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Squeezes of Meroitic and related material

Meroitic and Related Material. Offering table with Meroitic script belonging to a Robert Garrett. With correspondence.

  • Gebel Harden – Fragment of sandstone stela with Meroitic cursive text on both faces. With correspondence and extract from official report. TopBib.vii.272
    -Meroë – No. 30, Takideamani. Sandstone offering-table. Berlin 2255. TopBib.vii.254
    -Gebel Geili – Cartouche of a Meroitic king. With correspondence and copy. TopBib.vii.272
    -Philae – Hadrian’s Gate. Meroitic texts (by Spiegelberg) [=Griffith, Meroitic Inscriptions ii, pls. XXXV-XL, Nos. 119-123]. TopBib.vi.255
    -Kalâbsha – Meroitic cursive text of Blemmye King Kharamadēye. TopBib.vii.13(16)
    -Amâra – Stela of Ademeqē, with Meroitic cursive text. TopBib.vii.164


Letters numbered 1-470 listed by Warren Dawson in 1953. List in box with letters. A further group of unlisted letters was found in the archives in 1969 and these are now filed alphabetically in a separate group after the numbered letters - list at end of the Dawson catalogue.

Squeezes - Demotic

Griffith squeezes and other material connected with the publication of Catalogue of the Demotic Graffiti of the Dodecaschoenus.

For this publication Griffith used squeezes made by various people. Three identifiable groups, those made by Hess, Spiegelberg, and Roeder, have been catalogued separately. Only a few listed here have been attributed. The Catalogue, vol. i. pp. 4-7 gives details of the recording of the graffiti.

Unpublished graffiti, some equated with Roeder, Der Tempel von Dakke Nos. 2, 8, 9, 11,12, 18[a].

-El-Dakka - Nos. 1-3, 5, 8, 10, 12 (photograph by Breasted), 13, 14, 22, 23 - TopBib.vii.41
-Dendûr - No. 1, and photograph (by Blackman) One ‘opposite Dendûr, Ajûala (?)' - TopBib.vii.28
-Kalabsha - Nos. 1-4. Four unpublished. Letter from Maspero - TopBib.vii.11
-Ajûala No. 1 and photograph (by Blackman) - TopBib.vii.40
-Island of Bîga - Nos. 2-9 - One unpublished - TopBib.v.257
-Philae - TopBib.vi.206 - Nos. 2-4, 6, 15-23, 25-6, 28-32, 34, unpublished before 40, 46, 48, 54-6, 58-61, 64-5, unpublished (facsimile) after 66, 69-70, 76, unpublished before 85, 85, unpublished after 86, 87-9, 94-7, 100, 103-4, unpublished after 105, unpublished before 106, 107, unidentified tracing (not 108 as indicated), unpublished after 109, unpublished before 110, 111, unpublished after 111, 113, unpublished before 115, Nos. 115, 118, 120-2, 124, 127, 130, 135, 160-4, 187-9, unpublished after 192, 193-5, 204, 205, 212, 216-21, unpublished after 221, 227-34, 236, unpublished near 241 ? 242, 246-8, 251, 253, unpublished after 259, 261, 262(7), 275, 278, 286, 288, 291, 297-8, 300, 305-8, 311-13, unpublished after 313, 314, 316-9, unpublished after 319, 321, 325, 333, unpublished after 333, 334, unpublished before 335, unpublished after 335, 336-8, 340, 343, 353, 355-8, unpublished after 359, 360, 367-8, 373-5, unpublished after 375, 377, 390-3, 400, unpublished after 400, 403-7, unpublished after 407, 413-14, 418-19, unpublished among 419-425, 422-4, unpublished after 424, unpublished near 424 (?), 425, unpublished before 426, 426, 428, 434, 437, 439, 442-4, 446, unpublished before 447, 447-8.

Drawings prepared for plates:

Some proofs: Philae

Griffith Institute Stereoscopic Photographs Collection

1) 103 stereoscopic photographs published by Underwood & Underwood, consisting of views of Egypt (49), China (50), Europe (3), and India (1).
2) Sawyer's View-Master Model B, black bakelite (c. 1944-1947), and twelve View-Master reels with seven pictures of Egypt each (© 1950): 3301 'Cairo, Egypt'; 3302 'The Famous Mosques of Cairo, Egypt'; 3303 'The Great Pyramids and Sphinx, Giza, Egypt'; 3304 'The Tombs of the Kings, Thebes, Egypt'; 3305 'Treasures of King Tut-Ankh-Amen, Cairo, Egypt'; 3306 'The River Nile, Assuan to Cairo, Egypt'; 3307 'The Valley of the Nile, Egypt'; 3308 'People of the Nile Valley, Egypt'; 3309 'Sakkara and Memphis, Egypt'; 3310 'Luxor & El Karnak, Egypt'; 3311 'Ancient Thebes, Egypt'; and 3312 'Assuan on the Nile, Egypt'.
3) 50 stereoscopic glass positives accompanied by a handwritten numbered index of images and a Gaumont stereoscopic viewer. The positives were created in Egypt sometime between 1900 and 1914. Views include Alexandria, Cairo (street scenes and inside the Egyptian Museum), the pyramids at Giza, the Luxor Temple, the Valley of the Kings, and Aswan.

Underwood & Underwood

Griffith Institute Casts

Plaster casts of objects in Edinburgh, Royal Museum of Scotland, 1956.144 (lower part of block statue of Pedehor, Late Period), and 1961.439 (stela of Anakht, New Kingdom); Reading, The Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology (copper mirror of Henuiti (woman), Dyn. XII), inked in by J. Černý; Samos, Archeological Museum of Vathy (inscription from bronze mirror of Antiuzashu, Dyn. XXV-XXVI), cast sent by J. Penrose Barron of Balliol College to J. Černý, kept with copies of the texts made by J. Černý and J. Harris.

Royal Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh

Published volumes

A complete set of De Keersmaecker's publications on early travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan, presenting graffiti left by (mostly) European visitors at sites during the nineteenth century (print volumes and Word files).

  • Volumes I-XII
  • Index to volumes I-XII
  • Additional volumes [I], II, III.[I]-II-[III].

Most publications represent a single site or part of a site, and within each publication, the graffiti are organised in groups:

  • Graffiti with names with a date also recorded, arranged chronologically, supplemented by biographical information
  • Graffiti with names without accompanying dates, arranged alphabetically, supplemented by biographical information
  • 'Unclassifiable' graffiti, partial names or initials
  • Index of names
  • Photographs of a selection of graffiti
  • Short essays on individuals
  • Bibliography.

The Word files, from which the PDFs uploaded here have been created, seem to be the original version of the publications. They present some dissimilarities with the final print volumes. The set of print volumes contain some annotations and related loose documents, both added later by De Keersmaecker.

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