Mostrando 1987 resultados

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83 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Lisowska, Julia - correspondence

1 card with name and address of Mgr. Lisowska, with an enclosed draft of a letter from Černý to Mgr. Lisowska.
Data for the stela of Merer, Cracow, MNK-XI-999 (TopBib v.164), Černý records museum number as 939 in the letter, later published: Černý, J., 'The stela of Merer in Cracow', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 47 (1961), 5-9 (OEB 8269).

Lexa, František - correspondence

1 letter from F. Lexa to Jan Masaryk, Czechoslovak Minister in the United Kingdom, concerning J. Černý (1934).
8 letters from F. Lexa to J. Černý.

  • linguistics, Coptic etymologies
  • Černý's personal matters, health, social contacts
  • students of both Egyptologists
  • Lexa's letter to Jan Masaryk (Czechoslovak envoy in London) regards a recognition of Černý as a Czechoslovak scholar with an international remit

Leibovitch, Joseph - correspondence

12 letters from Leibovitch, 4 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Leibovitch.
1 carbon copy of a letter by Černý to Miss Keeves of the Egypt Exploration Society concerning copies of Inscriptions of Sinai i & ii (OEB 3261 and OEB 4432) for J. Leibovitch (Israel Exploration Journal).

  • exchange of publications
  • obtaining Annales du Service des Antiquités Egyptiennes [ASAE]
  • publishing in ASAE
  • new posts and research plans of both correspondents
  • Černý's sojourns in Egypt in the 1950s

Leclant, Jean - correspondence

3 letters from Leclant.
Leclant's visit to the UK; a stela of Nebnufer, in the Strasbourg, University Collection, 974 (TopBib i2.727).

Lauer, Jean-Phillipe - correspondence

2 letters from Lauer, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Lauer.
Lauer's work at Saqqâra, research interests, including:

  • H. Junker's comments
  • Dynasty III royal names
  • Nubian agriculture
  • some personal matters
  • travel arrangements

Lambert, A. C. - correspondence

1 letter from Lambert.
A query from A. C. Lambert concerning an esoteric book Secret Place of the Lion by G. H. Williamson, which Černý assessed critically as shown in a remark added to the letter.

Lajuncomme, P. - correspondence

1 letter from Lajuncomme to Barbara Sewell (Griffith Institute secretary) written in Černý's absence; 1 carbon copy of a letter from Sewell to Lajuncomme, written in Černý's absence.
Concerning the proofs of: Černý, J., 'L'origine de l'expression bohaïrique [2iom n¥ari] "Mer Rouge"', in [Sainte Fare Garnot, J. (ed.)], Mélanges Mariette (1961) , 57-62 (OEB 8268).

Lafleur, Violette C. - correspondence

5 letters from Lafleur.
Departmental matters at University College London; storage of UCL possessions; Černý's absences; Lafleur visited Černý during his periods in hospital.

Kuentz, Charles - correspondence

5 letters from Kuentz, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Kuentz.

  • Černý's work for IFAO, Černý's recommencing the ostraca work after Second World War (WWII)
  • Černý's work for CEDAE

Krauspe, Renate - correspondence

1 letter from Krauspe.
Regarding proofs of an article by Černý, subsequently published: Černý, J., 'Coalescence of verbs with prepositions in Coptic', in Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 97 (1971), 44-6 (OEB 9646).

Krause, Martin - correspondence

11 letters from Krause, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Krause.
Photographs of hieratic ostraca sent to Černý from Berlin (one letter originally had an enclosure of over 20 photographs), books from the von Bissing bequest (F. von Bissing died in 1956), personal matters.

Kraeling, Carl H. - correspondence

5 letters from Kraeling, 3 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Kraeling.
Černý 's visit to Chicago in early 1955, where he gave a talk on Egyptian oracles; problems faced by Western institutions in Egypt after the Suez crisis.

Korostovtsev, Mikhail Alexandrovitch - correspondence

1 letter from Korostovtsev, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Korostovtsev.
Book exchange, publications by Golenischeff / Golenishchev for publications by Gardiner. Černý referred to a plan to visit the USSR, which eventually did not happen.

Klauber, R. - correspondence

1 letter from Klauber.
Correspondence with Hutchinson & Co (publishers), concerning the unsatisfactory quality of illustrations in a translation of one of Černý's books. Probably a translation of Černý, J., Ancient Egyptian Religion (1957) (OEB 3264).

Klasens, Adolf - correspondence

3 letters from Klasens, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Klasens.
1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to the IFAO concerning books for Klasens.
Exchange of Egyptological publications and research into Demotic and Coptic etymologies.

Kitchen, Kenneth A. - correspondence

3 letters from Kitchen and an excerpt from Kitchen's work on Semitic loanwords in Egyptian, 1 carbon copy of a reference letter on behalf of Kitchen written by Černý, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Kitchen.
Kitchen's work on Semitic loan-words, references for job applications.

Kissling, Eckart - correspondence

3 letters from Kissling, 1 draft of a letter from Černý to Kissling.
Transcription of Egyptian names in the German edition of A. H. Gardiner's Egypt of the Pharaohs, which Kissling was translating. Published as: Gardiner, A. H., Geschichte des Alten Ägypten. Eine Einführung [1965] (OEB 11286).

Kirollos, Samira - correspondence

1 letter from Kirollos.
Kirollos consulting Černý regarding the topic of drama and theatre in Antiquity, also thanking Černý for inspiring him when they met in person.

Kirkbride, Diana - correspondence

7 letters from Kirkbride, 1 carbon copy of a reference on behalf of D. Kirkbride written by Černý.
2 communications from K. Kenyon concerning D. Kirkbride's application to the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, for the position of Secretary-Librarian.
University College London, Kirkbride's studies, and job applications, also reference to the political situation in the Middle East.
Kirkbride congratulating Černý on the Oxford Egyptology Chair election.

Kees, Hermann - correspondence

7 letters from Kees, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Kees.
Kees's work on priests and priestly genealogies; Kees recommending Schafik Allam as a researcher; Černý writing about changes affecting Egyptological posts in the UK.

Keating, Rex - correspondence

6 letters from Keating, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Keating.
Participation of both in the UNESCO Nubian mission. Keating also made at least one recording with Černý.

Kasser, Rodolphe - correspondence

2 letters from Kasser, 1 carbon copy of a reference on behalf of Kasser written by Černý.
Coptic studies and Kasser's work on the Bodmer papyri, which resulted in a number of publications dating from the 1950s to the early 2000s.

Resultados 1531 a 1560 de 1987