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[258] Meneptah I.

-Valley of the Kings.
-KV8, Merneptah (Merenptah).
-Merneptah before Re-Harakhti.
-TopBib i2.507(3).
'Meneptah I.
In his tomb in valley of Kings' tombs.

[254] Queen Tausert

-Valley of the Kings.
-KV14, Tausert, wife of Seti (Sethos) I, usurped by Setnakht.
-Corridor A.
-Upper part of Queen offering ointment in scene 2.
-TopBib i2.529(3).
'Queen Tausert
In Siptah's tomb in valley of Kings tombs.

[271] Entrance to palace on South side.

-Medinet Habu.
-Great Temple of Ramesses III.
-Pavilion (East Fortified Gate).
-TopBib ii2.482.
'Entrance to palace on South side.
The tower standing back, with two flanking projections
of masonry forming a small court in front.'

-Also labelled:

[270] Rameses III leading captives

-Medinet Habu.
-Great Temple of Ramesses III.
-Pavilion (East Fortified Gate).
-Ramses (Ramesses) III leading Libyan and Asiatic captives.
-TopBib ii2.484(14).
'Rameses III leading captives;
on side of the Western flank, leading
to the tower'

[96] Isis, Horus, and Nebhat(?)

-El-Siririya (El-Sirîrîya; el-Saririya).
-Rock-chapel of Hathor of Akhwi.
-Three rock-cut statues of Hathor with a king and queen(?).
-TopBib iv.127(5).
'Isis, Horus, and Nebhat(?)
on back of small rock cut temple at the quarries
Es Shereriyeh. temp. Ramses III.'

[234] Ramses III leading captives

-Medinet Habu.
-Great Temple of Ramesses III.
-Pavilion (East Fortified Gate).
-Ramses (Ramesses) III leading Asiatic captives to Amun.
-TopBib ii2.484(15).

'Ramses III leading captives;
on side of Eastern flank, leading
to the tower.'

[99] Temple with steps at Tehneh.

-Tihna (Ṭihna; Tēnis; Acōris; Tehna; Tihna el-Gebel; Tehna el-Gebel).
-Roman Temple (North of ancient town).
-TopBib iv.129.
'Temple with steps at Tehneh.
A tablet of Ramses VI is in the neighbourhood; and this
temple may be of that date or of Greek period.'

[257] Ramessu VI

-Valley of the Kings.
-KV9, Ramses (Ramesses) VI.

'Ramessu VI
From his tomb in valley of Kings tombs. The design
has been altered, & the plaster falling shews two hands'

[197] Temple of Psametik III. Karnak.

-Chapel. Amasis and Nitocris.
-Entrance to Columned Hall.
-TopBib ii2.192(1).
'Temple of Psametik III. Karnak.
[<-N5-anx-kA-n-> <-ps-m-T-k->] Psametik III.
offering to Amen ra.
his parents [<-anx
n-s-N5F35ib->] and [<-p*s-m-T-k->]

[531] Shrine of Ptah.

-Saqqara (Ṣaqqâra, Sakkara).
-Lower part of a statue of a kneeling man holding naos containing a figure of Ptah.
'Shrine of Ptah.
dedicated by Ptah-mes an architect.

Results 3541 to 3570 of 4092