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Jaroslav Černý Collection
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Cenival, Jean-Louis H. de - correspondence

2 letters from Cenival, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to de Cenival, and 1 reference letter concerning the publication of Abusir papyri.
The publication of Abusir papyri, and Černý recommending their publication.

Casales, Remo - correspondence

2 letters from Casales, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Casales.
An amateur Egyptologist inquiring about a translation of the Lord's Prayer in ancient Egyptian. J. Černý and A. H. Gardiner composed the prayer in Egyptian.

Capart, Jean - correspondence

1 letter from Capart.
Letter confirming that Eva Jelínková (Eve Reymond) was accepted as a visitor in the library of Fondation Reine Elisabeth in Brussels. Capart also congratulates Černý on his new position in London.

Caminos, Ricardo A. - correspondence

4 letters from Caminos.
Gebel es-Silsila and Caminos' work on the site; records of Nile levels; also fieldwork, life at the excavations and various academic appointments.
References to Černý's travel to the USA.

Calverley, Amice Mary - correspondence

2 letters from Calverley and a note by Černý to introduce A. Calverley for her lecture given at the Egypt Exploration Society.
Abydos, personal matters, preferred pencils for epigraphy work (the Koh-i-noor brand). The introductory note for Calverley emphasises her achievements at Abydos.

Burton-Brown, T. - correspondence

2 letters from Burton-Brown.
Correspondence concerned with artefacts from the Manchester Museum (University of Manchester) collections, and the potential of infra-red photography.

Buck, Adriaan de - correspondence

2 letters from de Buck, A. de Buck obituary notice, 1 carbon copy of a condolence letter from Černý to Mrs de Buck.
Correspondence concerned with professional as well as personal matters, publications.

Bruyère, Bernard - correspondence

9 letters from Bruyère.
Correspondence regarding Deir el-Medîna, Černý's schedule at University College London versus fieldwork, ostraca, publication plans for ostraca, cooperation with Georges Posener; personal matters.

Brunton, Guy - correspondence

1 letter from Brunton.
Correspondence concerned with a memorial volume for I. Rosellini, published as:
Studi in memoria di Ippolito Rosellini nel primo centenario della morte (4 giugno 1843 - 4 giugno 1943), 2 vols. (1949-1955) (OEB 159067).

Brunner, Hellmut - correspondence

8 letters from Brunner, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Brunner.
Brunner's work on Coptic ostraca; research and supervision of Schafik Allam, and a Visiting Professorship for Černý at Tübingen. Letters also refer to Brunner's wife, Emma Brunner-Traut.

Bourguet, Pierre du - correspondence

2 letters from Bourguet, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Bourguet.
Professional as well as personal matters, du Bourguet recommending J. de Miceli to Černý.

Botti, Giuseppe - correspondence

5 letters from Botti.
Publication and off-prints exchange, social contacts and personal matters, as well as the compilation of Italian entries for Who was Who in Egyptology. Botti also refers to a congress of Oriental Studies held in Prague in 1949, which Černý did not attend.

Bothmer, Bernard V. - correspondence

9 letters from Bothmer, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Bothmer.
Monuments in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and Brooklyn Museum of Fine Art, new acquisitions for Brooklyn Museum, in particular, objects found at Deir el-Medîna.
Bothmer arranged photography of Brooklyn Museum objects for Černý. Černý also mediated contacts for the museums in Prague regarding the Late Period material located there; Bothmer consulted these objects in 1933 and 1936, returning to the topic in 1958.

Boardman, John - correspondence

1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Boardman.
Correspondence concerned with Greek and Egyptian religion, Černý particularly interested in the tradition of carrying cult images on sacred barges.

Bendow - correspondence

4 letters from Bendow, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Bendow.
The Norwegian scholar was interested in varied aspects of Egyptian culture and consulted with Černý, some of Bendow's ideas were unconventional.

Barron, John Penrose - correspondence

1 letter from Barron, 1 carbon copy of letter from Černý to Barron.
Regarding a bronze mirror from Samos with a hieroglyphic inscription which was included by Barron in his dissertation.

Barns, J. W. B. - correspondence

6 letters from Barns, 1 carbon copy of letter from Černý to Barns
Correspondence mainly Barns consulting Černý regarding research and seeking Černý's advice on philological aspects and transcriptions.

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