Identity area
Reference code
Clackson MSS 1.1
- c.1997-2002 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
2 folders
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Content and structure area
Scope and content
(for proposed second volume of Coptic and Greek Texts relating to the Hermopolite Monastery of Apa Apollo)
Notes, transcriptions, translations, photographs and photocopies of papyri, and correspondence, including:
Photographs, British Library, ref. Pap/653 A & B verso and recto.
Annotated photocopies relating to P. Belastingmuseum Rotterdam 94, P. Lond. V, P. Yale 1756, P. Vatic. Aphrod. 13, P. Graff II, and poll tax receipts.
Ex-Roca Puig Apollo text, correspondence.
Descriptions of poll tax receipts in draft for publication.
Photograph and notes, Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, F.1948/3.8.
Photographs, Christie’s V138 534/‘13’B; Christie’s ‘22’/BM EA 75322; Christie’s ‘20’, ‘25’, ‘11’, ‘14’ ‘17’, ‘27’.
Photographs (b&w) of Österreichische Nationalbibliothek collection: recto and verso of K 21.120; K 11.413; K 21.123; K 21.121.
Photographs (b&w) - P. Mon. Apollo II: unpublished Lansing BM EA papyri (probably belong in this file).
Draft chapter on tax demands.
Corrigenda to P. Mon. Apollo I & II; correspondence.
Lille papyri, correspondence.
Bawit photocopies and correspondence.
Schøyen Collection, correspondence and colour scans of MS 89/5.
Ede 3087A-C, printouts of b&w scans, photographs and notes.
Pct YBR nos. 4996, 4997, 4998, 5001, 5002, 3553, transcriptions and notes.
Coptic Room in the Louvre, correspondence.
Correspondence on tithes and an annotated article on Bawit texts with some notes.