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George A. Hoskins Watercolour - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 100

Three registers of relief scenes from the passage area of the tomb of Rekhmire (TT100) at the west bank of Thebes, including a funeral procession with rows of male figures bearing goods and offerings:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'Lower row plate 5'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, bottom left corner] 'Tomb at Thebes continued'. (ink note)
  • 45.3 by 29.8 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - el-Kharga

Mythological scenes from the sanctuary area of the Amun temple at Hibis:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'South side 1st chamber p1 T el Khargeh Oasis magna Left'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, top edge] 'I height of figures I', 'III between lines III'. (pencil notes)
  • 30.0 by 24.0 cm

George A. Hoskins Watercolour - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 100

Three registers of relief scenes from the passage area of the tomb of Rekhmire (TT100) at the west bank of Thebes, including a funeral procession with rows of figures bearing goods and offerings:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'Lower row plate 4'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, bottom left corner] 'Tomb at Thebes contd'. (ink note)
  • 45.0 by 30.8 cm

George A. Hoskins Watercolour - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 100

Three registers of relief scenes from the passage area of the tomb of Rekhmire (TT100) at the west bank of Thebes, including a funeral procession with rows of figures bearing goods and offerings:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'Lower row plate 3'. (ink note)
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'il resto di questa ligna lavateli fuori'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, bottom left corner] 'Tomb at Thebes contd'. (ink note)
  • 44.5 by 31.1 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 81

Relief scene from the passage area of the tomb of Ineni (TT81) at the west bank of Thebes of the tomb-owner and his wife seated before a table with offerings, and a lower register with a row of smaller standing and kneeling figures presenting offerings:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] '97'. (pencil note)
  • 42.4 by 26.7 cm

George A. Hoskins Watercolour - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 100

Three registers of relief scenes from the passage area of the tomb of Rekhmire (TT100) at the west bank of Thebes including part of the funeral procession with figures bearing goods and offerings. In the centre of the watercolour the god Anubis stands within his shrine:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'plate 5 (crossed out) Lower row plate 2'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, bottom left corner] 'This & the next 18 plates form the section of a private tomb at Gurneh Thebes - - during the reign of Thotmes 3d'. (ink note)
  • 44.7 by 31.1 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - el-Kharga

Mythological scenes from the sanctuary area of the Amun temple at Hibis:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'South side 2d chamber p1 T el Khargeh Oasis magna Left'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, top left corner] rough sketches of hieroglyph signs
  • 30.0 by 24.0 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 343

Relief scene from the hall of the early 18th Dynasty tomb of Benia Pakehmen (TT383) at the west bank of Thebes of the tomb-owner in a striding pose before three separate registers of workers who are weighing out and recording various items including gold rings. To the left side is a mirror image of the tomb owner, but with his palms held upward in a sign of adoration:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] '93'. (pencil note)
  • 43.5 by 28.5 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Beni Hasan

Relief scenes from the 12th Dynasty tomb of Amenemhat (Tomb 2) at Beni Hasan, including four separate registers of male figures in a variety of different wrestling poses, with the top and bottom edges of the paper left blank:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • 30.0 by 19.4 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Thebes. West Bank. The Ramesseum

Relief scene from the entrance wall of the hypostyle area of the Ramesseum at the west Bank of Thebes of Ramesses II in his chariot, ready to draw an arrow against the fortress of Dapur, and with a variety of smaller figures fighting at the right side and brandishing weapons and shields:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'not finished & hierogls [...] not finished & hieroglys to [...]'. (pencil notes)
  • [on mount, bottom left corner] 'Memnonium Thebes'. (ink note)
  • 46.8 by 23.4 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 50

Relief scene from the passage of the early 18th Dynasty tomb of Neferhotep (TT50) at the west bank of Thebes, the upper part of a scene with the tomb-owner and his wife seated before a table piled with offerings. At the bottom left corner, the smaller figure of their daughter stands beside them and raises one hand in adoration:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] '84', 'plate 7'. (pencil notes)
  • 30.0 by 24.2 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Thebes. West Bank. Medînet Habu

Relief scene from the exterior wall (outer face) from the temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu. On the right, the king is shown in his chariot hunting lions. Beneath him are rows of smaller soldier figures. On the left is another scene of the king on foot aiming an arrow, surrounded by other archers as well as soldiers and a fan-bearer:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] 'part 1' (ink note)
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'not finished'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'North side of Medinet Abou'. (ink note)
  • 43.5 by 24.0 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 50

Relief scene from the hallway of the early 18th Dynasty tomb of Neferhotep (TT50) at the west bank of Thebes of the tomb-owner and his wife seated before a table piled with offerings, while their son stands before them and is followed by a row of figures with offerings included flowers, incense and libations:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] '85', 'plate 6'. (pencil notes)
  • 34.5 by 24.0 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 50

Relief scene from the passage of the early 18th Dynasty tomb of Neferhotep (TT50) at the west bank of Thebes, two registers showing the tomb-owner and his wife seated before a table. Behind them in both registers is a detailed barque:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] 'plate 4 87'. (pencil note)
  • 30.5 by 24.4 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Thebes, West Bank. Deir el-Medîna

Relief scene from the south sanctuary area of the Hathor temple at Deir el-Medina showing the weighing of the heart, also known as the judgement. Above are two registers of seated deities outlined in faded pencil:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] 'Nº 1'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Judgement scene at Thebes'. (ink note)
  • 29.7 by 23.7 cm

George A. Hoskins Watercolour - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 100

Relief scenes from the passage area of the tomb of Rekhmire (TT100) at the west bank of Thebes, showing sculptors carving colossi (register VI) and a detailed garden image (registers VIII-X):

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'plate 20'. (ink note)
  • [on recto of mount, top left corner] '90'. (ink note)
  • [on recto of mount, bottom left corner] 'Tomb at Thebes contd'. (ink note)
  • 37.8 by 31.2 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Thebes, West Bank. Deir el-Medîna

Relief scene from the south sanctuary area of the Hathor temple at Deir el-Medina of the weighing of the heart, also known as the judgement scene, with the deity Ammit and a seated Osiris observing. In between are the four small figures of the sons of Horus on top of a lotus flower:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] 'Nº 2'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Judgement scene at Thebes'. (ink note)
  • 29.7 by 23.6 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Abu Simbel

Drawing of a Hathor pillar from the hallway of the small temple at Abu Simbel, with a rough sketch of two figures next to the bottom of the pillar:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'Pillastre small temple Ebsamboul'. (ink note)
  • 13.0 by 27.2 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - Luxor Temple

Relief scene from the Birth Room within the temple of Luxor at Thebes, part of a larger sequence relating to the birth cycle of the king and shows the god Thoth before the queen Mutemwia, followed by Mutemwia encircled by the gods Khnum and Hathor who lead the queen to the birthing room:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] 'Nº 3'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'Temple of Luxor - Thebes'. (ink note)
  • 20.8 by 21.6 cm
Results 1411 to 1440 of 3437