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[258] Meneptah I.

-Valley of the Kings.
-KV8, Merneptah (Merenptah).
-Merneptah before Re-Harakhti.
-TopBib i2.507(3).
'Meneptah I.
In his tomb in valley of Kings' tombs.

[254] Queen Tausert

-Valley of the Kings.
-KV14, Tausert, wife of Seti (Sethos) I, usurped by Setnakht.
-Corridor A.
-Upper part of Queen offering ointment in scene 2.
-TopBib i2.529(3).
'Queen Tausert
In Siptah's tomb in valley of Kings tombs.

[271] Entrance to palace on South side.

-Medinet Habu.
-Great Temple of Ramesses III.
-Pavilion (East Fortified Gate).
-TopBib ii2.482.
'Entrance to palace on South side.
The tower standing back, with two flanking projections
of masonry forming a small court in front.'

-Also labelled:

[272] View from window of tower into small court.

-Medinet Habu.
-Great Temple of Ramesses III.
-Pavilion (East Fortified Gate).
-TopBib ii2.482.
'View from window of tower into small court.
Looking at the side of the flanking projection.
with brackets for three bridges of observation across
the small court. supported on captives heads.'

[270] Rameses III leading captives

-Medinet Habu.
-Great Temple of Ramesses III.
-Pavilion (East Fortified Gate).
-Ramses (Ramesses) III leading Libyan and Asiatic captives.
-TopBib ii2.484(14).
'Rameses III leading captives;
on side of the Western flank, leading
to the tower'

[96] Isis, Horus, and Nebhat(?)

-El-Siririya (El-Sirîrîya; el-Saririya).
-Rock-chapel of Hathor of Akhwi.
-Three rock-cut statues of Hathor with a king and queen(?).
-TopBib iv.127(5).
'Isis, Horus, and Nebhat(?)
on back of small rock cut temple at the quarries
Es Shereriyeh. temp. Ramses III.'

[234] Ramses III leading captives

-Medinet Habu.
-Great Temple of Ramesses III.
-Pavilion (East Fortified Gate).
-Ramses (Ramesses) III leading Asiatic captives to Amun.
-TopBib ii2.484(15).

'Ramses III leading captives;
on side of Eastern flank, leading
to the tower.'

[99] Temple with steps at Tehneh.

-Tihna (Ṭihna; Tēnis; Acōris; Tehna; Tihna el-Gebel; Tehna el-Gebel).
-Roman Temple (North of ancient town).
-TopBib iv.129.
'Temple with steps at Tehneh.
A tablet of Ramses VI is in the neighbourhood; and this
temple may be of that date or of Greek period.'

[257] Ramessu VI

-Valley of the Kings.
-KV9, Ramses (Ramesses) VI.

'Ramessu VI
From his tomb in valley of Kings tombs. The design
has been altered, & the plaster falling shews two hands'

[197] Temple of Psametik III. Karnak.

-Chapel. Amasis and Nitocris.
-Entrance to Columned Hall.
-TopBib ii2.192(1).
'Temple of Psametik III. Karnak.
[<-N5-anx-kA-n-> <-ps-m-T-k->] Psametik III.
offering to Amen ra.
his parents [<-anx
n-s-N5F35ib->] and [<-p*s-m-T-k->]

[531] Shrine of Ptah.

-Saqqara (Ṣaqqâra, Sakkara).
-Lower part of a statue of a kneeling man holding naos containing a figure of Ptah.
'Shrine of Ptah.
dedicated by Ptah-mes an architect.

Résultats 3541 à 3570 sur 4092