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Archivische Beschreibung
Percy Edward Newberry Collection Englisch
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Benson, Margaret - correspondence

Correspondence from Margaret Benson (1865-1916) (daughter of Mary Benson) including relating to squeezes of a big stone and finds from a temple [presumably the Temple of Mut].

MSS 4/73 is also numbered A 229
MSS 4/77 is also numbered 43
MSS 4/80 is also numbered 41

Bell, C. F. - correspondence

Correspondence from C. F. Bell (Ashmolean Museum) on the Album of Hsiang Yuan Pien, Pyramidion of Geta (Teti, Ashmolean Museum E.3926) and the fragment of blue glaze from El Arabah.

Bailey, J. R. - correspondence

Correspondence from J. R. Bailey (Secretary of Burlington Fine Arts Club) relating to membership of the Burlington Fine Arts Club and arranging an Exhibition of the Arts of Ancient Egypt in the gallery of the Club.

Aylmer, Guy - correspondence

Letter from Guy Aylmer (Husband to Christabel Aylmer) to Newberry regarding sending him some samples of wood from Sudan.

MSS 3/48 is also numbered A 104
MSS 3/49 is also numbered A.53

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