Affichage de 4092 résultats

Description archivistique
Avec objets numériques
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[814] [Statuette of Tahuti an official of Hatshepsu.]

-Lower part of a seated statuette of Djehuty in block statue pose, with cartouches of Thutmose III and Hatshepsut (Thebes, Deir el-Bahari?; Petrie Museum, University College UC14351; New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty).
-No caption.

749 has been crossed out and replaced with 814.

This photograph is in a section titled 'X Kom Ombo. Philae.'.

[731] Nofrehotep adoring Khnum & Sati. Konosso

-Konosso: rock-inscriptions, including Khnum before Amun-Min and Satis with cartouches of Mentuhotep, and Khnum before Amun-Min with cartouche of Neferhotep I.
'Nofrehotep adoring Khnum & Sati. Abaton. Konosso'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'X Kom Ombo. Philae.'.

[730] Valley in Bigeh.

-Landscape around the island of Biga, with ruins of Roman village (according to Petrie).
'Valley between in Bigeh & Konosso.
(Remains of Roman village in the gap)'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'X Kom Ombo. Philae.'.

[726] Kom Ombo.

-Temple of Kom Ombo (from the back of the monument).
'Kom Ombo.'.

-Also labels for 'Pylon.' and 'Temple.'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'X Kom Ombo. Philae.'.

[695] as 709

-Wadi el-Shatt el-Rigal: rock-inscriptions including 489, with a king Antef before Mentuhotep II.
'as 709'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'VIII Soba Rigaleh, inscrips.'.

[710] as 709

-Wadi el-Shatt el-Rigal: rock-inscriptions including 489, with a king Antef before Mentuhotep II.
'as 709'.

This photograph is in a section titled 'VIII Soba Rigaleh, inscrips.'.

-At back of page there is a pencil note: 'Proc Soc Bib Arch 3rd May 1881 with Pepi ins'.

Résultats 271 à 300 sur 4092