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4092 výsledků s digitálními objekty Show results with digital objects

Gunn, Battiscombe G. - correspondence

68 letters from Gunn, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Gunn.
Regular exchange of professional information, including:

  • Černý's publications, and publications exchange
  • purchase of books from Alec Dakin
  • A Festschrift for A. Gardiner - negotiating with authors, application to potential sponsors (considered Chester Beatty, John D. Rockefeller, IFAO, etc.), major sponsors declined so the idea was transformed into a dedicated volume of the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
  • reading of Egyptian literary texts, including Černý coming to attend seminars at Oxford
  • mutual consultations
  • advising each other's students - P. Massart, E. Jelínková(-Reymond), Z. Žába

Battiscombe George Gunn Collection

  • Gunn MSS
  • Collection
  • c.1920s-1950

Notebooks, notes, articles (some unpublished), lecture notes, photographs, correspondence, squeezes, drawings, tracings, and casts.

Gunn, Battiscombe George

Habachi, Labib - correspondence

4 letters from Habachi.
1 letter from Habachi to Marie Černý.
Publication exchange, social contacts, Černý's stay in Egypt in 1958, especially his sojourn in Nubia.
The letter to Marie Černý concerns copies of obituaries.

Harari, A. - correspondence

8 letters from Harari, 1 carbon copy of a letter to Harari from I. E. S. Edwards sent on behalf of Černý.
Professional and personal matters; the death of B. Grdseloff and Grdseloff's papers; book purchases; and Harari's work on the ancient Egyptian legal system.

Donald Benjamin Harden Collection

  • Harden, D. B. MSS
  • Collection
  • 1923-1929

Transcripts of diaries kept during his stay as a Commonwealth Fund Fellow at the University of Michigan 1926-8, and albums of photographs taken during trips to Italy, Tunisia and Egypt 1923-9.

Harden, Donald Benjamin

Harris, John R. - correspondence

15 letters from Harris, 5 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Harris.
An invitation from the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies to act as Supervisor to J. R. Harris, 1 carbon copy of a reply from Černý to the Secretary of Faculties.
A communication from Merton College (Elizabeth Ratcliff, College secretary) concerning a reference for J. R. Harris, 1 carbon copy of a reply from Černý to Merton College.
A communication from Christ Church College (Dean of Christ Church) concerning a reference for J. R. Harris, 1 carbon copy of a reply from Černý’s to the Dean of Christ Church College.
A communication from Brasenose College (the Principal) concerning a reference for J. R. Harris, 1 carbon copy of a reply from Černý to the Principal of Brasenose College.
1 payroll notice from the Committee of Advanced Studies, for Cerny, for the supervision of J. R. Harris.
1 Notice of appointment of Examiners for Černý concerning his student J. R. Harris.
2 letters from H. W. Fairman (University of Liverpool) concerning J. R. Harris' examination, 1 carbon copy of a reply from Černý to H. W. Fairman regarding the examination of J. R. Harris.
1 invitation from Černý to I.E.S. Edwards to act as examiner for J. R. Harris
Correspondence concerned mainly with J. R. Harris' studies, examinations and grant and scholarship applications.

Edward James Hawker Collection

  • Hawker MSS
  • Collection
  • 1850-1852

Three albums containing drawings and watercolours.

Hawker, Edward James

Robert Hay Collection | copies of documentation in other collections

  • Hay MSS
  • Collection
  • 1824-1834

Typescript copy of Hay's journal from 24th November 1824 to 27th October 1827, photographs of drawings made by Hay in the tomb of Neferhotp (TT49) (Griffith Institute photos. 3070-7), 13 mounted photographs made from Hay's drawings of el-Kâb, Philae, and Amada, and microfilm roll with copies of the Hay MSS once in the British Museum and now in the British Library.

Hay, Robert

Hayes, William C. - correspondence

10 letters from Hayes, 7 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Hayes.
Correspondence mainly concerned with professional matters:

  • Deir el-Medina finds in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, notably from the tomb of Sennedjem, TopBib i2.5, photographs of the objects from the tomb
  • question of ownership of a scribal palette in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 47.123, bought from the art dealer, John Tano
  • 21st Dynasty chronology
  • publications exchange
  • Černý's plan to finalize his book on the royal workmen
  • Hayes satisfied with Eric Young as their new team member, Young had been recommended by Černý
  • also personal matters, including a planned visit by Černý to New York

Heathcote Negatives Collection

  • Heathcote MSS
  • Collection
  • 1922-1933

Negatives of Egyptian antiquities, scenes of daily life, and landscapes.

Heathcote, Reginald St. Alban

Helck, Hans Wolfgang - correspondence

1 letter from Helck, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Helck.
Correspondence represents the smaller part of a larger exchange (existing letters contain references to other letters) concerning Helck's publication: Helck, W. Zur Verwaltung des Mittleren und Neuen Reichs (1958) (OEB 6234). Following this publication, Černý decided not to publish his planned paper on Viziers (see Černý MSS 5.7-8), which Helck regretted.

Jean-Jacques Hess von Wyss Collection

  • Hess von Wyss MSS
  • Collection

Notebooks and notes on demotic and Meroitic, including copies of papyri and squeezes.

Hess von Wyss, Jean-Jacques

Edward Hincks Collection

  • Hincks MSS
  • Collection
  • early 1830s-1866
  • Hincks MSS 1: Correspondence, and Warren Dawson's handwritten catalogue for the same ['Box A', 'Box B' and notebook]
  • Hincks MSS 2: Notes, unfinished lecture ['Box C']
  • Hincks MSS 3: A small number of plaster casts made from Egyptian and Assyrian objects [two small boxes]:
    • Egyptian funerary cones (Davies and Macadam, Nos 3 and 20)
    • Marriage scarab of Amenhotep III [Amenophis III] (perhaps Blankenberg van Delden A18)
  • Hincks MSS 4: A hand copy made by W. R. Dawson of Hincks, 'On Certain Egyptian Papyri in the British Museum', published in Transactions of the British Archaeological Association at its Second Annual Congress held at Winchester, August 1845 [one notebook]
  • Hincks MSS 5: Portrait painting (oil on canvas, 79 x 104 cm, 107.5 x 133 cm with frame) by Richard Hooke (1820-1908)

Hincks, (Revd) Edward

Hlouškovi family - correspondence

2 letters from the Hlouškovi family to Černý'.
The Hlouškovi family, who lived in Boskovice (Moravia), were related to Marie Sargant (Černý's future wife).
Personal matters.

Homer, Sidney - correspondence

1 letter from Homer, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Homer.
Query about interest rates in ancient Egypt. Homer authored A History of Interest Rates. Homer was recommended by R. A. Parker.

Results 4021 to 4050 of 8675