Faulkner's translation (not published) of the stela of King Kamose [Kamosi], with an account of a victory over the Hyksos, found in the foundations of the Second Pylon, Karnak, and two additional blocks (found separately), found in the vicinity of the Third Pylon, now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo [TopBib ii2.37, 73]. 6 manuscript pages with later annotations (changes and corrections).
Sections of Faulkner, Raymond O. 1962. A concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian (OEB 9012). Entries for parts of m, nrw and sḥtp. 13 manuscript pages with later annotations (changes and corrections).
Original housing for Faulkner MSS 1 and 2, consisting of one notebook cover, the inside covers are annotated by Faulkner and (probably) G. L. Norsworthy.