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Percy Edward Newberry Collection Angličtina
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Notebook containing drawings of scarabs and scarab rings.

Also includes envelope containing drawings of rings and notes on scarabs, seals and coins.

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Sealings, Scarabs, Cylinders'.

Research notebook

Notebook titled on inside page '1908-9 - Percy E. Newberry - University of Liverpool - c/o Thomas Cook and Sons - Cairo or Luxor'. It has also been labelled during previous archival processing 'Miscellaneous - Mainly sealings and other early dynastic material'.

Notebook contains short notes on a range of different topics, copies of inscriptions, drawings, cuttings and rubbings of scarabs and seals.

Includes notes on religion, geography, museum collections and objects, genealogy of the Newberry family, nome ensigns or standards, cult symbols and architecture.

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Sealings, Scarabs, Cylinders'.

Cylinder seal impressions

Notebook housed in an envelope containing cuttings and drawings of cylinder seals and impressions from Abydos, including the tombs of Khasekhemwy and Neterkhet (also known as Djoser). Pages of the notebook have been numbered by Peter Kaplony on 26th November 1959. Notebook also includes loose pages of draft plates for Newberry, P.E., 'Impressions of seals from Abydos', in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Volume 2, p.130 with plates xxii-xxv (1909) (OEB 146367).

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Scarabs and Cylinders'.

Notes on shabtis

Notebook which has been labelled during previous archival processing 'Shabtis and Figures of gods' containing descriptive notes, drawings and copies of inscriptions on shabtis and other figures. The notes appear to have been written around the same time so it is possible the objects are part of one collection.

The reference PEN/G.XIX/N.A on the front of this notebook is incorrect and the reference PEN/G.XXX/N.E has been written on the first page.

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Objects'.

Notes on the Timmins Collection

Notebook containing descriptive notes, drawings and copies of inscriptions on objects from the Timmins Collection. These objects were not included in Newberry, Percy E. 1907. The Timins collection of ancient Egyptian scarabs and cylinder seals. London: Constable (OEB 146409).

This notebook was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Objects'.

Notes on the Louvre Museum collection

Notebook titled by Newberry on the inside page 'Paris Collections - Musée du Louvre' containing descriptive notes, drawings and copies and translations of inscriptions on items in the Louvre Museum, Paris.

The front cover has also been labelled during previous archival processing 'Notes taken in the Louvre by P.E. Newberry'.

Subject Files

In a letter relating to the accession of Newberry's collection to the Griffith Institute Archive in 1951 Dr I. E. S. Edwards (Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum) lists 'Files containing notes on individual subjects (mainly in filing cabinets)'. This series is made up of files which are all consistent in appearance and contain notes on individual subjects. Each file tab is labelled with a subject heading and contains research notes. Some of the files contain research that has evidently been done at different times but subsequently gathered together. For example files contain pages cut from notebooks.

Some organisation of this material was done during previous archival processing. Unfortunately it is not possible to know whether the contents of the files are as they were when received or whether related material has been added to these files from elsewhere in the collection.

There is evidence in Newberry's correspondence that in the period after the Second World War to the end of his life in 1948 Newberry was organising his research material in preparation for a general publication on ancient Egyptian history and archaeology. It is possible these files were created by Newberry in preparation for this publication and as such form a distinct series within the collection.

Dynasties IV, V and VI

Folder titled 'DYN. IV, V, VI' containing notes relating to the 4th Dynasty, 5th Dynasty and 6th Dynasty.


  • Notes on King lists for the 4th, 5th and 6th Dynasties
  • Notes relating to Menkaure, Khafre, Khufu and Snefru
  • Notes on cylinder seals from the 5th Dynasty
  • Notes on Neith and the pyramid of Neith published by Gustave Jéquier in Jéquier, G. 1933. Les pyramides des reines Neit et Apouit. Fouilles à Saqqarah. Le Caire: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale (OEB 141991)
  • Notes on Aba and the pyramid of Aba published by Gustave Jéquier in Jéquier, G. 1935. La pyramide d'Aba. Fouilles at Saqqarah.. Le Caire: Impr. De l'IFAO (OEB 141989)

Dynasties XI and XII

Folder titled 'DYN. XI and XII' containing notes relating to the 11th and 12th Dynasties.

Material has been split into envelopes as follows:
-Notes on the Herakleopolitan Dynasty, Herakleopolis, Khety I and notes from Quibell, J. E. 1907. <i>Excavations at Saqqara (1905-1906)</i>. Le Caire: Institute Français d'Archéologie Orientale (OEB 147888)
-Beginning of a draft titled 'The Middle Kingdom - The Rise of Thebes and the XIth Dyn.'
-Notes on King Kakare An(tef)
-Notes on 11th Dynasty Kings Intef I, Intef II, Mentuhotep I, Mentuhotep II, Mentuhotep III, Mentuhotep IV, as well as the mothers of Kings
-Notes on stelae from the 11th Dynasty, translations of inscriptions, photographs and plates of stelae including stelae of Antefnakht (TopBib i.596), Intef (British Museum, EA 1203) (TopBib i.596), Thethi (British Museum, EA 614) (TopBib i.596) and Redi-Khnum (Cairo Museum, CG 20543)
-Notes, copies of inscriptions and sketches from the temple of Mentuhotep II (TopBib ii.381)
-Inscriptions on monuments relating to Mentuhotep II including block from Gebelein (Cairo Museum, 24.5 and 28.5) and relief from Dendera (Cairo Museum, JE 46068). Reference to Winlock, H.E., 'The Eleventh Egyptian Dynasty', <i>Journal of Near Eastern Studies</i>, Vol. 2 [4] (Oct. 1943), pp. 249-283
-Inscriptions on 11th Dynasty monuments and copies of hieroglyphs from the tomb of the Chancellor Khety (TT 311) including notes on colours (TopBib i.386)
-Notes on Queen Neferu and copies of hieroglyphs from her tomb (TT 319) (TopBib i.391)
-Notes and copies of inscriptions from the Shatt er-Rigal rock inscriptions and on the Chancellor Khety from the 11th Dynasty (TopBib v.206)
-Notes and copies of inscriptions from the sarcophogus of Aashait [or Ashayt] (Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 47267) and photograph of a block from wall of tomb (TopBib ii.387)
-Typed notes on the title of Chancellor, the Chancellor Thethi and the role of Chancellor in the 12th Dynasty, and notes on the statue of Djoser which includes the name of Imhotep (Cairo Museum, JE 49889)
-Notes relating to the 11th Dynasty including on Kings and Queens, tombs at Deir el-Bahari, and stelae [these notes have all been cut from different notebooks and grouped together in this envelope]. Also includes notes on Naville, E. et al. 1907-1913. <i>The XIth Dynasty temple at Deir el-Bahari</i>, 3 vols. (OEB 206117; OEB 206119; OEB 146133)

Dynasties XIX and XX

Folder titled 'DYNS. XIX and XX' containing notes on Kings of the 19th Dynasty and 20th Dynasty.

Material has been split into envelopes as follows:

-Notes on kings of the 19th and 20th Dynasties and the Ramesside Kings

-Notes and copies of inscriptions relating to Horemheb including statue of Horemheb with coronation inscription

-Notes on Ramesses I

-Notes on Seti I

-Notes on Ramesses II including stela and statue of Ramesses II, sons of Ramesses II

-Notes on Kings of the 19th Dynasty including Ramesses Siptah

-Notes on Ramesses III including copy of inscription on the sons of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu and notes on the Turin Judicial Papyrus

Dynasties XXI to XXX

Folder titled 'DYNS. XXI - XXX' containing notes on kings of the 21st Dynasty, 22nd Dynasty, 23rd Dynasty, 24th Dynasty, 25th Dynasty, 26th Dynasty, 27th Dynasty, 28th Dynasty, 29th Dynasty and 30th Dynasty.

Material has been split into envelopes as follows:

-Handwritten draft on the history of the 21st to 30th Dynasties, written on diary pages from January to February 1941.

-Handwritten draft on the 24th to the 26th Dynasty, handwritten draft titled 'The Delta Dynasties' on the 21st to 26th Dynasties, and typed draft on the 27th to 30th Dynasties c.1941

-Notes on the 21st Dynasty, Hrihor and Ramesses XII

-Notes on the 22nd Dynasty and Shoshenq I including parts of drafts and copies of inscriptions

-Notes on the 25th Dynasty including notes on inscriptions

-Notes on the 26th Dynasty including notes on inscriptions

-Notes on the 30th Dynasty

Dynasty XVIII

Folder titled ‘Dynasty XVIII T.IV A.III Amarna excluding Ay’. The folder contains several envelopes, listed below, with material relating to the 18th Dynasty.

Envelopes include:

  1. Notes on the tomb of Tuthmosis IV (TopBib i.559), including sketches of the tomb, notes and sketches of items found in the tomb, including a throne and wooden boats.

    • Notes and copy of hieroglyphs on wooden panels from sides of a throne (Right side: Boston Museum, 03.1131; Left side: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 30.8.45) (TopBib i.561)
    • Notes and sketch, a fragment of a wooden fan (Cairo Museum, 46095) (TopBib i.561)
    • Notes and sketches on the back of a throne (Cairo Museum, 46096) (TopBib i.561)
    • Notes and sketch, right side of a chariot interior (Cairo Museum, 46097) (TopBib i.560)
  2. Notes relating to inscriptions in tomb TT64 belonging to Hekerneheh (TopBib i.128), including inscriptions from the vestibule of the tomb used in Newberry, Percy E. 1928. 'The sons of Tuthmosis IV.' Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 14 (1/2), 82-85 (OEB 146401). Also includes a letter from H.E. Winlock on work in TT64 (2nd April 1925).

  3. Notes and inscriptions relating to Tuthmosis IV and his family. This material also references and relates to Newberry, Percy E. 1903. Extracts from my notebooks (VII). Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology 25, 357-362 (OEB 187707).

    • Copy of inscription on statuette of Hekerneheh found by Newberry in 1898 in tomb TT63.
    • Notes, tracings, drawings and translations of wooden mummy labels with hieratic inscriptions (National Museum Scotland, 1956.154-67) found by Alexander Rhind in the tomb of Amenophis III (TopBib i.671)
    • Drawing of a wooden label of Amenemapet, daughter of Tuthmosis IV, purchased by Newberry at Thebes in 1901
    • Photographs of ostracon with hieratic inscription (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 90.6.3)
  4. Notes, drafts and copies of inscriptions relating to Amenhotep III, including on his wife Queen Tyi [Tiy; Tiye], father Tuthmosis IV, and daughters.

  5. Notes on Amenhotep IV [or Akhenaton], Nefertiti, Semenkhkare, Yuya, tombs at El Amarna and history of the 18th Dynasty.

    • Notes relating to Newberry, Percy E. 1928. Akhenaten's eldest son-in-law 'Ankhkheprurē'. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 14 (1/2), 3-9 (OEB 146342), and Tomb 139 (TopBib i.252), including tracing of slab (shown in figure 4, p.8).
    • Family tree of Amenhotep III
    • Notes on the chronology of tombs at El Amarna
    • Notes on Petrie, W. M. Flinders 1894. Tell el Amarna. London: Methuen & Co. (OEB 147222)
  6. Notes on Tutankhamun, including on the tomb and copies of inscriptions.

    • Letter from Howard Carter to Newberry on the identity of Tutankhamun and the meaning of an inscription on a whip from his tomb, 3rd December 1931
    • Copy of inscription from the vestibule of TT64 used in Newberry, Percy E. 1928. 'The sons of Tuthmosis IV.' In: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 14 (1/2), 82-85 (OEB 146401) (see item 2 in this folder).
    • Notes on botanical specimens found in the tomb and letter from Royal Botanic Gardens Kew on the analysis of a piece of wood from the shrine of Tutankhamun, 3rd July 1925
  7. Notes, sketches and copies of inscriptions from the Rock Chapel of Min at el-Salamuni, Akhmin (TopBib v.17). Also includes notes, not by Newberry, titled ‘Suggestions as to P.E.N.’s copy of Ay inscription, Akhmin’.

  8. Notes, sketches, sketch plans of the tomb, copies of inscriptions from KV23 of Ay (TopBib i.550).

  9. Handwritten and typed drafts, notes and copies of inscriptions relating to Tiy, Ay, Tutankhamun, Amenhotep III, and their relationship to one another. Includes typed drafts titled ‘The problem of Ay and his Queen Tyi’.

  10. Letter from Norman de Garis Davies to Newberry on tomb TT192 belonging to Kheruef, the Steward of Queen Tiy.

  11. Letter from Henry Hall to Newberry on a stela depicting Seker and Tutu (British Museum, EA 211), 31st January 1923, with a rubbing of an inscription on a granite fragment (identified during previous archival processing as a fragment of the sarcophagus in the tomb of Ay (Cairo Museum, Temp. No. (TopBib i.551). The letter has been labelled as ‘King Ay’ by Newberry.

  12. Notes relating to Ay, including reference cards with copies of inscriptions and notes on the tomb.

  13. Notes and reference cards relating to Tyi, Amenhotep III, Akhenaten, Amenhotep IV and Nefertiti.

Neithhotep and tomb

Folder titled 'Nîthotēp Naqada Tomb' containing notes and research material relating to Neithhotep and the identification of the Naqada tomb (TopBib v.118).

-Typed and handwritten notes on Queen Hetep (Neith-Hetep) and her tomb at Naqada
-Notes on objects inscribed with name of Queen Neithhotep
-Cuttings from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. <i>The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties</i>. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184) including Plate II and Plate VA
-Copies of ivory labels found in the tomb of Neithhotep (Cairo Museum, CG 14102, CG 14103, CG 14106, CG 14104) from Morgan, J. de 1897. <i>Recherches sur les origines de l'Égypte: ethnographie préhistorique et tombeau royal de Négadah</i>. Paris: Ernest Leroux (OEB 145679)
-Notes on the correct reading of the name of Neithhotep
-List of the contents of Chamber B
-Notes on seals found in the tomb of Neithhotep
-Notes and cuttings of a plan and section of tomb of Merneith (TopBib v.82)
-Typed notes on Libyan Amazons
-Notes and sketches of ivory tablet of Aha from the tomb at Naqada (Cairo Museum, CG 14142) (TopBib v.118)

Narmer and Menes

Folder titled 'Menes label of Narmer - (7) - Narmer-Menes identification' containing three envelopes.

Envelope 1 includes:
-Typed draft titled 'The Votive Palette of Narmer' on the Narmer Palette (Cairo Museum, JE 14716) with handwritten notes
-Handwritten and typed notes, commentary, cuttings on the label of Aha or Naqada Label (Cairo Museum, CG 14142), including sketches and tracings
-Typed notes on the identification of Nar as Menes and the predecessor of Aha, possibly given as a lecture
-Handwritten note on the depiction of animals on predynastic vases
-Notes on the history of the 1st Dynasty and 2nd Dynasty
-Handwritten notes on seal found in the tomb of Tarkhan I giving the name of Narmer (Petrie Museum, UC 16077)
-Tracing and sketches of a seal of Narmer Men (Ashmolean Museum, E.3915?)
-Tracings and cuttings from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. <i>The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties</i>. Part 2. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184)
-Tracing and notes on two labels of Zer (also known as Djer) (Egyptian Museum of Berlin, 18026 and Cairo Museum, 44365)
-Tracing from Quibell, J. E. 1907. <i>Excavations at Saqqara (1905-1906)</i>. Le Caire: Institute Français d'Archéologie Orientale (OEB 147888)
-Tracings from Petrie, W. M. Flinders, et al. 1913. <i>Tarkhan I and Memphis V</i>. London, Aylesbury: Hazell, Watson and Viney, Ld. (OEB 147219) and Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1914. <i>Tarkhan II</i>. London: School of Archaeology in Egypt (OEB 147220)
-Tracings from Petrie, W. M. Flinders, et al. 1902-1904. <i>Abydos</i>, 3 vols. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 146956) including inscriptions from the Tomb of King Ka-ap (also known as Qa'a)

Envelope 2 includes:
-Handwritten notes on the 1st Dynasty and tombs at Abydos titled 'Egypt before historic times'
-Typed draft correspondence from Newberry to Raymond Faulkner and Alan Gardiner relating to Emery, Walter B. 1939. <i>Ḥor-Aḥa</i>. Excavations at Saqqara (1937-1938). Cairo: Government Press (OEB 138960) and the identification of Narmer with Menes, 1942-1947
-Typed draft correspondence to Walter Emery on Hor-Aha, 1938

Envelope 3 includes:
-Notes on personal names of the Horus King
-Notes on variant writings of the name of Narmer
-Notes on Emery, Walter B. 1939. <i>Ḥor-Aḥa</i>. Excavations at Saqqara (1937-1938). Cairo: Government Press (OEB 138960)
-Notes on boats
-Notes on the Archaic Period and for a lecture on 1st Dynasty Kings

Related publications:
Newberry, Percy Edward: Menes : the founder of the Egyptian monarchy. - In: <i>Great ones of ancient Egypt</i>. - London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1929. - p. 35-53, 2 pl. (OEB 146376)

Dynasty I and Kings 1-4 (Narmer/Menes, Hor-Aha, Djer and Djet)

Folder titled 'History Dynasty I Kings 1-4' containing 6 paper folders labelled by Newberry and two envelopes.

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Lists' includes:

-Notes, rubbings and drawings on the Palermo Stone

-Notes on King lists for the 1st Dynasty

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Narmer Menes - 1' includes:

-Notes on Narmer, Menes, Aha and monuments bearing the name of Narmer, including draft notes for Alan Gardiner

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Aha - 2' includes:

-Two letters from Walter Emery to Newberry on 'The Son of Isis' and Hor-Aha seal, August 1938 (there are replies to this correspondence in Envelope 2, NEWB075).

-Tracings and cuttings from Emery, Walter B. 1939. ?or-A?a. Excavations at Saqqara (1937-1938). Cairo: Government Press (OEB 138960), Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. Part 2. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184), Petrie, F. et al, 'Abydos II', (1903) (OEB 146956)

-Notes, tracings, drawings and cuttings relating to Aha

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Zer Ta - 3' includes:

-Notes, tracings, cuttings and drawings relating to Zer [also referred to as Djer]

-Cutting of Newberry, Percy, 'Egyptian Historical Notes II: 6. The Stela of King Zer', in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology Volume 36 (OEB 187736)

-Cuttings from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184) and Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. Part 2. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184).

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Zet - 4' includes:

-Notes, tracings, cuttings and drawings relating to Zet and the Tomb of Zet [also known as Djet]

-Notes on seals of the reign of King Zet

Folder titled 'Emery Hor aha' includes:

-Notes, tracings, and cuttings including from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184), Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties. Part 2. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184) and Petrie, W. M. Flinders, et al. 1902-1904. Abydos, 3 vols. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 146956).

The two envelopes include:

-Tracings and drawings of seal impressions from The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore

-Notes on labels including ivory and wooden labels of the 1st Dynasty, labels used for oils and unguents, and labels for necklaces and strings of beads

Dynasty I, Kings 5-8 (Merneith, Den, Adjib, Semerkhet and Qa'a)

Folder titled 'Kings 5-8 - History - Dynasty I' containing 4 folders labelled by Newberry containing research material relating to the 1st Dynasty.

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Wdymus Khaskhati - 5' contains research material relating to Queen Merneith and King Den from published sources. It includes:
-Notes, cuttings, tracings and drawings of labels, tablets and seal impressions of Den and Merneit from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184), Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1901. <i>The Royal Tombs of the Earliest Dynasties</i>. Part 2. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184), Amélineau, Émile: <i>Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos. 1896-1898</i>. 3 vols (OEB 133443), and Emery, Walter B. 1938. <i>The tomb of Hemaka. Excavations at Saqqara.</i> Cairo: Government Press (OEB 138968)
-Rubbings of two fragments of a label with the name of Den (Cairo Museum, JE 34904)

Folder titled 'Dyn 1 Merpba - 6' contains material relating to King Anedjib, or Adjib, including:
-Notes, drawings, rubbings of seal impressions and inscriptions mostly taken from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184) and Amélineau, Émile. 1897. <i>Les nouvelles fouilles d'Abydos</i> Volume II (OEB 133443), Gunn, Battiscombe 1928. Inscriptions from the Step Pyramid site. Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 28, 153-174 (OEB 221815)
-Cuttings of images and plans of the tomb of King Azab-Merpaba (TopBib v.82)

Folder 3 titled 'Dyn 1 Smerkhat Semempses - 7' contains material relating to King Semerkhet, including:
-Photograph of a stela of Semerkhet (Cairo Museum, CG 14633) (TopBib v.85)
-Drawings and cuttings of seal impressions mostly taken from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184)
-Cuttings of images of the tomb of Mersekha-Semempses (TopBib v.85)

Folder 3 titled 'Dyn 1 Kc Sn - 8' contains material relating to King Qa'a (also known as Ka'a), including:
-Photograph of a stela of Qa'a (Cairo Museum, CG 14631) (TopBib v.86)
-Drawings and cuttings of seal impressions and other inscribed objects mostly taken from Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1900. <i>The Royal Tombs of the First Dynasty</i>. Part 1. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 147184)
-Notes on King Qa'a
-Rubbings of fragments of bowls bearing the name of Qa'a (Cairo Museum, JE 55261; JE 55255, JE 55257, JE 34398)

Predynastic Egypt

Folder titled 'Predynastic Kings names Palermo and Cairo fragments', containing material relating to Predynastic Egypt.


  • Drafts on the history of Predynastic Egypt

  • Notes on 'paleolithic implants' in Egypt

  • Typed notes on the 'Predynastic Population'

  • Handwritten notes on flints

  • One page of a handwritten draft and notes on the Chalcolithic Period

  • Notes on Predynastic pottery

  • Tracings of Predynastic pottery depicting boats

  • One page of a handwritten draft titled 'Some Cults of Prehistoric Egypt'

  • Three pages of a handwritten draft on cult insignia

  • Draft letter to Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen Edwards on research activity, 30 December 1947

Dynasties II and III

Folder titled 'DYN II and III' containing material relating to possible Kings of 2nd Dynasty and 3rd Dynasty. This folder includes three empty folders at the back which presumably used to house this material titled 'Dyn 2 - Khasehem - Khasekhemui', 'Dyn III ? [sic] Horus Khaba', and 'Horus Hotepsekhemui [in hieroglyphs] and Horus Raneb/Nebra [in hieroglyphs] - Dyn II or III'.


-Copy of King lists for the 2nd and 3rd Dynasties

-Copies of inscriptions relating to Hotepsekhemwy

-Notes on a Tarkhan seal

-Notes on the 9th name on the Abydos King List titled 'King Bed W.'

-Cuttings of objects from the Tomb of Peribsen including inscriptions relating to Hotep-Ahaui and King Raneb (also known as Nebra)


-Notes, rubbing and drawing of inscription of Nubnefer (Cairo Museum, JE 55268)

-Notes, cutting and drawings of inscriptions of Nynetjer (also known as Ninetjer) (Cairo Museum, JE 34938, JE 34933)

-Notes, rubbings and drawings of clay sealing and inscriptions of Sekhemib (including Cairo Museum, JE 55262, JE 55263, JE 55264, JE 55266, JE 55267)

-Rubbing and drawings of inscriptions of Khasekhemwy

-Notes on 'The Horus King Khaba'

Dynasty XII

Folder containing research material on the 12th Dynasty.

-Notes on King Lists
-Typed and handwritten notes on Amenemhet I and related inscriptions
-Handwritten notes on Senusret I and related inscriptions including copy and photograph of the Stela of Antefoker (TopBib v.101) (Leiden Museum, AP 7)
-Handwritten notes on Amenemhet III and related inscriptions
-Typed and handwritten notes on Nitocris, copies of a typed draft titled 'A Hitherto Unrecognised Queen Nitokris of the Twelth Dynasty' and notes on a statue group of Amenemhet and two princesses (Cairo Museum, JE 43104) (TopBib iv.51)
-Handwritten notes on Amenemhet IV including cuttings of images of a Cosmetic Box of Kemeni (Metropolitan Museum of Art, 26.7.1438) (TopBib, i.619(25)), and handwritten and typed versions of a draft
-Notes on Ammenemes III (also known as Amenemhet III), Ammenemes IV (also known as Amenemhet IV) and Sobknefru (also known as Sobekneferu) including handwritten draft and copy of published version of Newberry, P.E., 'Co-regencies of Ammenemes III, IV and Sebknofru', in JEA 29, 74-5 (1943) (OEB 146350), and handwritten and typed copies of a draft titled 'Queen Kasebekre Nefrusebekshedeti'
-Handwritten notes on Hatnub graffiti (TopBib iv.237-239)
-Inscriptions from Wadi Hammamat (TopBib vii.328) taken from Couyat, Jules: Les inscriptions hiéroglyphiques et hiératiques du Ouâdi Hammâmât / par J. Couyat et P. Montet. - Le Caire : Impr. De l'IFAO, 1913. (OEB 137441) p.48 [43], plate XIII, and Sinai (TopBib vii.345-366) taken from Gardiner, Alan H. and T. Eric Peet 1917. <i>The inscriptions of Sinai. Part I: introduction and plates</i>. Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund [36]. London: Egypt Exploration Fund (OEB 139938)
-Handwritten notes on Princess Ptahnofru

There is a small folder at the back which has been labelled 'XII-XIII Dyn' and 'Miscellaneous' during previous archival processing and includes notes relating to the 12th Dynasty, including a draft letter to Alan Gardiner on the transcription of King's names.

Dynasty XVIII

Folder titled 'DYN XVIII to death of AII [Amenhotep II]' containing research material on the 18th Dynasty.


-Typed and handwritten notes on Kings and Queens of the 18th Dynasty, including King lists, occurences of names on inscribed objects, notes titled 'Sethe's view of Th. [Tuthmosis] I. II. III. and Hatshepsut', typed draft on the history of Dynasty XVIII, typed draft on Queen Ahhotep, and notes on mortuary temples

-Handwritten notes on Kamose

-Handwritten notes on Ahmose I, Amenhotep I, Tuthmosis I

-Handwritten notes on Ahmose I and Queen Ahmose-Nefertari including drawing of a scarab

-Handwritten notes on Tuthmosis I

-Handwritten notes on Tuthmosis II

-Handwritten notes on Hatshepsut and copy of an inscription from the base of an obelisk taken from Lepsius, R., Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien, (1849)

-Rubbings and drawings of inscriptions on vase fragments relating to Hatshepsut

-Handwritten notes on Tuthmosis III and draft lecture on relations with Asia under Tuthmosis III

-Handwritten notes on Amenhotep II

-Handwritten notes on the 18th Dynasty including notes on Amenhotep, son of Hapu and notes from a publication on New Kingdom Stelae, Leiden

Deforestation, dessication and climate changes in Egypt

Folder titled 'Deforestation : Dessication' containing research notes on deforestation, dessication and climate changes in Egypt.


  • Notes on the Libyan Desert or Sahara including on deforestation

  • Notes in preparation for a lecture titled 'Taming the land and interpretation of nature'

  • Notes on articles by Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker

  • Notes on deforestation

  • Notes on the former fertility of Egypt

  • Newspaper cutting on soil erosion in Africa by Elspeth Huxley from The Times, 10 June 1937

  • Notes on the geology of Egypt

  • Typed lecture notes on deforestation, flora and fauna in Egypt

  • Notes on desiccation or drying up of lakes and rivers

  • Typed draft titled 'Deforestation of Mediterranean Lands'

  • Notes on deserts

Place names and geography

Folder titled 'Geography. Egypt. General. Name etc.' including:

-Typed list titled 'Tells and Koms mentioned in the Arabic Sibakh-List of December 1909'

-Notes on, and lists of place names

Egyptian Delta

Folder titled 'Tinnis' containing notes on the Delta region and places in Egypt including Tinnis, Pelusium and Lake Manzaleh. Includes letter from Howard Carter giving an account of his work at Ballaman including his relations with Gaston Maspero, 18-19th April 1913.

Also includes:

-Notes on Tinnis, Pelusium and Lake Manzaleh

-Extracts from Jakut's Geographical Dictionary (Leipzig, 1866) including on Tinnis

-Notes on places in the Delta region including the Isthmus of Suez, Thennesus, Memphis, Al Farama, Al Ghofar and Bubastis


Folder titled 'Egypt. Nomes. Lower Egypt' containing notes on places and nomes in Egypt.

-Notes on the Nile and bibliographic references to the Nile
-Envelope containing notes on Ta-Seti and Aswan including tracing and drawing of a fragment of a stela depicting Khasekhem with a bow on his head published in Quibell, J. E. and F. W. Green 1900-1902. <i>Hierakonpolis</i>, Part 2. London: Bernard Quaritch (OEB 147893)
-Notes on Edfu
-Notes from Mariette-Bey, A. 1871. <i>Dendérah: description générale du grand temple de cette ville</i>, Volume 4, Plate 34, (Paris, 1871) (OEB 144495)
-Nome priests
-Notes and tracings of birds possibly relating to the 18th nome of Upper Egypt Nemty


Folder titled 'Oases' and numbered 6(a) containing research notes on oases including Dakhla, Bahariya Oasis, Farafra, Siwa and Kharga.

Results 811 to 840 of 985