing] 'The Larches, Westbury-on-Trym, Nr. Bristol.' (printed) 'Act the Third (underlined) "''Tis distance lends enchantment to the view." May 1. 1888.' (ink note)