1177 Treffer anzeigen

Archivische Beschreibung
Joseph Bonomi Collection Bild Mit digitalen Objekten Englisch
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Sketches of male nude, marching figure carrying bindle, and figure riding camel
Sketches of male nude, marching figure carrying bindle, and figure riding camel
Seated Egyptian figure
Seated Egyptian figure
Egypt. Tell el-Yahudiya. Rim of fragment of basalt clepsydra of Philip Arrhidaeus (London, Britis...
Egypt. Tell el-Yahudiya. Rim of fragment of basalt clepsydra of Philip Arrhidaeus (London, British Museum, inv. EA 938, c. 320 BC) (TopBib iv.58A)
Reverse of ancient Greek coin from Rhodes with a rose (reversed)
Reverse of ancient Greek coin from Rhodes with a rose (reversed)
Medea plans the murder of her children, who are playing knucklebones
Medea plans the murder of her children, who are playing knucklebones
Woman with veil [being lifted]
Woman with veil [being lifted]
Notes and royal names of Tuthmosis IV
Notes and royal names of Tuthmosis IV
Woman with veil being lifted
Woman with veil being lifted
[Upper] Iraq. Nineveh. South-West Palace of Sennacherib. Room V. Slab 43. Relief depicting an Ass...
[Upper] Iraq. Nineveh. South-West Palace of Sennacherib. Room V. Slab 43. Relief depicting an Assyrian fortified camp, c. 660-650 BC; sketch from gypsum slab in situ, but reported stolen in 1995 (reversed). [Lower] Frieze design with women holding amphorae and warriors.
Hermes in broad-brimmed hat (petasos) and winged sandals with caduceus unveiling a woman in class...
Hermes in broad-brimmed hat (petasos) and winged sandals with caduceus unveiling a woman in classical dress
Sketches of woman breastfeeding child and male figure
Sketches of woman breastfeeding child and male figure
Tondo design of winged female figure (perhaps Nike or Muse) with star on her forehead and holding...
Tondo design of winged female figure (perhaps Nike or Muse) with star on her forehead and holding olive branch and lyre
Standing figure of Hermes in winged hat (petasos)
Standing figure of Hermes in winged hat (petasos)
Seated female figure with nude child on her lap, chasing a bee
Seated female figure with nude child on her lap, chasing a bee
Tondo design of female figure (probably goddess) awarding wreaths to two kneeling men
Tondo design of female figure (probably goddess) awarding wreaths to two kneeling men
New Zealand medal design
New Zealand medal design
Designs and sketches featuring the goddess Britannia
Designs and sketches featuring the goddess Britannia
Two designs featuring the goddess Britannia and quatrain in Italian
Two designs featuring the goddess Britannia and quatrain in Italian
Woman seated at desk
Woman seated at desk
Pediment design with Britannia(?) enthroned
Pediment design with Britannia(?) enthroned
Woman holding ewer and lamp
Woman holding ewer and lamp
Woman pouring oil into a lamp
Woman pouring oil into a lamp
Diagram and frieze patterns
Diagram and frieze patterns
Seated Diana
Seated Diana
Angel carrying child
Angel carrying child
Helmeted man comforting woman
Helmeted man comforting woman
Helmeted man comforting woman
Helmeted man comforting woman
Portico design with Egyptianizing floral columns, telamones (male caryatids), and classical and E...
Portico design with Egyptianizing floral columns, telamones (male caryatids), and classical and Egyptian statues
Tondo design of woman with veil
Tondo design of woman with veil
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