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[91] Quarries at Nezlet Shekh Hassan.

-el-Sheikh Hassan (near Oxyrhynchus).
-Roman mud-brick buildings.
'Quarries at Nezlet Shekh Hassan.
Cracks in the rock are left untouched in a wall of rock;
these walls dividing the quarries into courts, which are
connected by a neat cut slit through them.'

-With arrows pointing to entrance:
'↑entrance slit

[101] Shrine at Tehneh

-Tihna (Ṭihna; Tēnis; Acōris; Tehna; Tihna el-Gebel; Tehna el-Gebel).
-A rock-cut shrine.
-TopBib iv.129-30.
'Shrine at Tehneh,
in cliff above the inscription, (No 102)'

[184] Gate of Ptolemy III and Berenice.

-Temple of Khons.
-Inner face of Propylon.
-TopBib ii2.227.
'Gate of Ptolemy III and Berenice.
from pylon of temple of Khons, Karnak.
Avenue of crio-sphinxes, by Amenhotep III.
This gate was closed by double doors of its whole height.'

[193] Temple of Ptah, Karnak.

-Temple of Ptah.
-View of east face of the sixth gate showing lintel and jambs of Tuthmosis III on left, and two scenes of Ptolemy IV before deities on right.
-TopBib ii2.199(12), (13).
'Temple of Ptah, Karnak.
Doorway of Thothmes III & wall of Ptolemy IV
& Arsinoe.'

[134] Door of cat-mummy vaults, Speos Artemidos

-Isṭabl ʿAntar (Speos Artemidos).
-Small Speos.
-View of entrance doorway showing lintel with cartouches and scenes of Alexander II.
-TopBib iv.165.
'Door of cat-mummy vaults, Speos Artemidos,
with cartouches of Alexander Aegus.
The hollow remains in middle where a globe & serpents
was inserted in metal.'

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