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[91] Quarries at Nezlet Shekh Hassan.

-el-Sheikh Hassan (near Oxyrhynchus).
-Roman mud-brick buildings.
'Quarries at Nezlet Shekh Hassan.
Cracks in the rock are left untouched in a wall of rock;
these walls dividing the quarries into courts, which are
connected by a neat cut slit through them.'

-With arrows pointing to entrance:
'↑entrance slit

[193] Temple of Ptah, Karnak.

-Temple of Ptah.
-View of east face of the sixth gate showing lintel and jambs of Tuthmosis III on left, and two scenes of Ptolemy IV before deities on right.
-TopBib ii2.199(12), (13).
'Temple of Ptah, Karnak.
Doorway of Thothmes III & wall of Ptolemy IV
& Arsinoe.'

[134] Door of cat-mummy vaults, Speos Artemidos

-Isṭabl ʿAntar (Speos Artemidos).
-Small Speos.
-View of entrance doorway showing lintel with cartouches and scenes of Alexander II.
-TopBib iv.165.
'Door of cat-mummy vaults, Speos Artemidos,
with cartouches of Alexander Aegus.
The hollow remains in middle where a globe & serpents
was inserted in metal.'

Page 29 - Notes under [233]

-ʿAsâsîf (Asasif).
-Brick superstructures of tombs.
'These brick arches at Deir el Bahari have been supposed by some to be Coptic; but as they are directly connected with the brick court (222) around the mouth of a large tomb of Pharaonic times, they can hardly be later than that.
That they were built irrespective of the avenue of Deir el Bahari, only shews them to be as late as 26 dyn. at which time mummies were rudely packed into the royal chambers there. The bricks of 222, 221 & 203 are of the same size as the Ptolemaic bricks at Deir el Medineh (p 31).'

Results 481 to 510 of 3531