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Notice d'autorité

Stobart, (Revd) Henry

  • Personne
  • 1824-1895

British clergyman and collector; he was born in Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham, 26 April 1824, second son of William S., coal owner, and Barbara Haytor; he was educated at The Queen's College, Oxford from 1842; BA, 1847; MA, 1848; ordained, 1849; he held various curacies, 1849-64; Rector of Warkton, Northants., 1865-81, where he completely restored the church; he visited Egypt, 1854-5, and brought back some important antiquities; some of these were published in a fol. vol. without letterpress, Egyptian Antiquities collected on a voyage made in Upper Egypt in the years 1854 and 1855 ..., 1855; most of the antiquities were bought by Joseph Mayer of Liverpool, including the papyri, now famous as `Mayer A & B'; the British Museum bought the Coptic and Greek papyri, one of which had on the verso the Funeral oration of Hypereides, edited by Churchill Babington; the remainder were given to the Bristol Museum by Miss Stobart in 1927; his squeezes are in the Griffith Institute, Oxford; he retired to Wykeham Rise, Totteridge, Herts. in 1881, and died at Funchal, Madeira, 30 Dec. 1895.

Sloley, Robert Walter

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  • 1879-1958

British scientist; born at Lewisham, 21 June 1879, son of Robert Hugh S., accountant, and Elizabeth Maxted; he graduated from St. John's College, Cambridge, and then joined the staff of Liverpool College; during the First World War he went to the Department of Instrument Inspection of the Air Ministry, and afterwards continued at Kidbrooke depot; while there he wrote a book on aircraft instruments which went through several editions; he travelled extensively and visited S. Africa and India; for a year or two he studied Egyptian at University College London, and was a member of the EES for over thirty years until his death; he also served on the Committee for many years and gave lectures to the Society, wrote book reviews and contributed to bibliographies in JEA; Sloley's great interest lay in ancient Egyptian mathematics and science, in particular astronomy and methods of measuring time, on which subject he was an expert; he wrote the chapter on 'Science' in The Legacy of Egypt, and contributed an important article on methods of measuring time to JEA 17, and another in Ancient Egypt for 1924; Sloley lectured to schools and broadcast a talk titled 'A Day in the Life of an Egyptian Schoolboy'; he died at Amersham, Bucks., 18 Aug. 1958.

Wilkinson, (Sir) John Gardner

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  • 1797-1875

British Egyptologist and traveller; he was probably born in Little Missenden, Bucks, 5 Oct 1797, son of the Revd John W. and Mary Anne Gardner; Wilkinson may be regarded as the real founder of Egyptology in Great Britain; he was educated at Harrow, 1813-16, where he came under the influence of the head master, George Butler who was a friend of Thomas Young and an erstwhile student of his in the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs; he entered Exeter College, Oxford, 1816, but left in 1818 without taking a degree; he embarked on a tour of Europe and Egypt in 1819 prior to joining the army, visiting Italy in 1820 where he met Sir William Gell who first persuaded him to abandon his intended army career and devote his life to the study of Egyptian and other archaeology; possessed of a small income, Wilkinson was able to take up the study of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing as yet incompletely deciphered and not properly understood, and went to Egypt in 1821, where he remained for no fewer than 12 years continuously, except for visits to Nubia and the surrounding deserts; he journeyed as far south as the Second Cataract twice, and carried out excavations at Thebes in 1824, 1827-8; he worked mainly among the tombs as he did not have the resources to engage in greater works; while in Egypt he also studied Arabic and Coptic, learning the latter like Champollion so that it might help him in his work of deciphering inscriptions which he accomplished by dint of hard work and the study of all the material available but also by using and at times correcting his results; there was at this date probably nobody else capable of doing this; after gathering an immense amount of material Wilkinson returned to England, 1833; he was made FRS, 1834; knighted, 1839; DCL, Oxford University, 1852; he revisited Egypt in 1841-2 and surveyed the Natron lakes, publishing an account of his travels, 1843; in 1843-4 he made a great survey of Montenegro, Herzegovina, and Bosnia and published an account of this expedition in two vols.; he visited Egypt again in 1843 and 1848-9, and spent the following winter in Italy, 1849-50; here he studied the Turin Canon of Kings more thoroughly than it had ever been done before, and published a new facsimile; he visited Egypt for the last time, 1855-6; in 1856 he married Caroline Catherine Lucas, a botanist and authoress; he was the first to recognize correctly many royal names and to sort out and put into a reasonable chronological order the dynasties and kings of Egypt; the first to make an adequate working survey of all the main sites in Egypt and Nubia from an archaeological and historical point of view, which he did single-handed unlike the teams who made the French general survey or who assisted Champollion and Lepsius afterwards; the first to draw up a comprehensive plan of ancient Thebes; he preceded both Champollion and Rosellini at Beni Hasan where he made very exact drawings of paintings in the tombs, and where, as at El-Amarna and many other sites throughout Egypt, he noted important archaeological and historical material before other Egyptologists; he was also among the first to identify the site of the Labyrinth at Hawara and many other similar sites; most of his material has never been made available to scholars in adequate form unlike that gathered by Lepsius and other officially sponsored expeditions; he took a prominent part in all archaeological movements in his day and occupied a position in Egyptology analogous to Rawlinson in Assyrian archaeology; he collected natural history specimens, on which he made many important contributions to zoological and geological journals; he was a considerable benefactor to the British Museum, to which he presented many antiquities including articles of furniture and smaller objects connected with daily life such as bread and tools in 1834; these were from tombs and were acquired or excavated by him during his early years in Egypt; he also gave two large collections of papyri (mostly Demotic) in 1834 and 1835; in order to interest young people in the subject he gave his own large collection of classical and Egyptian antiquities to Harrow School, a catalogue of which was published by Budge, 1887; unlike other great Egyptologists such as Champollion and Lepsius, Wilkinson received no government aid for his researches and had to accomplish his vast work on his own; his range of interests far exceeded that of most other Egyptologists before or since; in his monumental account of Egyptian manners and customs he covered, and, although not an expert in all of them, adequately dealt with, over fifty basic subjects, ranging from daily life to chronology, and from botany, astronomy, and geology to funerary beliefs; this work with his survey of modern Egypt and Thebes comprehended in about 2,700 pages the greatest review of ancient Egyptian civilization ever undertaken; during his lifetime Wilkinson was loaded with more honours than any other Egyptologist. His principal publications were Materia Hieroglyphica. Containing the Egyptian pantheon and the succession of the Pharaohs, from the earliest Times to the Conquest by Alexander, and other Hieroglyphical Subjects, 2 vols., 1828-30; Topography of Thebes, and general view of Egypt. Being a short account of the principal objects worthy of notice in the Valley of the Nile, to the Second Cataract and Wadee Samneh, with the Fayoom, Oases, and Eastern Desert from Sooez to Berenice: with remarks on the Manners and Customs of the ancient Egyptians and the productions of the country etc., 1835; Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. Including their Private Life, Government, Laws, Arts, Manufactures, Religion, Agriculture, and Early History, derived from a comparison of the painting, sculptures, and monuments still existing, with the accounts of ancient authors, 3 vols., 1837, a number of subsequent eds., of which that revised and corrected by Samuel Birch, 3 vols. 1878 is the most popular; Modern Egypt and Thebes. Being a description of Egypt, including the information required for travellers in that Country, 2 vols., 1843; A Handbook for Egypt. Including descriptions of the course of the Nile to the Second Cataract, Alexandria, Cairo, The Pyramids, and Thebes, the overland transit to India, the Peninsula of Mount Sinai, the Oases, etc., a new and shorter ed. of the previous work, and one which became Murray's standard guide for travellers, 1847, among others.

Vassalli, (Bey) Luigi

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  • 1812-1887

Italian Egyptologist; he was born in Milan, 8 Jan. 1812, son of Giuseppe V. and Maddalena Brutpacher; he studied painting but was later involved in a political plot, and was condemned to death, although afterwards the sentence was commuted and he was released; he took refuge in Switzerland, France and England where he earned a living by teaching Italian and selling pictures; he went to Egypt about 1841 where he lived as a portrait-painter and dealer; he returned to Milan, 1848, but again went into exile in Egypt in 1849; he travelled to Constantinople and Smyrna, where he married; his wife died a few months later, and he returned to Egypt; as a dealer he had become acquainted with Mariette by 1853 when he sold him the coffin of King Intef; in 1856 he sold some important papyri to the British Museum (EA 100068, 100083, 10403); in 1859 he became assistant to Mariette and conducted many of his excavations; he served in Garibaldi's army, 1860, and was named curator of Egyptian antiquities at the Naples Museum, 1860; he was Keeper of the Bulaq Museum, 1865-83; temporary Director, 18 Jan.-7 Feb. 1881; he retired to Milan in 1883 and then Rome in 1884; he published Opuscules Divers, 2 vols. 1864-7; I Monumenti istorici egizi, it Musueo e gli scavi d'antichita eseguiti per ordine di S. A. Vicere Ismail Pascia; notizia sommaria, 1869; I Musei Egizi d'Italia, 1873; there is a marble bust of him in the Cairo Museum; a collection of his Egyptian antiquities and books was acquired in the 1930s by the American collector Horace L. Mayer, who were donated many to the Boston Museum; his papers are in the Griffith Institute, Oxford, and at Milan; he died in Rome, 13 June 1887.

Salt, Henry

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  • 1780-1827

British diplomat and collector; he was born in Lichfield, 14 June 1780, son of Thomas S. and Alice Butt; he was trained as a portrait-painter and went to London in 1797 as a pupil of Joseph Farington, R.A., and afterwards of John Hoppner, RA; in 1802 he accompanied George Annesley, Visct. Valentia, as secretary and draughtsman, on a long tour in the East, visiting India, Ceylon, Abyssinia, and Egypt, and returned 1806; he made many drawings to illustrate Lord V.'s Voyages and Travels, 1809; he was sent by the Govt. on a mission to Abyssinia, 1809-11, and published an account, Voyage to Abyssinia, 1814; in 1815 he was appointed to succeed Missett as British Consul-General in Egypt and arrived there in 1816; he carried out much excavation in Egypt with the intention of procuring antiquities for the British Museum and in the process amassed enormous quantities on his own account; through Belzoni and Burckhardt he removed the colossal bust of Ramesses II from Thebes and presented it to the British Museum (EA 19), 1817; he employed Belzoni at Thebes and also financed his excavations in Nubia, and those of Caviglia at the Pyramids; in 1819, d'Athanasi excavated at Thebes under his direction; from 1818-21, he sent a large collection of antiquities to the British Museum, but the Trustees objected to the price demanded, and after protracted delay, they gave only £2,000 (less than the cost of excavation and transport) for the collection, but rejected the finest piece - the sarcophagus of Sety I ¬which was subsequently bought by Sir John Soane for his museum for £2,000; in private Salt attempted to place blame for the high excavation costs on Belzoni's extravagance; he had better luck with his second collection, formed 1819-24, which was reported upon by Champollion and bought by the King of France for £10,000; his third collection was sold at Sotheby's 29 June-8 July 1835; it had been formed 1824-7, and was auctioned in 1,283 lots for £7,168; many objects were bought by the British Museum; an anonymous sale of Egyptian antiquities held at Sotheby's, 15-16 March 1833, has also been attributed to Salt's estate (258 lots); besides a rather tedious poem on the Nile, Salt published an Essay on Dr. Young's and M Champollion's Phonetic System of Hierog!yphics, with some additional discoveries, etc., 1825; FRS, 1812; FLS; his papers and drawings are in the British Museum and there copies of some of these in the Griffith Institute, Oxford; he died at Desuke village near Alexandria, 30 Oct. 1827, and was buried in Alexandria.

Hall, Lindsley Foote

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  • 1883-1969

American draughtsman. Born, Portland OR, 1883. Died, Portland OR, 1969. Studied architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and in 1913 joined the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Egyptian Expedition as a draughtsman. Loaned by the Expedition to the Tutankhamun tomb excavation in 1922-1923.

Hauser, Walter

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  • 1893-1959

American archaeologist and architect. Born, Middlefield MA, 1893. Died, New York NY, 1959. Trained as an architect at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and then joined the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Egyptian Expedition, mainly working at Deir el-Bahri and at Kharga Oasis. Loaned by the Expedition to the Tutankhamun tomb excavation in 1922-1923.

Winlock, Herbert Eustis

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  • 1884-1950

American Egyptologist. Born, Washington DC 1884. Died, Venice Florida 1950. Excavated extensively in Egypt for the New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, between 1906 and 1931, working at Lisht, Kharga Oasis, Thebes and other sites. Director of the Metropolitan's Egyptian Expedition, 1928-1932. Curator, Egyptian Department of the Metropolitan, 1929-1939. Director of the Metropolitan Museum, 1932-1939.

Carter, William

  • Personne
  • 1863-1939

British artist. Born, Swaffham, Norfolk 1863. Died, London 1939. Brother of Howard C. Studied at the Royal Academy Schools and exhibited regularly at the RA from 1883.

Geoffrey Almeric Thorndike Martin

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  • 1934-2022

British Egyptologist and Chartered Librarian. Born, South Ockendon, 1934. Died, Cambridge 2022. Chartered Librarian (ALA), 1958-60. Cataloguer, British National Bibliography, 1957-60. BA in Ancient History, University College London, 1963. MA, PhD and Litt. D, Cambridge University. Budge Research Fellow in Egyptology at Christ's College, Cambridge, 1966-70. Lecturer in Egyptology, University College London, 1970-78. Reader in Egyptian Archaeology, 1978-87. Edwards Professor of Egyptian Archaeology and Philology, 1988-1993. Assisted at Egypt Exploration Society (EES) excavations: Buhen, Sudan, 1963. Saqqara, 1964-68, site director 1970-74, field director 1975-98. Field director of the Epigraphic Mission, Amarna, 1969 and 1980. Saqqara, Leiden excavations, 1999-2000, Joint field director, 1998-2001, field director, 2002. Cambridge Expedition to the Valley of the Kings, Thebes, field director 2005, joint field director 2014 onwards.
Publications include: Egyptian Administrative and Private-Name Seals, 1971; The Royal Tomb at El-Amarna, vol. 1, 1974, vol. 2, 1989; The Tomb of Hetepka, 1979; The Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara, 1981; (with V. Raisman) Canopic Equipment in the Petrie Collection, 1984; Scarabs, Cylinders and other Ancient Egyptian Seals, 1985; The Tomb Chapels of Paser and Raia, 1985; Corpus of Reliefs of the New Kingdom, vol. 1, 1987; (with A. El-Khouly) Excavations in the Royal Necropolis at El-Amarna, 1987; The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb, 1989; The Hidden Tombs of Memphis, 1991 (German edn 1994); Bibliography of the Amarna Period and its aftermath, 1991; The Tomb of Tia and Tia, 1997; The Tombs of Three Memphite Officials, 2001; Stelae from Egypt and Nubia in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, 2005; Private Stelae of the Early Dynastic Period from the Royal Cemetery at Abydos, 2011; The Tomb of Maya and Meryt, I, 2012; Tutankhamun’s Regent, 2016. Festschrift: Another Mouthful of Dust, ed J. van Dijk, 2016.

Vercoutter, Jean

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  • 1911-2000

French Egyptologist; he was born at Lambersart, 20 January 1911, son of Georges V. and Aline Bertin; he studied history and geography at the Sorbonne and Egyptology at the École Pratique des hautes études; Diploma 1939; he was sent on a mission to Tunisia in 1937 where he studied Egyptian objects; he served in World War II, being taken prisoner and released in 1940; he was attached to the Louvre, 1942-5 and IFAO, 1945-50 where he took part in excavations at Karnak and Tod, 1947-9; he then joined CNRS and was director of excavations at Dara, 1950-1 for the University of Paris; Docteur ès lettres from the Sorbonne, 1953; Head of the French archaeological mission to the Sudan 1953-5, excavating at Kor, 1953 and Sai, 1954; director of the Sudan Archaeological Service, 1955-60; Professor at Lille and Director of the French mission in the Sudan, 1960-76 where he undertook work at Aksha, 1960-2, and Mirgissa, 1963-7 for the Nubian rescue campaign; Director of IFAO, 1977-81; he became a member of the Académie des Inscriptions 11 May 1984; President of the Société française d'égyptologie, 1982-97; Hon President of the Nubian Society 1982; member of the Institut d'Égypte 1976; he was awarded the légion d'honneur; a festschrift Mélanges offerts à Jean Vercoutter was compiled in his honour in 1985; he published Les objets égyptiens et égyptisants du mobilier fúneraire carthininois, 1945; L'Égypte ancienne, 1947, 14th ed. 1992; Essai sur les Relations entre Égyptiens et Préhellènes, 1954; L'Égypte et le monde égéen préhellénique, 1956; Textes biographiques du Sérapéum de Memphis, 1962; La Nubie soudanaise et la nouveau barrage d'Assouan, 1963; Aksha I, 1966; Catalogue des stèles du Sérapéum de Memphis I (with G. Posener and M. Malinine), 1968; Mirgissa I-III, 1970-6; Études sur l'Égypte et le Soudain anciens, 1973; À la recherche de l'Égypte oubliée, 1986; L'Égypte et la vallée du Nil, 1993; he died in Paris, 16 July 2000.

Bell, (Sir) Harold Idris

  • Personne
  • 1879-1967

British papyrologist and classicist; born in Epworth, Lincs., 2 October 1879, son of Charles Christopher Bell, who with an uncle owned a chemist's shop, and Rachel Hughes; he won a scholarship in Classics to Oriel College, Oxford, 1897, after being educated at Nottingham High School, and subsequently the Fraser Scholarship, 1901; he later studied at the Universities of Berlin and Halle; appointed Assistant in the Department of MSS in the British Museum, 1903; Deputy-Keeper of MSS, 1927, Keeper of the MSS and Edgerton Librarian, British Museum, 1929-44; Hon. Reader in Papyrology, Oxford, 1935-50; knighted, 1946; C.B., 1936; OBE, 1920; FBA; MA (Oxon); Hon. LL.D. (Liverpool); Hon. DLitt. (Wales, Michigan, Brussels); he married 1911, Mabel Winifred (d. 1967) daughter of Ernest Ayling; seconded to War Office Intelligence Dept., 1915; member of Committee of the Egypt Exploration Society, 1922-59; Hon. Sec. of same, 1923-27, and Vice President, 1945-67; corr. member of the Bavarian (1928), Bologna (1934), Belgian (1945), and Norwegain (1946), Acads. and of FÉRE, Brussels (1939); Member of Arch. Institut des Deutschen Reiches (1934); Associate Institut d'Égypte (1940); Foreign member of the American Philosophical Soc.. (1941); corr. member Acad. des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1947; Soc. Royale d'Arch. d'Alexandrie, 1950; Österreichische Akad. der Wiss., 1955; Instituto Sudamericano de Asuntos Legales, 1957; Pres. Hon. Soc. of Cymmrodorion, 1947-53; Vice-Pres., 1953-67; Pres. Soc. for Promotion of Roman Studies, 1937-45; Vice Pres. 1945-67; Vice Pres. Soc. for Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 1930-67; Vice. Pres. Int. Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies, 1949-52; Pres. of Internat. Assoc. of Papyrologists, 1947-55; Hon. Pres., 1955-67; Hon. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, 1936-67; Pres. of Brit. Acad., 1946-50; awarded Cymmrodorion Medal for services to Welsh literature, 1946; Hon. member, as Druid, of Welsh Gorsedd from 1949; during his keepership of MSS at the British Museum the Codex Sinaiticus and Luttrell Psalter were acquired, and despite official duties Bell found time to produce many works on his own special field, i.e. the Graeco-Roman papyri of Egypt; he was responsible with F. W. Kelsey of Michigan for organizing the Papyrus Syndicate, 1921, designed to buy and redistribute among its members specimens that came on the market; he retired to Aberystwyth in 1946 and he later gave his papyrological library to the National Library of Wales; his bibliography lists over 100 items, 19 separate publications, about 93 articles etc. and 9 obituaries; from this very varied output the following are selected as being among the most important, vols. III (with Sir F. Kenyon), IV and V of The Catalogue of Greek Papyri in the British Museum, 1907, 1910, 1917; Wadi Sarga (with W. E. Crum and introduction by R. Campbell Thompson), 1922; Jews and Christians in Egypt, 1924; Pt. XVI of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (with B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt), 1924; Pt. XIX ibid (with E. Lobel, E. P. Wegener, and C. H. Roberts), 1948; Juden and Griechen im romischen Alexandreia, 1926; Fragments of an unknown gospel and other Early Christian Papyri (with T. C. Skeat), 1935; New Gospel Fragments, 1935; Recent discoveries of Biblical Papyri, an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford, 18 November 1936, 1937; A Descriptive Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Collection of Wilfred Merton, F.S.A. (with C. H. Roberts), vol. I, 1948; vol. II (with B. R. Rees and others), 1958; Egypt from Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest, 1948; Cults and Creeds in Graeco-Roman Egypt, 1953; The Abinnaeus Archive (with V. Martin, E. G. Turner, and D. van Berchem), 1962; he edited the EES Graeco-Roman memoirs and also contributed to the 9th edition of Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon, and produced the large and very comprehensive bibliographies on Graeco-Roman Egypt (Papyri) in JEA 1914-25; his contributions to the Cambridge Ancient History appear in vols. X and XI; he died in Aberystwyth, 22 January 1967.

Leclant, Jean

  • Personne
  • 1920-2011

French Egyptologist; he was born in Paris, 8 August 1920, son of René L., a merchant and Laurence Pannier; he studied at the École normale supérieure, 1940-5 and the École pratique des hautes études, 1953; Dr ès lettres, 1963; he was attached to CNRS, 1946-8 and served at IFAO, 1948-52; he directed a mission to Ethiopia, 1952; he became lecturer, 1953-5 and then professor, 1955-63 at the University of Strasbourg; he was appointed Professor of Egyptology at the Sorbonne, 1963-79 and director of studies at the the École pratique des hautes études, 1964-90; he became Professor of Egyptology at the Collège de France, 1979-90; he excavated at Axum, 1952-6; Karnak, Saqqara from 1963-99; Soleb, 1960-78; and Sedeinga from 1979; he produced the annual 'Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan' in Orientalia, 1948-2002; editor of the Meroitic Newsletter and Annales d'Éthiopie, 1955-72; Grand Officer of the Légion d'honneur; Member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 3 May 1974 and its secrétaire perpétuel, 24 June 1983; Vice-President of the Société francaise d'égyptologie, 1965; President, 1970-9; he was head of the Advisory Committee on overseas excavations, 1973-88; Vice-President of the French section of UNESCO; his principal publications were Enquêtes sur les sacerdoces et les sanctuaires égyptiens a l'époque dite Ethiopienne (XXe dynastie), 1954; with others, Karnak-nord IV, 1954; In the Steps of the Pharaohs, 1958; Montouemhat, Quatrième Prophète d'Amon, 1961; Recherches sur les monuments thébains de la XXVe dynastie dite ‘éthiopienne’ 1965; with others, Soleb I-II, 1965-71; with J.-P. Lauer, Mission archéologique de Saqqarah I. Le temple haut du complexe funéraire du roi Téti, 1972; with G. Clerc, Inventaire bibliographique des Isiaca, 1972-4; with others, Mission archéologique de Saqqarah II. Le temple haut du complexe funéraire du roi Ounas, 1977; with others, Le temps des pyramides, 1978; Recherches dans la pyramide et au temple haut du Pharaon Pépi Ier à Saqqarah, 1979; with R. Parker and J.-C. Goyon, The Edifice of Taharqa by the Sacred Lake of Karnak, 1979; with others, L'Empire des conquérants, 1979, with others, L'Égypte du crépuscule, 1980; De l'égyptophilie a l'égyptologie, 1985; with H. Fischer, L'écriture et l'art de l'Égypte ancienne. Quatre leçons sur la paléographie et l'épigraphie pharaoniques, 1986; with A. Zivie, Memphis et ses nécropoles au Nouvel Empire, 1988; with J.-P. Lauer and A. Labrousse, L'architecture des pyramides à textes I, Saqqara-Nord, 1996; with M. Rassart-Debergh, Textiles d'Antinoe, 1997; with others, L'expédition d'Égypte, postérités et prospectives, 1998; with D. Valbelle, Le décret de Memphis, bicentenaire de la découverte de la Pierre de Rosette, 1999; Répertoire d'épigraphie méroïtique: corpus des inscriptions publiées, 2000; Au fil du Nil, le parcours d'un égyptologue, 2001; with others, Les textes de la pyramide de Pépy ler I, 2001; Dictionnaire de l'Antiquité, 2005; he died in Paris, 16 September 2011; his library was added to the Champollion Library at the Collège de France, Paris.

Ricci, Seymour Montefiore Robert Rosso de

  • Personne
  • 1881-1942

British bibliographer and antiquary; he was born in Twickenham, 17 May 1881, son of James Hermann de R. and Hélène Montefiore; he resided chiefly in Paris, and published many bibliographical works on rare books and MSS; he had a fine library and his knowledge of book collectors and sales of books and MSS was unrivalled; he visited Egypt several times and obtained many important papyri, chiefly Greek, some of which he published; Sandals Lecturer, Cambridge, 1929-30; he published a bibliography of Egyptology (Rev. Arch 5-8, 1917-18), and of Champollion (Rec. Champ. 763-84); his papers and library are in the Collège de France; he died in Paris, 25 December 1942.

Bridges, (Revd) George Wilson

  • Personne
  • 1788-1863

English writer, photographer and Anglican cleric. After eloping with his wife, he was Rector for the Jamaican parish of St Dorothy until late 1817, and then Manchester from 1817 to 1823. He moved to become rector at the neighbouring parish of St Ann from 1823 to 1837. He published works against William Wilberforce and another book resulted in his London publisher being found guilty of libel against Louis Celeste Lecesne and John Escoffery. After his wife left him, he lost four of their daughters in a boating accident. Bridges went to Canada and returned to England to meet William Fox Talbot and take up photography. In December 1845 he learned the calotype process from Nicolaas Henneman, William Fox Talbot's printer, specifically so that he could record his upcoming tour of the Mediterranean and the Near East. Around 1850 he toured around the Mediterranean taking 1,700 early pictures including Egypt, Greece, the Holy Land and Mount Etna erupting; he became the first photographer to use the calotype process in Greece. The album he produced there, Illustrations of the Acropolis of Athens, was never published. Following his grand tour Bridges began issuing his photographs in instalments under the title Selections from Seventeen-Hundred Genuine Photographs: (Views-Portraits-Statuary-Antiquities). Taken around the Shores of the Mediterranean between the Years 1846-1852. With, or Without, Notes, Historical and Descriptive. By a Wayworn Wanderer. His last parish was Beachley in Gloucestershire, where he died in 1863.

Eyton-Jones, Theodora

  • Personne
  • c. 1890-1975

Theodora Eyton-Jones was born in China, the daughter of a missionary. In 1930 she undertook a visit to the Patriarchs of the Eastern Churches, which she described in her book Under eastern roofs (1931). She married the Revd Leonard Patterson, and after his death adopted the name 'Eyton-Patterson', although she used her maiden name for writing.

Carter, Howard

  • Personne
  • 1874-1939

British Egyptologist. Born, London 1874. Died, London 1939. Privately educated. Employed by P. E. Newberry in 1891 working for the Archaeological Survey. Assisted in excavations for the Egypt Exploration Fund 1892-3, was with Petrie at Amarna in 1892, and as a draughtsman to the Deir el-Bahri expedition 1893-9. Appointed Chief Inspector of Antiquities of Upper Egypt 1899-1904. Discovered several royal tombs, including those of Hatshepsut, Tuthmosis IV and Amenophis I. Inspector of Lower Egypt 1905. Employed by Lord Carnarvon from 1909 onwards, to excavate in the Theban necropolis, the Delta and Middle Egypt. His most famous discovery, that of the intact tomb of Tutankhamun, was made in 1922. He spent the next ten years recording the tomb's contents. Most of Carter's records for Tutankhamun's tomb remain unpublished.

Ainslie, (Revd) Alexander Colvin

  • Personne
  • 1830-1903

British clergyman. Born, unknown. Died, 1903. Studied mathematics at University College, Oxford, graduating in 1852. Ordained Deacon to the curacy of Sopworth, Wiltshire, 1853. Deacon, Corfe, near Taunton, 1854. Prebendary of Wells Cathedral, 1871. Vicar of Henstridge, 1871. Vicar of Langport, 1883. Canon of Wells, 1895. Archdeacon of Taunton, 1896. He was acclaimed for his work connected with Church Education, Church and State relations, and Ecclesiastical Courts. Editor of the Chronicle of Convocation. In recognition of his contributions to the Church, the Archbishop of Canterbury conferred on him the degree of LL.D in 1886.

Baumgartel, Elise Jenny

  • Personne
  • 1892-1975

German/British prehistorian. Born, Berlin 1892. Died, Oxford 1975. Studied medicine and Egyptology at the University of Berlin. Excavated at Hermopolis. Assistant Keeper of Egyptology, Manchester Museum.

Breasted, James Henry

  • Personne
  • 1865-1935

American Egyptologist and orientalist. Born, Rockford, Ill. 1865. Died, New York 1935. Educated at North-Western College, Naperville, Ill., then Chicago College of Pharmacy, 1882-6. Started a career in pharmacy before going on to study Hebrew at the Congressional Institute. Then Yale University, 1890-1. AM degree, 1892. Went to Berlin to study Egyptology with Erman, 1894. Assistant in Egyptology and assistant director of Haskell Oriental Museum, University of Chicago, 1895-1901. Director of Haskell, 1905. Instructor in Egyptology and Semitic Languages, 1896. Professor of Egyptology and Oriental History, 1905. Whilst working on the Berlin dictionary in 1990-4, he was also able to record many texts from monuments in various German museums which formed the basis of his publication Ancient Records. Director, University of Chicago Egyptian Expedition, 1905-7. Was awarded many honours during his career. Founded the Oriental Institute at Chicago which was financially backed by J. D. Rockefeller, Jnr.

Burton, Harry

  • Personne
  • 1879-1940

British archaeologist and photographer. Born, Stamford 1879. Died, Asyut 1940. Began his photographic career in Florence with the art historian R. Cust. He was then engaged as a excavator at Thebes by Theodore Davis between 1910-14. Then from 1914 onwards he worked for the rest of his career as a photographer for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. His task was to record many of the royal and private tombs at Thebes. Between 1922 and 1933 he was lent by the Metropolitan Museum to Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter to make a photographic record during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Calverley, Amice Mary

  • Personne
  • 1896-1959

British artist and musician. Born, London 1896. Died, Toronto 1959. Educated in Canada, and then from 1922 studied music at the Royal College of Music. While at Oxford she began making archaeological drawings under the direction of Sir Leonard Woolley. This led onto her working for Sir Alan Gardiner and the Egypt Exploration Society; she copied and subsequently published parts of the temple of Sethos I at Abydos.

Dakin, Alec Naylor

  • Personne
  • 1912-2003

British Egyptologist. Born, Mytholmroyd, Yorkshire 1912. Died, Bristol 2003. Educated, Heath School, Halifax, and read Literae Humaniores at Queen's College, Oxford; BA, 1935. He was the first Lady Wallis Budge Fellow at University College, 1936-42. Published several articles, including one with P. C. Smither titled 'The Semnah Despatches', and another on Middle Kingdom stelae in Queen's College, Oxford (now in the Ashmolean Museum). Entered the Foreign Office in May 1940 and worked as a cryptographer at Bletchley Park. After the war left Egyptology and became a schoolmaster but took it up again in the 1970s.

Dawson, Warren Royal

  • Personne
  • 1888-1968

British broker at Lloyds and historian. Born, Ealing 1888. Died, Bletchley 1968. Educated at St. Paul's School. Many honours including OBE, FRSE, FRSL, FSA, Hon. Fellow, Imperial College of Science, and Hon. Fellow of the Egypt Exploration Society. Learned hieroglyphs in order to further his studies into early medicine. Published widely in many fields including Egyptology.

Aldred, Cyril

  • Personne
  • 1914-1991

British Egyptologist and art historian; he was born in London, 19 Feb. 1914, son of Frederick A., a civil servant in the Post Office, and Lilian Ethel Underwood; he studied at the Sloane School, London where his interest in art was fostered; after a year at King's College, London, studying English, he transferred to the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London; BA, 1936; he was appointed Assistant Keeper in the Department of Art and Ethnography in the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh in charge of the archaeological and ethnographical collections, 1937; he served in the Scottish Education Office and Royal Air Force (Signals) 1942-6; he spent a year as Associate Curator, Dept. of Egyptian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1955-6; Keeper, Dept. of Art and Archaeology, Royal Scottish Museum, 1961¬74; Member of the Committee of the Egypt Exploration Society, 1959-76; Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1978; he specialized in the study of Egyptian art and jewellery and was a leading authority on the reign of Akhenaten; he greatly added to the Egyptian collection of the Royal Scottish Museum; his publications included Old Kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt, 1949; Middle Kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt, 1950; New Kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt during the Eighteenth Dynasty 1590-1315 B. C., 1951; all three reissued as The Development of Ancient Egyptian Art, 1952; The Egyptians, 1961, 2nd ed. 1984; Egypt to the End of the Old Kingdom, 1965; Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt - a New Study, 1968; Egypt: The Amama Period and the End of the Eighteenth Dynasty, 1971, later published in Vol. II, Part 2 of The Cambridge Ancient History, 1975; Jewels of the Pharaohs, 1971; Tutankhamun's Egypt, 1972; Akhenaten and Nefertiti, 1973; The Temple of Dendur, 1978; Tutankhamun, Craftsmanship in Gold in the Reign of the King, 1979; Le Monde egyptien. Les Pharaons, with J. Leclant et al, 3 vols., 1979-80; Egyptian Art in the Days of the Pharaohs, 3100-320 B. C, 1980; and Akhenaten: King of Egypt, 1988; he died in Edinburgh, 23 June 1991.

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