1557 Treffer anzeigen

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1557 Treffer mit digitalen Objekten Treffer mit digitalen Objekten anzeigen

Probable statue-base of Ptah, dedicated by Prince Merneptah, grey granite, temp. Ramesses II, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 1801

Probable statue-base of Ptah, dedicated by Prince Merneptah, grey granite, temp. Ramesses II, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 1801.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Base of statue of Ptah dedicated by [Mr-n-Ptḥ] F'.

[Top left] Fragment of a stela of Bekmin and [his wife?] Sitsobek before [Hathor], Dyn. XVIII, from Thebes, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7602; [middle left] stela of Djehutire and his mother Takemi, Dyn. XVII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2547; [bottom left] stela of Nakht and presumably his wife In, prob. 2nd. Int. Period, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7604; [middle] jambs with the deceased seated at the bottom, temp. Sesostris II and Sesostris III, from El-Bersha, Tomb 2, Djehutihotep II, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7596; [right] stela of Senbuy, Dyn. XIII or 2nd Int. Period, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7603

[Top left] Fragment of a stela of Bekmin and [his wife?] Sitsobek before [Hathor], Dyn. XVIII, from Thebes, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7602; [middle left] stela of Djehutire and his mother Takemi, Dyn. XVII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2547; [bottom left] stela of Nakht and presumably his wife In, prob. 2nd. Int. Period, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7604; [middle] jambs with the deceased seated at the bottom, temp. Sesostris II and Sesostris III, from El-Bersha, Tomb 2, Djehutihotep II, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7596; [right] stela of Senbuy, Dyn. XIII or 2nd Int. Period, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7603.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Tablets of [Mnw] / [Ḏḥwtjj-rʿ] / 1549 - Portions of tomb of [Ḏḥwtjj-ḥtp]. Bersheh. - Tablet of [Snbwjj] F.'.

Plaques, seals, stamps, etc. with cartouches, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio

Plaques, seals, stamps, etc. with cartouches, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: '[Mn-ḫpr-rʿ] seal crocodile / [Wsr-mȝʿt-rʿ] plaque / [Wȝḥ-jb-rʿ-sb(?)] seal / Haabra plaque / Amen stamp / Seti II plaque / Engraved wood of Amenhotep I T'.

[Left] Pectoral, recto, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 2034; [right] pectoral, recto, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 2036

[Left] Pectoral, recto, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 2034; [right] pectoral, recto, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 2036.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Small pectoral, space left for insertion of name plate / Large pectoral, scarab lost / no names B'.

[Left] Pectoral, verso, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 2034; [right] pectoral, verso, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 2036

[Left] Pectoral, verso, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 2034; [right] pectoral, verso, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 2036.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Small pectoral, space left for insertion of name plate / Large pectoral, scarab lost / no names B'.

Pectorals, verso, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio

Pectorals, verso, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Blue glazed pectoral, inserted scarab, of [pr(sic) nbjjw n nb tȝwj Snr mȝʿ-ḫrw] - another of [nb pr ʿntjj] / Wooden pectoral, inserted scarab of [Njȝnjj] - Wooden pectoral of [Rʿ-ms] scarab black blue glaze, plate of grey limestone T'.

[Upper left] Stela of Tetiankh, Dyn. XVIII, from Thebes, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 6371; [lower left] stela of Minhotep, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2521; [right] rectangular stela of Khentekhtai, late Dyn. XII or Dyn XIII, reportedly from Thebes, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2564

[Upper left] Stela of Tetiankh, Dyn. XVIII, from Thebes, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 6371; [lower left] stela of Minhotep, late Dyn. XII or Dyn. XIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2521; [right] rectangular stela of Khentekhtai, late Dyn. XII or Dyn XIII, reportedly from Thebes, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2564.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'See 52 | 55 / Tablet of [Ḫntj-ẖtj] Cat. 1544 F'.

Pectorals, recto, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio

Pectorals, recto, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Blue glazed pectoral, inserted scarab, of [pr(sic) nbjjw n nb tȝwj Snr mȝʿ-ḫrw] - another of [nb pr ʿntjj] / Wooden pectoral, inserted scarab of [Njȝnjj] - Wooden pectoral of [Rʿ-ms] scarab black blue glaze, plate of grey limestone T'.

[Left] Three discs of Ay (later king), ivory, provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 6446; [right] relief showing a female harpist, painted wood, provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio

[Left] Three discs of Ay (later king), ivory, provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 6446; [right] relief showing a female harpist, painted wood, provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Ivory reels of [Jjj] / Harper carved in wood & painted (box lid?) T'.

[Left] Vase with text of Tarashe, copper, Roman, provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3180; [right] situla of Shednefertem, bronze, late New Kingdom, provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3178

[Left] Vase with text of Tarashe, copper, Roman, provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3180; [right] situla of Shednefertem, bronze, late New Kingdom, provenance not known, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3178.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Bronze situlae [Šd-nfr-tm] see Cat. 3178 T'.

[Left] Stela of Senbi, temp. Amenemhet III, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2506; [right] lower part of the stela of Si (shown incompletely), 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 6381

[Left] Stela of Senbi, temp. Amenemhet III, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 2506; [right] lower part of the stela of Si (shown incompletely), 1st half of Dyn. XVIII, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 6381.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Tablet of [Snbj] (Cat.1543) with name of Amenemhat III F'.

Ergebnisse: 211 bis 240 von 1557