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Jaroslav Černý Collection Inglês
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2 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

Scott, Nora - correspondence

6 letters from Scott, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Scott.

  • Deir el-Medîna material in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, finds relating to the workman Khabekhnet and his family (Thebes, TT 2, TopBib i2.6-9)
  • Third Intermediate Period material
  • Scott's study trips to Europe
  • personal matters

Schubert, Paul - correspondence

4 letters from Schubert, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Schubert.
Černý's visit to Yale University in 1954, during his time as Visiting Professor at Brown University.

Schott, Siegfried - correspondence

6 letters from Schott, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Schott.
Book and off-print exchange and professional matters; congratulations on Černý's seventieth birthday.

Schneider, David - correspondence

2 letters from Schneider.
Consultation regarding consanguineous marriages and kinship in ancient Egypt, with reference to Černý, J., 'Consanguineous Marriages in Pharaonic Egypt', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 40 (1954), 23-9 (OEB 4042).

Schlott , Adelheid - correspondence

1 letter from Schlott.
Cubit-measure, in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, Temp. No. - TopBib ii2.300, and Schlott's work on cubit-measures (see Schlott, A., Die Ausmasse Ägyptens nach altägyptischen Texten (1969) (OEB 13771)).

Scharff, Alexander - correspondence

1 letter from Scharff, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Scharff.
Scharff sent Černý a copy of his publication on the cult of Osiris (probably Scharff, A., Die Ausbreitung des Osiriskultes in der Frühzeit und während des Alten Reiches (1948) (OEB 1516)).

Scamuzzi, Ernesto - correspondence

6 letters from Scamuzzi, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Scamuzzi.

  • objects in the Museo Egizio, Turin
  • Černý's planned visits
  • exchange of publications

Sauneron, Serge Louis Charles - correspondence

27 letters from Sauneron to Černý.
2 letters from Sauneron to Marie Černý, 1 letter (with multiple drafts) from Marie Černý to Sauneron.
Professional and personal matters:

  • Sauneron's research and news of research-based travelling
  • Egyptian philology, palaeography
  • studies in hieratic
  • book exchange and purchases
  • occasional news of family
    Marie Černý consulting Sauneron regarding posthumous publications of J. Černý, as well as the use of Černý's notebooks.

Sargant, Marie Anna (Černá [Černý]) - correspondence

52 letters from Marie Sargant (wife of J. Černý), 55 letters from Černý to Marie Sargant.
Personal correspondence regarding Černý 's move to the United Kingdom in 1946, his health issues and other private and family matters; Černý's travels; the move from London to Oxford in 1951.

Sargant, Anna - correspondence

1 note from Anna Sargant (future step-daughter of Černý), on an envelope of a letter from Marie Sargant (future wife of Černý).

Sander-Hansen, Constantin Emil - correspondence

5 letters from Sander-Hansen, 6 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Sander-Hansen.
Setting up of the International Association of Egyptologists; membership of the organisation; publications.
Černý recommending R. Haardt as Coptologist to Sander-Hansen.

Rypka, Jan - correspondence

2 letters from Rypka, 1 draft of a letter from Černý to Rypka.
Rypka, Dean of the Faculty of Arts in Prague, proposing Černý's membership of academic bodies in Czechoslovakia, and Černý's interest in the periodical Naše řeč (official title translation "Our speech", see

Rutherford, Adam - correspondence

3 letters from Rutherford.
Mapping of Wadi Hammamat (TopBib vii.328-337), inscriptions from the Persian period, and a study of Egyptian units of measurement.

Rowton, Michael B. - correspondence

2 letters from Rowton.
Includes reference to an off-print, see Rowton, M. B., 'Manetho's date for Ramesses II', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 34 (1948), 57-74 (OEB 1508).

Rosén, Haiim Baruch - correspondence

1 letter from Rosen.
Černý's contribution to a Festschrift for Polotsky (see [Rosén, H. B.] (ed.), Studies in Egyptology and Linguistics in Honour of H. J. Polotsky (1964) (OEB 159090).

Roeder, Ernst Günther - correspondence

13 letters from Roeder, 8 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Roeder.
1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to a pharmaceutical company on behalf of Roeder's pupil Mrs Berger.

  • the situation of German Egyptology after the Second World War (WWII)
  • exchange of publications established despite difficulties
  • Roeder's research on statuary
  • Černý saved food from his own rations in the UK and sent it to Roeder

Robertson, Anne Strachan - correspondence

3 letters from Robertson, 4 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Robertson.
Ostraca in the Hunterian Museum collection, and the extended loan of the Museum's ostraca to Černý.

Préaux, Claire - correspondence

6 letters from Preaux, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý's secretary to Préaux, sent in Černý's absence.
Appreciation of some of Černý's publications and intended publications (e.g. on ancient Egyptian religion); Préaux visited London several times during 1950 and met Černý on at least one occasion; social contact with other scholars resident in Belgium.

Posener, Georges - correspondence

110 letters from Posener, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Posener.
2 letters from Posener to Marie Černý.

  • renewal of the Deir el-Medina ostraca project after the Second World War (WWII)
  • Posener's publication plans, work on Kemit (later published as Posener, G., Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques littéraires de Deir el Médineh ii (Nos 1109 à 1167), (1951) & (1991) (OEB 3065))
  • Posener's research on execration figures, literary ostraca, translations of various texts
  • Černý's research on supposed consanguineous marriages in Egypt
  • book exchange and mutual help in obtaining rare volumes in Britain, Egypt and France
    Personal and family matters
  • some remarks on the situation in Czechoslovakia after the communist coup on 25 February 1948
    After Černý's death, Marie Černý consulted options for Černý's posthumous publications with Posener, especially the Late Egyptian grammar and the involvement of S. Groll in the grammar project.

Pomorska, Irena - correspondence

1 letter from Pomorska.
Pomorska's research including topics for her thesis, interest in ostraca and finds from Deir el-Bahari (Deir el-Bahri).

Polotsky, Hans Jacob - correspondence

7 letters from Polotsky, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý's secretary to Polotsky, sent in Černý's absence.
Professional as well personal matters:

  • linguistics
  • Coptic etymologies
  • travels of Polotsky and Černý
  • 1968, an oblique reference to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
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