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Research material relating to the sand dune symbol

Research material relating to the sand dune symbol [N25].

-Photograph of a pot from the MacGregor collection featuring a boat with the symbol for sand dunes on the mast head [N25]
-Notes, drafts, cuttings and tracings on the sand dune symbol [N25], occurences of the symbol on predynastic pots, the bull kingdom or 6th nome of Lower Egypt and the God Ha
-Notes on the geographic distribution of the sand dune cult

Research material relating to Neith

Notes and parts of drafts relating to Neith. Includes notes on the figure of eight shield with crossed arrows, single and compound ensigns featuring bows and crossed arrows, the Minoan-Mycenaean Goddess of the Bow, and different forms of bow and arrows.

-Draft titled 'The Minoan-Mycenaean Goddess of the Bow'
-Tracings of stone bead seals
-Notes on the form of bows and depictions of bow like objects
-Part of draft and notes on Neith and the bow of Neith
-Notes on Athena
-Notes relating to Libya
-Reprint of Hogarth, D.G. 'The Zakro Sealings', in Journal of Hellenic Studies, Volume XXII, (1902)

Notes also include reference to 'NB [Notebook] Sais and Folder'.

Research material relating to symbols of Neith

Research notes, tracings and drawings relating to symbols of Neith including bows, shields, crossed arrows, as well as boats with these symbols on their mast head.

Also includes:
-Photograph of a predynastic pot in the British Museum featuring crossed arrows on the mast head
-Beginnings of a draft titled 'The Ensigns of Neith. (1) The Crossed Arrows'
-Plates prepared for article (not published)

Research material relating to Andjety and Bat/Hathor

Research material relating to Andjety, Bat/Hathor and the symbol of the 7th nome of Upper Egypt, including material relating to a hypothesis by Newberry that the symbol of Hathor is a cow's uterus, and that the symbol of Andjety is a goat's uterus.

-Photograph of statue of nome triad: King, Hathor Mistress of the Sycamore and bat-fetish nome goddess (Cairo Museum, JE 46499) (TopBib iii.28)
-Photographs of a predynastic pot featuring dancing figures with headresses bearing the 'cow horn' symbol (British Museum, EA 35502)
-Drawings and tracings of a cow's uterus
-Rubbing, drawing and tracing of the 'Gerzeh palette' featuring Bat symbol (Cairo Museum, CG 34173)
-Drawings showing the head dress of Andjety and the similarity to the shape of a female goats uterus
-Drawings of symbols of Bat and the similarity to the shape of a cow's uterus
-Letter from L. Pugh, Department of Agriculture, relating to the reproductive organs of a goat, 5 Aug 1921
-Notes relating to the symbol representing the bicornate uterus of animals [F45]
-Notes relating to the sistrum
-Draft, notes and draft correspondence on the symbol of the 7th nome of Upper Egypt
-Notes on identification of symbol believed by Victor Loret to be the standard of the 7th nome of Upper Egypt and the symbol of Hathor
-Notes on the standard or ensign as it appears on predynastic pottery
-Notes on shepherds
-Notes on the girdle tie and Tjet amulet also known as the Isis knot
-Notes on 'split totems' or the worship of parts of animals
-Cutting of Griffith, F., 'Notes on Mythology: Eileithyia in Egypt. The God of Busiris. Hermes Trismegistus', in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, (1899) (OEB 140774)
-Notes on Astarte

Notes include reference to NB [Notebook] 35, NB 38, and NB 41.

Research material on the ntr pole

Research notes on the cult of the ntr pole [R8] or emblem of divinity and draft and offprint of Newberry, P.E., 'The cult of the [ntr]-pole', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Volume 33, (1947) (OEB 230).

Notes include reference to NB [Notebook] 29.

Research material on the pomegranate tree and pomegranate ensign

Research notes on the pomegranate tree and ensign identified by Newberry as the branch of a pomegranate tree.

-Copies of Newberry, Percy, 'The Tree of the Herakleopolite Nome', in Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, Volume 50, pp. 78-9 (OEB 146413)
-Tracings and drawings of depictions of the pomegranate tree or <i>ncr</i>-tree
-Tracings of ensigns from Morgan, J. de, 'Recherches sur les Origines de l'Egypte', (1897) (OEB 145679)
-Drawing of a pot with a boat and pomegranate ensign
-Notes on the pomegranate as the gift of Athena

Research material relating to throw sticks and boomerangs

Research notes, tracings and drawings relating to throw sticks and boomerangs, and the associated ensigns and cults. Includes tracings of a boomerang on the mast head of a boat.

-Draft titled The Cult of the Boomerang
-Notes relating to occurrences of the boomerang and throw stick ensigns on Predynastic pottery
-Cutting of Eggers, H., 'A Study of the Boomerang', in Proceedings of United States National Museum, (1888), pp.363-367
-Photographs of throw sticks including man holding two throw sticks

Research material on the harpoon and harpoon ensign

Research material relating to the harpoon and the harpoon ensign representing the 7th and 8th nomes of Lower Egypt. Includes notes on the use of the harpoon for hunting including hunting hippos, lists of occurences of the harpoon ensign on predynastic pottery and compound ensigns which include the harpoon and notes on the harpoon shaft including tracings.

Research material on the thunderbolt ensign

Research material relating to the thunderbolt ensign representing Min and the 9th nome of Upper Egypt including tracings of occurrences of the ensign on predynastic pottery and draft plates for Newberry, P.E., 'The Egyptian Cult-object [R22] and the Thunderbolt', in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Volume 3, pp.50-2 (1910) (OEB 146356).

Research material on the Bull Kingdom

Research material relating to the 6th nome of Lower Egypt, also known as the Bull Kingdom.

-Photograph of a graffito of a boat with the bull ensign
-Cuttings of bulls and bull ensign
-Notes on cattle including bulls and cows
-Notes titled 'The King as a Bull in the Archaic Period and later'
-Notes on compound ensigns which include the bull
-Copies from publications of bull ensigns and flint knives
-Notes on the location of the Bull Kingdom

Drafts on the predynastic period, nomes, ensigns and emblems

Drafts relating to the predynastic period, nomes, ensigns and emblems.

-Two versions of a contents page for a publication to be titled ‘The Cults of Predynastic Egypt’, one of which includes the sub-heading ‘A study of the Cults of Predyn[astic] Eg[ypt] As shown in the Decorated Pots of the Second Civil[isation] of Predyn[astic] Eg[ypt] fully illustrated by slides of the ensigns fig[ured] at the mast heads of boats of the period the Scorpion King s Macehead and on Slate Palettes and maps to show their foreign distribution’.
-Several versions of drafts relating to Dr Elise Baumgartel's disagreement with Newberry’s identification of the harpoon ensign in Baumgartel, Elise J. 1947. The cultures of prehistoric Egypt. Oxford: Griffith Institute; Oxford University Press (OEB 18)
-Two handwritten drafts titled ‘The Harpoon Ensigns’ as well as tracings and draft plates
-Draft relating to Scharff, 'Some Prehistoric Vases in the British Museum', in the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology XIV (1928) (OEB 14965)
-Handwritten draft on boats in predynastic Egypt including a table showing occurences of nome ensigns or standards. Also includes reference to a rock drawing of a sailing vessel, published in Winkler, H. A., Rock-Drawings of Southern Upper Egypt, Volume 1, plate viii., 1939 (OEB 152765).
-Draft titled 'Cult-signs of the Predynastic Period' with details of occurrences of the signs, also includes traced map showing distribution of predynastic cults, tracings of Andjety and notes on his link to the goat, and notes on the pomegranate tree
-Draft on an ensign on a small pot figured in Morgan, J. de 1896. Recherches sur les origins de l'Égypte: l'âge de la pierre et les métaux, plate ix, no.3. Paris: Ernest Leroux (OEB 145678) and other similar examples which according to Newberry are inaccurate
-Cutting of abstract of Newberry, P.E., 'Remarks on some early Egyptian cults', in Transactions of the Third International Congress for the History of Religions, (Oxford, 1908) (OEB 146392)
-Draft titled 'Ensigns figured on pots of the Second Civilisation of the Predynastic Period' with notes
-Drafts relating to the geographical distribution of cults
-Sections of drafts relating to the Tehenu or Libyan Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14328)
-Revised draft of 'The Petty-Kingdom of the Harpoon and Egypt's earliest Mediterranean Port', in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Volume I, pp.17-22 (1908) (OEB 146389)
-Draft plates for Newberry, P.E., 'The Egyptian Cult-object [R22] and the Thunderbolt', in Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology, Volume 3, pp.50-2 (1910) (OEB 146356)

Neith and Athena

Folder titled '[R24+R12] and Minoan-Mycenaean goddess' containing material on Sais, Neith, Athens and Athena.

Includes notes on Neith's connection with Athena and Libya, symbols of Neith, shields including the figure of eight shield and the shield cult, Athena and cultivation of the olive.

Also includes cuttings and tracings of shields and symbols of Neith including plate II from Newberry, P.E., 'To what race did the founders of Sais belong?', in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, Volume 28, pp.68-75 (1906) (OEB 146410).

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 3'.

Sais and Neith

Folder titled 'Sais (8)' containing material relating to Sais and the goddess Neith.

-Tracing of soldier stringing a bow from scene at Beni Hasan
-Notes on symbols of Neith
-Notes on shields including the figure of eight shield
-Notes on the temple of Neith [TopBib iv.46A]
-List of names compounded with Neith
-Notes on Uzahorent or Uzahor-Resenet, the King's physician and responsible for the King's navy
-Notes relating to Athena
-Copy or reprint of Newberry, P.E., 'Note on the Hieroglyph ', in <i>Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde</i>, Volume 73, (1937) (OEB 146379)
-Notes on bows, crossed bows and the composite bow
-Notes on textiles from Sais
-Tracings of a fragment found by Émile Amelineau at Abydos published in Keimer, L. 'Pendeloques en forme d'insectes faisant partie du colliers Egyptiens', in <i>Annales du Service des antiquités de l'Égypte</i>, Volume XXXI, plate II, (1931) (OEB 142417)

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 3'.


Folder titled 'Yahweh the God of Israel' containing notes, parts of drafts relating to Yahweh, including the Egyptian origin of Yahweh. Also includes extract from The Literary Guide titled 'The Erodus and Modern Criticism', 1 February 1911.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 3'.

Religion, cults and totemism

Folder titled 'Religion: Introduction' containing notes and drafts on religion, cults and totemism.

-Draft titled 'The Egyptian Belief in a Future Life'
-Notes on cult objects and the geographical distribution of cults, possibly for a lecture
-Notes on totems and totemism
-Draft on totemism (latest publication reference is 1912)
-Notes on 'Totemism and Exogamy' by J.G. Frazer, Volume 1, 1910

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 3'.

Religion and predynastic cults

Folder titled 'Religion. Cults' containing notes, drawings relating to deities and religion.

Also includes notes on religion in the archaic period and on the relationship between nome ensigns and early cults including their geographical distribution.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 3'.

Khonsu, Nekhbet and Wadjet

Folder titled 'Khonsu, Nekhebet, [G15], [M13]' containing material sorted into three paper folders:
-Notes on Nekhbet
-Notes on the symbol of a papyrus stalk or stem [M13], Buto and Wadjet
-Notes on Khonsu and the King's placenta

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 2'.

The pig and Seth

Folder titled 'The Pig and Seth' containing research material relating to Newberry, J.E., 'The Pig and the Cult-Animal of Set' in The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 14, No. 3/4 (Nov., 1928), pp. 211-225 (OEB 146390). Includes offprint of the article with handwritten annotations. Also includes corresponce from Alan Gardiner, Herbert Winlock and Harold Nelson, 1909-1926.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 2'.

Osiris, Dionysus and Isis

Folder titled 'Osiris. Isis' containing notes on Osiris, the Djed pillar, Dionysus and Isis.

-Notes and drawings on the Djed pillar
-Notes on the tomb of Osiris and identification of the tree beside it
-Notes on trees including the cedar and cypress
-Notes on places associated with Osiris
-Notes on the false beard
-Notes on Dionysus in envelope numbered 54
-Notes on Isis
-Notes on priesthood and titles of Osiris
-Letter (which appears to have been added to this folder during archival processing) from Augustine Henry, Professor of Forestry, Royal College of Science Dublin, 26 October 1915, relating to the following reference in Frazer, J.G., Adonis, Attis, Osiris: Studies in the History of Oriental Religion, Volume 2, (1914) (OEB 8394):

'In a letter to me (dated 8th December, 1910) my colleague Professor P.E. Newberry tells me that he believes Osiris to have been originally a cedar-tree god imported into Egypt from the Lebanon, and he regards the ded pillar as a lopped cedar-tree. The flail, as a symbol of Osiris, he believes to be the instrument used to collect incense. A similar flail is used by peasants in Crete to extract the ladanum gum from the shrubs. See P. de Tournefort, Relation d'un Voyage du Levant (Amsterdam, 1718), i9, with the plate. For this reference I am indebted to Professor Newberry.'

Notes include reference to NB [Notebook] 29, NB 1 and NB 38.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

Min, Amun and Horus

Folder titled 'Horus' containing research material relating to Min, Amun and Horus which has been sorted into three paper wallets.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

The Sed festival

Folder titled 'Heb-Sed' containing notes, drawings and cuttings relating to the Sed festival and related ceremonies.

-Newspaper cutting titled 'Think Heb Sed Feast is King's Remarriage - Professor Newberry Argues That it Coincides With Discarding of Old Wives for New', New York Times, 1923
-Two letters from Battiscombe Gunn relating to the Sed festival, one dated 26 May 1920
-Cutting from publication of an image titled 'The canonisation of Joan of Arc: The Pope leaving the Vatican for St. Peter's in the sedia gestatoria under a baldaquin, with two flabella (ceremonial fans) behind, 29 May 1920
-Notes on records of Sed festivals
-Notes on rules which regulated the right to the throne
-Two notebooks containing notes on the Sed festival, one with the number 4 on the front (notebooks no longer contain many pages)
-Notes and drawings from Naville, E., The Festival-Hall of Osorkon II in the great Temple of Bubastis (1887-1889), (London, 1892) (OEB 146149) referred to by Newberry as 'NFH'
-Notes titled 'The Succession to the Kingdom in Ancient Egypt'
-Text of a lecture on the Sed festival

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

The god i3ks

Folder titled 'The god i3?s' including notes on i3?s, the scorpion macehead (Ashmolean Museum, AN1896-1908.E3632), the cuirass or leather garment worn by early kings of Egypt, and leather working. Also includes drafts of a letter to Alan Gardiner, c.1946, and a draft titled 'The shepherd's crook'.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

The soul

Folder titled 'Souls. Totemism' although 'Totemism' has been crossed out. Includes notes on the soul, the after life, and Thoth. Also includes handwritten draft titled 'The Sacred Ibis'.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

Bird cults

Folder titled 'Bird Cults' including notes on the pheonix, 'Ba', njw bird, and bennu bird.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Religion 1'.

Royal titulary

Folder titled 'Royal Titulary' containing notes and drafts on royal titulary including the Horus title.

Harris description:
Notes and refs. On royal titles: the title the Smsw-Hr, the Vulture Goddess Nhbyt, the Griffon Vulture, the titles Noty Osiris priesthood. Coronation of Hatshepsut (copy). The Predecessors of Menes. The union of Upper and Lower Egypt, The royal titulary, etc. Notes on thnw and thn.t. (Transfer to G.XIII] Aiguptos - A derivation and some suggestions: a note on the origin of the name Egypt.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 4'.


Folder titled 'Palettes' containing notes and versions of draft on the Libyan or Tehenu Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14238) including the cities depicted such as 'Owl city'.

Includes notebook containing handwritten draft titled 'The Cairo Schist Palette No 14238' also known as the Tehenu or Libyan Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14328).

Also includes notes on the Narmer Palette (Cairo Museum, CG 14716), the ivory cylinder found at Hieraconpolis with Narmer depicted as a catfish striking his Libyan enemies [Ashmolean Museum, E.3915] and the 'Hunters Palette' (Louvre Museum, E11254 and British Museum, EA 20790).

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 4'.

Oils, unguents and vases

Folder titled 'Unguents and vases' containing a notebook and loose notes, cuttings, tracing and drawings relating to unguents and oils.

Notebook titled 'Oils. Unguents Cosmetics' and numbered 1 includes an inside the front cover and contains notes on oils, unguents, and their uses including annointing and use on the body and hair.

Folder includes:
-Offprint of Spiegelberg, Von Wilhelm, 'Die Gruppe [hkr nswt]', in <i>Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde</i>, Volume 34, 1896 (OEB 150751)
-Cutting of photograph of inscription from tomb TT55 Ramosi showing three girls with sistrum and <i>menats</i> before deceased and wife (TopBib i.109(9))
-Notes and draft on alabaster vases
-Draft and notes on the kheker sign and associated title which translates as favourite of the King
-Tracings of variants of the kheker sign
-Notes and draft relating to <i>nwdw</i> seeds and oil
-Draft on cones of fat
-Tracings from Davies, Norman de Garis, <i>The tomb of Rekh-mi-Rē at Thebes : Volume II</i>, 1943 (OEB 137925), showing the use of oil
-Cutting of a photograph of a false door of Nenkheftka (Cairo Museum, CG 1484) (TopBib iii2.581(6))
-Tracings showing examples of cones of fat on the head

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 4'.


Folder titled 'Army: Weapons' containing notes and cuttings relating to weapons used by ancient Egyptians in war.

This folder was previously in a box labelled, during previous archival processing, 'Special Subjects 3'.

Results 601 to 630 of 1987