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Hector Horeau Collection Inglés
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136 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Nubia

View of the Nile at Nubia:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Vue du Nil'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Assouan et Environs, Egypte'. (ink note)
  • 17.7 by 12.5 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Thebes

Barque with a naos shrine in the centre, and possibly a barque sphinx at the bow. Possibly from a tomb scene:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] 'Thebes'. (pencil note)
  • 18 by 7.7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Thebes

Barque with three men standing inside and wedjat eyes painted on the exterior, possibly from a tomb scene:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] 'Thebes'. (pencil note)
  • 18 by 6.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Beni Hasan

Boats from Beni Hasan tomb relief scenes. On the upper half is a boat with several rowers and men at the bow steering, followed by another boat with a larger standing figure at the bow; the second boat on the right within the fourth register at (6) of the tomb of Khnumhotep (Tomb 3, Beni Hasan). The lower left side sketch shows the stern of a boat found on the left within the fifth register at (12) of the tomb of Amenemhat (Tomb 2, Beni Hasan), the lower right side sketch is a detailed boat from the right side within the sixth register at (15) also of the tomb of Amenemhat (Tomb 2, Beni Hasan):

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top right] 'grand prêtre'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, centre] 'culottes et robes blanches (probablement des pretres)', 'barque du defunt'. (pencil notes)
  • [on recto, bottom left] 'il y a parfois 2 gouvernails', 'corps mort'. (pencil notes)
  • [on recto, bottom right] 'cette surface listé en jaune ressemble à une bandiere (drapeau) ou rideau pr cacher les femmes lorsqu'elles ont besoin d'etre seule'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'BENI HASSAN'. (pencil note)
  • 21.6 by 15.7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Beni Hasan

Boat with rows of men with oars, middle boat from a larger relief scene on the fifth register at (12) of the tomb of Amenemhat (Tomb 2, Beni Hasan). On the upper corners of the watercolour are small separate sketches of the details of shields on the cabin from the boat at the right side:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top] 'la reine dans la barque avec 1 ou 2 femmes' and 'qu'est ce que cela? ne serait ce pas une [ ] pour [ ] du maitre de la barque qui est assis au dessous? ou pr [ ] la voile?'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'chaque marin a un petit cotte ou tablier blanc dans certaines barques on voit quelquefois les marins assis les extremités de la barque sont blanches'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'BENI HASSAN'. (pencil note)
  • 21.6 by 17.1 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Mit Rahina

Limestone colossus of Ramesses II from the south gate of the Ptah enclosure at Mit Rahina:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left edge] 'colosse de Memphis (SESOSTRIS) [ ] de Cambises Ses[ ]'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Colosse de Memphis'. (ink note)
  • 34.5 by 25 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Giza and Saqqara

Landscape view of the pyramids at Saqqara:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'pyramides de Gizeh, pyramides de Zaqqarah, Le Caire'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Pyramides de Zaqqarah'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'nº 10'. (ink note)
  • 34.5 by 21.5 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Wadi Halfa

View of the second cataract at Wadi Halfa:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'R.E. Nubie Ouady Halfa entrée de la 2e cataracte ile de Muogis 15 mai 1838'. (ink note)
  • [on mount] 'Ouady Halfa, Entrée de la 2e Cataracte'. (pencil note)
  • 25.1 by 16.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Wadi Halfa

View of the second cataract at Wadi Halfa, with seated figures in the foreground:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'Nubie.R.O. Vue de la 2e cataracte prise du rocher des visiteurs à noms) en regardt le sud. 14 mai 1838'. (ink note)
  • [on mount] 'Mr Horeau, arrivé à la 2e Cataracte, inscrit son nom sur un rocher'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Haute-Egypte La 2e Cataracte, limite de l'Exploration de M. H. Horeau'. (ink note)
  • 25.2 by 17.2 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Abu Simbel

Plan and detailed section of the small temple at Abu Simbel, including a separate drawing at the top left of the statue of the goddess Hathor in bovine form protecting the king between two Hathor-headed pillars (41):

  • watercolour
  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto] 'PLAN ET COUPE DU TEMPLE D'HATOR A IBSAMBOUL'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.E', '1838 18 mai'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Temple de Vénus Athor à Ibsamboul'. (ink note)
  • 24.5 by 34 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Abu Simbel

Plan of the great temple at Abu Simbel, including a separate drawing of the four seated statues of the king and the gods at (115):

  • watercolour
  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'GRAND TEMPLE D'IBSAMBOUL NUBIE.R.O'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'Grand Temple d'Ibsamboul'. (ink note)
  • 24.5 by 34 cm

Hector Horeau Drawing - el-Sebua

Drawings of the cartouches of Ramesses II from the New Kingdom temple at el-Sebua (numbered 2 and 3):

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, left side] '1. les figures de la cour pareilles à celles de Ghirché l'embrasemr de porte à droite est plus refouillé pour l'épaisseur de la porte'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, right side] '4. les colosses à droite et à gauche de la porte sont à terre ils sont figurés debout dans la vue pour donner plus d'intéret'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] '3. Plan et détails'. (ink note)
  • 31.1 by 7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Sebua

Plan of the New Kingdom temple at el-Sebua:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left] 'Plan du temple de Hemi-speos à ouadi-Asseboua (vallée des lions)'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.O '28 mai'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] '3. Plan et détails'. (ink note)
  • 31.1 by 8.7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Sebua

Colossal standard-bearer statue of Ramesses II (south statue), from the pylon area at (28) of the New Kingdom temple at el-Sebua:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'Colosse d'assaboua'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] '2. Colosse de Rhamsès III'. (ink note)
  • 31.2 by 16.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Dakka

On the top of the page is a sketch of the figure of a goddess or a queen from a column, and on the lower half of the page is a view of the pronaos and pylon of the temple at el-Dakka:

  • pencil sketch (top page)
  • watercolour (bottom page)
  • mounted
  • [on mount, verso] 'Vue, Plan et Détails du Temple de Dakkeh'. (ink note)
  • 9.2 by 23.4 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Dakka

Relief figure of the god Bes from the west column of entrance of the temple facade at el-Dakka:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top edge] 'Tiphon à Dakke au ¼ sur un fut de colonne'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Vue, Plan et Détails du Temple de Dakkeh'. (ink note)
  • 9.2 by 23.4 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Dakka

Plan of the temple at el-Dakka

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'PLAN DU TEMPLE DE DAKKE OB.ons les Seuils du Pilone en granit A TIPHON B LION à terre C NAOS granit rose D FIGURE voir vue E LIONS bas relief'. (ink note)
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'NUBIE.R.O'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Vue, Plan et Détails du Temple de Dakkeh'. (ink note)
  • 24.6 by 34.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Dakka

View of the temple at el-Dakka:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.O. DAKKE'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Vue, Plan et Détails du Temple de Dakkeh'. (ink note)
  • 24.6 by 16.7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Maharraqa

Plan of the temple at el-Maharraqa:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.O. MEHARRAKAH'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, left side of the plan] 'il y a de mauvaises sculptures bien endommagées sur la face du mur A. les lignes rouges expriment les assises du mur tombées regulierement'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Plan de Maharraka'. (ink note)
  • 17 by 12.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Qurta

Plan of the temple of Isis at Qurta:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, left side] 'le rose pale est une restauration'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, right side] 'il n'y a pas de sculpture'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.O. KORTI'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Plan de Korti'. (ink note)
  • 17 by 12.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Maharraqa

View of the temple to Isis and Serapis at el-Maharraqa in Nubia:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto] 'Maharraka'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Temple de Maharraka'. (ink note)
  • 25.6 by 18.5 cm
Resultados 31 a 60 de 136