1987 Treffer anzeigen

Archivische Beschreibung
Akt(e) Englisch
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83 Treffer mit digitalen Objekten Treffer mit digitalen Objekten anzeigen

Mazar, Benjamin - correspondence

2 letters from Mazar to Černý, 2 carbon copies of letters from Černý to Mazar.
Černý's contributions to the Hebrew Biblical Encyclopedia.

Mekhitarian, Arpag - correspondence

9 letters from Mekhitarian, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Mekhitarian.
Černý's visits to Belgium, book exchange and purchase, contacts of and materials for J. Vergote and R. Anthes.

Middleton, Russell - correspondence

1 letter from Middleton, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to Middleton.
Consanguineous marriage in antiquity and some papyrological questions. For the latter, Černý recommended contacting Claire Préaux.

Miller, John Innes - correspondence

2 letters from Miller, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý's secretary sent in his absence.
Miller's studies of the spice trade, Egyptian words denoting cassia and cinnamon.

Morenz, Siegfried - correspondence

7 letters from S. Morenz.
2 letters, correspondence between Černý and the Home Office, concerning a visa for S. Morenz.
S. Morenz's planned trip to the UK; objects in Leipzig (stela of Penbuy, in Leipzig Museum, 5141, TopBib i2.732); an invitation to contribute to Festschrift Anthes (see Černý, J., 'A Note on the Chancellor Bay', in Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 93 (1966), 35-9 (OEB 11676)).

Moss, Rosalind B. - correspondence

25 letters from Moss, 2 copies of letters from Černý to Moss.
6 letters from Moss to Jean Tudor-Pole (Černý's secretary at University College London), 4 letters from Tudor Pole to Moss.
Materials and data for the Topographical Bibliography:

  • especially sites in Sinai
  • objects in Brooklyn Museum and other US museums
  • objects in Turin, Museo Egizio
  • statue of Queen Karomama in the Louvre, TopBib i2.681-2
  • travel information
  • contacts with the international Egyptological community

Müller, Dieter - correspondence

6 letters from D. Müller.
Ostraca in the Leipzig Museum, publication plans, personal matters including Müller's emigration from East to West Germany. Müller's acknowledgement of Černý offprint (Černý, J., 'Thoth as Creator of Languages', in Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 34 (1948), 121-2 (OEB 1279)).

Müller, H. W. - correspondence

2 letters from Černý, 1 carbon copy of a letter from Černý to H. W. Müller.
Studies in Coptic and Černý's references requested for: Westendorf, W., Koptisches Handwörterbuch. Bearbeitet auf Grund des Koptischen Handwörterbuchs Wilhelm Spiegelbergs (1965-1977) (OEB 20563).

Lord Northampton's Excavation Diary

Diary titled by Newberry 'The Theban Necropolis - Excavations 1898-1899 - Account of Men's wages for the Marquis of Northampton'.

Front section contains lists of men, the days worked and their wages.

On the front page of the diary Newberry has written 'Small service is true service whilst it lasts - of friends however humble scorn not one - The daisy by the shadow that it casts - Protects the lingering dew drop from the sun' and below 'If by such rose we see - A thorn there grows - Strive that no thorn shall be - Without its rose'.

Diary contains a brief daily log of activities and details of payments made, 1 January 1899 to 9 April 1899.

This item has been digitised and transcribed.

Group photographs with Egyptologists

Folder containing 3 black and white group photographs which include Percy Newberry, and all appear to have been taken in Egypt.

Photographs include the following information:

  • A note on the back suggests it was taken in the 1920s and names Abu Bakr, Hermann Grapow, Percy Newberry, Georg Steindorff, Hermann Junker and Selim Hassan.
  • The back of the photograph is date stamped 17 January 1930, and a note reads 'A Benni Hassane' [at Beni Hasan].
  • Note on the back of the photograph suggests that it was taken at Cairo University in the 1920s and lists the people seated left to right as: 1. [?], 2. [?], 3. Selim Hassan 4. Newberry 5. [?] 6. Junker 7. Vikentiev 8. Henri? Frankfort 9. [?] and in the front row 1. Baudouin? Van de Walle, 2. [?], 3. [?].

Diary notes and lists of correspondence

Folder contains biographical notes which appear to have been written based on diary entries including: autobiographical notes; diary notes 1893-1930 including information on travel, work and names of people Newberry saw or was in touch with; lists of correspondence; cuttings of journal 1900-1902; sketches of scarabs, 1902; autobiographical notes on first meeting Reginald Stuart Poole and Flinders Petrie, 1941; bibliography.

Also includes numbered lists of correspondence received 1888-1935 with a brief summary of contents. Lists do not appear to be in any order, although some are sorted by year. These numbers correspond to numbers written on letters held in this collection.

Biographical material including history of the Egypt Exploration Society

Folder contains:

  • First page of a report titled 'Report on the work of the Archaological Institute' written by Newberry on his involvement establishing an Archaeological Institute at the University of Liverpool

  • Short history of the Archaeological Survey of Egypt (now known as the Egypt Exploration Society) by Newberry including his involvement, with hand written corrections and notes c.1931-2 (written for the 50th anniversary meeting of the EES (see AHG/42.222.33, Griffith Institute)), and list of Officers-in-Charge of the Survey, 1890-1932

  • Letter lists 1887-1892 with a short summary of contents and numbered, these numbers correspond to numbers written on letters held in this collection

  • Handwritten notes on the history of the Archaeological Survey of Egypt

  • One page of typed notes on people who worked on the tomb of Tutankhamun

Calling cards

Photographs or calling cards of members of Newberry's extended family. Some are named on the back by Newberry with a note on genealogy. Includes photographs of: Newberry's mother Sarah Newberry, 1905; Newberry's Uncle F.J. Newberry; Newberry's Grandfather F.W. Newberry; Mrs Sarah Pine born Kenward (1790-?); Mrs Thomas Kenward; William Munk; James Newberry (1781-); Elizabeth Newberry (1791-); Thomas Kenward (1788-); Mrs James Newberry born Dixy. Also includes receipt for 12 calling cards, 1867.

Genealogical material

Genealogical material including correspondence relating to genealogy, family trees, notes on members of the family.


  • Financial summary of the late Mrs Newberry's estate, 1871.
  • Newspaper clippings relating to a court case between a Mr. Newberry (possibly Newberry's father Henry James Newberry) and his neighbour over the death of two of the neighbour's horses after they ate Yew tree cuttings from the latter's garden, March 1872.
  • Order for the burial of the dead for Caroline Newberry, 4th January 1919.
  • Sale catalogue for the property of the late Mrs Newberry, 1871.
  • Letter of probate relating to the estate of Caroline Elizabeth Newberry (-1863), 16th October 1866.
  • Reprint from The Parmaceutical Journal, 24th February 1906, on the history of Francis Newbery Sons Limited
    -Wyatt family trees
  • Typed article on Ralph Newbery (1560-1605) and correspondence relating to a children's book called Dives pragmaticus - the Great Marchant Man - a book in English Metre written by Thomas Newbery in 1563 and reprinted with an introduction by Percy Newberry in 1910.
  • Newspaper cutting on the funeral of Robert S. Johnston
  • Photograph of a woman and child, c.1855-1880
  • Bill for funeral arrangements for the late Amy Louisa Newberry, April 1859
  • Financial details relating to the division of the late Mrs Newbery's estate
  • Remembrance cards
  • Copy of an indenture relating to the sale of property
  • Sketches of family crests


Copies of lectures by Newberry including:

  • Typed and handwritten lecture on foreign relations during the 18th Dynasty
  • Typed lecture on the debt of western civilisations to ancient Egypt
  • Handwritten lecture on the Delta as the origin of Egyptian culture delivered to the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Brighton, 1948
  • Typed lecture possibly given at the opening of the Institute of Archaeology established by the University of Cairo, c.1925
  • Typed introductory lecture given in Cairo two years after the Institute of Archaeology was established by the University of Cairo on history and archaeology, c.1930
  • Typed lecture on the history of ancient Egypt and ancient Egyptian culture

Press cuttings

Folder titled by John Harris 'PRESS CUTTINGS' with newspaper cuttings glued or fastened on to each page.

Newpaper cuttings are on a range of topics relating to ancient Egypt and Egyptology including congresses taking place, exhibitions such as the exhibition of Egyptian Art at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, book reviews, news relating to Percy Newberry, current research, obituaries, Sudan, Libya and the Libyan Desert.

Album of newspaper cuttings

Album of newspaper cuttings relating to the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, excavation of the tomb and finds. The album includes a partial index. Roughly half of the album has been filled.

Newspaper cutting

Large newspaper cutting from The Sunday Times, Australia, 1885 on some of Lord George Carnarvon's 'treasures' coming to Australian museums.

Tutanchamon - Sonderheft Der Woche

Folder has been labelled 'German Publication (1924) of photographs from Tutankhamuns Tomb. (found amongst the material of the late Percy E. Newberry)'.

Folder contains a German publication titled Tutanchamon - Sonderheft Der Woche or in English Tutankhamun - Special Weekly Issue (OEB 151539) on the tomb of Tutankhamun. The pages of the publication are not in order within the folder. There are also two newspaper or magazine cuttings of an image of a buckle in the form of a leopard's head from a Sem Priest's robe, copyright 1923.

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