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Gurob Papyrus Fragment A

Hieroglyphic transcription of Gurob papyrus fragment A (recto and verso). Not published.
Hieroglyphic transcriptions of Gurob papyri I.1 and III.1 on reverse of pages. Published in plates xxxviii and xxxix of Griffith, Francis Llewellyn 1898. The Petrie papyri: hieratic papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the Middle Kingdom). 2 vols. London: Quaritch (OEB 140786).

Correspondence of Greek alphabet with Demotic

Correspondence of the Greek alphabet with the Demotic script, also with references to Coptic. Cf. Hess, J. J. 1896. Zur Aussprache des Griechischen (griechische Umschriften demotischer Wörter). Indogermanische Forschungen 6 (1-2), 123-134 (OEB 141489).

Draft review of Peet, Thomas Eric: The great tomb-robberies of the twentieth Egyptian dynasty

Draft review of Peet, Thomas Eric 1930. The great tomb-robberies of the twentieth Egyptian dynasty: being a critical study, with translations and commentaries, of the papyri in which these are recorded. Oxford: Clarendon Press (OEB 146846). Published in the Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 17 (1931), p. 258-259.

Notes on papyrus Boulaq 18

Notes on papyrus Boulaq 18 and relating to the preparation of Griffith, F. L. 1891. The account papyrus no. 18 of Boulaq, in Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 29, 102-116 (OEB 140707), including different versions of drafts.

Notes on Kahun Catalogue

Notebook titled '[KA]HUN CATALOGUE' and notes relating to preparation of Griffith, Francis Llewellyn 1898. The Petrie papyri: hieratic papyri from Kahun and Gurob (principally of the Middle Kingdom). 2 vols. London: Quaritch (OEB 140786).

Résultats 2881 à 2910 sur 6121