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3531 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

[944] Ivory ape, and scarabs. Kahun XII

-el-Lahun, town (‘Kahun’): ivory ape; scarabs of Nesu-montu [Nsw-Mnṯw] (Petrie Museum, University College UC11441), of Meryre [Mry-Rʿ], and of Senebsuemai [ḫtm-bjty smr-wʿty (j)m(y)-r(ȝ)-ḫtmt Snb-sw-m-ʿj]; prism from the family-tomb of Maket, with the Horus name of Thutmose II [Ḥr kȝ-nḫt wsr-pḥty].
'Ivory ape, and scarabs. Kahun XII'
'Tahutmes II'.

This photograph is in a section titled:
'Kahun & Gurob antiquities 1890 942-952'.

[823] Pyramid of Illahun

-el-Lahun: Nilotic landscape with boats in the foreground and pyramid of Senusret II in the background.
'Pyramid of Illahun'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XII'.

[945] Basalt statue of Si-sebek. Kahun. XII-XIII.

-el-Lahun, town ('Kahun'): statue of the "acquaintance of the king" [rḫ-nswt], Sasobek [Sȝ-Sbk] (Cairo CG 405, end of the 12th Dynasty - beginning of the 13th Dynasty).
'Basalt statue of Si-sebek. Kahun. XII-XIII'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'Kahun & Gurob antiquities 1890 942-952'.

[827] Sakiyeh.

-A saqiya, a mechanical water lifting device (in the Faiyum?).

This photograph is in a section titled 'XIII'.

[821] Village of Hawaret Eglan.

-Modern village of Hawara Eglan located on the dyke at el-Lahun.
'Village of Hawaret Eglan.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XIII'.

Note: 821 is the number on the photograph, but 836 appears in the caption.

[841] Shekh Gedullah.

-Faiyum(?): Tomb of an local figure, named in all likelihood Sheikh Gedullah.
'Shekh Gedullah.'.

-Also two arrows labelled '!' and '!!', pointing at a child and a dog(?) in the background.

This photograph is in a section titled 'XIII'.

Resultados 3391 a 3420 de 3531