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Authority record

Elizabeth Fleming

  • Person
  • b. 1965

Griffith Institute staff member, November 1982 to date.

Fairman, Herbert Walter

  • Person
  • 1907-1982

British Egyptologist; he was born at Clare, Suffolk 9 March 1907, son of Revd Walter Trotter F., a Baptist missionary in Egypt, and Mary Amelia Prior; he was educated at Bethany School, Goudhurst, Kent and from 1926 at the Institute of Archaeology, Liverpool studying under Peet and Garstang; Certificate in Archaeology (Egyptology) 1929; he took part in the excavations at Armant, 1929-31; assistant field director under Pendlebury at Amarna, 1931-6; field director for the EES at Sesebi and Amara West, 1936-9, 1947-8; he drew several of the text plates for Peet's Great Tomb Robberies and the plates for Gardiner's editions of the Chester Beatty papyri and the Late Egyptian Miscellanies; he also collaborated with Blackman on the reading of Ptolemaic texts; during World War II he was attached to the British Embassy in Cairo, 1940-7; he was appointed Brunner Professor of Egyptology at the University of Liverpool, 1948-74 and Special Lecturer in Egyptology at the University of Manchester, 1948-69; Dean of the Faculty of Arts, 1956-8; Emeritus Professor, 1974-82; he devoted himself to teaching during his university career and hence his publications are few; apart from articles and chapters in the excavation reports of Armant and Amarna, he edited The City of Akhenaten III, 1950 and wrote The Triumph of Horus, 1974; he died in Liverpool, 16 November 1982.

Moss, Rosalind Louisa Beaufort

  • Person
  • 1890-1990

British Egyptologist and bibliographer; she was born in Shrewsbury, 21 September 1890, daughter of the Revd Henry Whitehead M., Headmaster of Shrewsbury School and Mary Beaufort; she was educated at Heathfield School, Ascot and at St. Anne's College, Oxford where she studied anthropology; Diploma 1917 BSc, 1922; author of The Life after Death in Oceania and the Malay Archipelago 1925; she took up Egyptology in 1917 and became a pupil of Griffith; at his encouragement she became editor of The Topographical Bibliography of Ancinet Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings in 1924 with B. Porter; she travelled extensively visiting museums and sites with her later assistant Ethel Burney; she edited Vols. I-VII, 1927-51 and the second edition of Vols. 1960-72 of the Bibliography and collected material for future volumes up to he't retirement in 1970; FSA, 1949; Hon. DLitt from Oxford, 1961; Hon. Fellow, St. Anne's College, Oxford, 1967; a volume of tributes was prepared in her memory' T. G. H. James and J. Malek, A Dedicated Life, 1990; she died in Ewell, Surrey, 22 April 1990.

Sethe, Kurt Heinrich

  • Person
  • 1869-1934

German Egyptologist; he was born in Berlin, 30 September 1869, son of Heinrich Christoph S. and his wife Auguste Gertrud; he studied Egyptology under Erman at Berlin University, 1888-92; PhD, 1892; Habilitation, 1895; 1907; afterwards succeeding Erman at Berlin, 1923; Sethe was with Erman the greatest figure in Egyptian philology in the twentieth century; his achievement has been said to have been comparable with that of Brugsch or even Champollion in some fields; he made discoveries in all philological branches and also in history, geography, religion, mathematics, and chronology; his range was comprehensive, covering all texts from those of the Early Dynastic period to Demotic and Coptic, making important discoveries in all; he was a voluminous writer; of his many grammatical works the great Verbum was the most important; he collated and re-edited the Pyramid Texts, first published by Maspero; he founded and edited the Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Altertumskunde Aegyptens to which he made many important contributions from 1896 onwards; he visited Egypt, 1904-5, and copied and collated a large number of historical texts which he published in 1906-9, as Urkunden der 18. Dynastie; his many works defined the Egyptian language in a way never before achieved and made the study of grammar more exact; these contributions appeared in ZÄS and other journals and as separate publications; his principal works were Die Thronwirren unter den Nachfolgern Königs Thutmosis I, etc., 1896; Das Aegyptische Verbum in Altaegyptischen, Neuaegyptischen und Koptischen, 3 vols. 1899-1902; Dodekaschoinos: das Zwölfmeilenland an der Grenze von Aegypten und Nubien, 1901; Beiträge zur ältesten Geschichte Ägyptens, 1905; Urkunden des Alten Reichs, 4 parts, 1903-33; Urkunden der 18. Dynastie, 16 parts, 1906-9; Hieroglyphischen Urkunden der Griechisch-Römischen Zeit, 3 parts, 1904-16; Die Altaegyptischen pyramidentexte, 1 and 2, Text, vol. 3, Kritischer Apparat, 4, Epigraphik, 1908-22, his greatest work; Die Einsetzung des Veziers unter der 18. Dynastie: Inschrift im Grabe des Rech-mi-Re zu Schech Abd el Gurna, 1909; Sarapis und die sogenannten 'Katochoi' des Sarapis: zwei Probleme der Griechisch-Aegyptischen Religionsgeschichte, 1913; Der Nominalsatz im Agyptischen und Koptischen, 1916; Von Zahlen und Zahlworten bei den alten Ägyptern und was für andere Völker und Sprachen daraus zu lernen ist ..., 1916; Die Zeitrechnung der alten Aegypter im Verhältnis zu der andern Völker, 2 parts, 1919-20; Demotische Urkunden zum ägyptischen Bürgschaftsrechte, vorzüglich der Ptolemäerzeit, etc., 1920, a huge work of over 800 pages; Aegyptische Lesestücke … Texte des Mittleren Reiches, 2 parts, 1924-7; Dramatische Texte zu Altaegyptischen Mysterienspielen, 1928; Urgeschichte und älteste Religion der Ägypter, 1930; Das Hatschepsut-Problem noch einmal untersucht, 1932; Historisch-biographische Urkunden des Mittleren Reiches, with W. Erichsen, 1935; Übersetzung and Kommentar zu den Altägyptischen Pyramidentexten, 6 vols. with W. Erichsen, 1935-62; Thebanische Tempelinschriften aus Griechisch-Römischer Zeit, posth., 1957; Sethe edited the text of Lepsius' Denkmäler which was supplied by Naville and collaborated with Gardiner in Egyptian Letters to the Dead; he visited Egypt for a second time in 1925; he died in Berlin, 6 July 1934.

Turaev, Boris Alexandrovitch

  • Person

Russian Egyptologist; he was born in Novogrudok, 24 July/5 August 1868, son of Alexander T.; he studied first in St. Petersburg under Golenischeff, graduating 1891, and later under Erman in Berlin, 1893-5 and Maspero in Paris; on returning to Russia, he was appointed private lecturer in Ancient History in the University of St. Petersburg, 1896, Associate Professor, 1904, Professor, 1911; he was made Keeper of Egyptian Antiquities in the Museum of Moscow when it acquired the Golenischeff Collection, 1912; in 1918 he was elected a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; he had assembled a large private collection of antiquities which it was his intention to bequeath to Moscow Museum; he published Bog Tot, 1898; Istoriya Drevnego Vostoka, 1911; Opisanie Egipetskago sobraniya I. Statui i statuétki golenishchevskago sobraniya, 4º 1917; Drevnei egipetskaya literature, 1920; posth. Papyrus Prachov, sobraniya B.A. Turaeva, fol., 1927; also articles in JEA, ZÄS_, and other journals; he died in Petrograd, 23 July 1920.

Lefebvre, Gustave Désiré Louis

  • Person
  • 1879-1957

French Egyptologist; born 17 July 1879 at Bar-le-Duc (Meuse), Lorraine, son of Constantin Désiré Louis L. and Marie Longeaux; he studied at the Faculté des Lettres, Paris, 1879-1900, and was also a pupil at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris, 1899-1901; he was a member of the French School at Athens, 1901-4; he worked in Egypt, 1902-4; he became Professor at the Lycée de Valenciennes 1904; he was appointed Inspector for Middle Egypt in the Egyptian Antiquities Service, 1905-14; in war service 1915-19; Assistant Keeper, 1919 then Keeper, Cairo Museum, 1926-28; Director of Studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études Section IV, Chair of Egyptian Philology, 1928-48, Docteur-ès-lettres, Faculté des Lettres, Paris, 1929; Maspero Prize, 1942; member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1942; Paul Pelliot Prize, 1956; an authority on Egyptian philology Lefebvre received a classical background to his education at the Sorbonne; with Pierre Jouguet he studied Greek papyri found in the Nile valley and assisted in excavations at Medinet Madi in the Fayum, 1902, at Medinet Nahas (Magdola), El Majabda (the burial place of mummified crocodiles), and at Tihna, 1903-4; he was invited by Gaston Maspero to join the Antiquities Service and after studying hieroglyphs, he began the publication of Egyptian texts from 1907; he was also an officer of the Order of the Nile and of the Légion d'honneur; his published work numbered 155 items, see especially Papyrus de Magdôla, with P. Jouguet, 1902-3; Inscriptions grecques de Tehneh, 1903; Une chapelle de Ramsès II a Abydos, 1906; Fragments d'un manuscrit de Ménandre, 1907; Recueil des inscriptions grecques chrétiennes d'Égypte, 1907; Les Graffites grecs du Memnonion d'Abydos, 1919; Le tombeau de Pétosiris, 3 vols. 1923-4, following the clearance of this tomb at Tuna el-Gebel; Histoire des grands prêtres d'Amon de Karnak, 1929; Inscriptions concernant les grands prêtres d'Amon Romê-Roÿ et Amenhotep, 1929; Grammaire de l'Égyptien classique, 1940, for many years one of the three standard works used for teaching students, with those of Gardiner and de Buck; Romans et conies égyptiens de l'époque pharaonique, 1948; Inscription dédicatoire de la chapelle funéraire de Ramsès I a Abydos, 1951; Tableau des parties du corps humain mentionnées par les Égyptiens, 1952; Essai sur la médecine égyptienne de l'époque pharaonique, 1956; he died in Versailles, 1 November 1957.

Gell, (Sir) William

  • Person
  • 1777-1836

British classical archaeologist and traveller; he was born in Hopton, Derbyshire, 1 April 1777, son of Philip G. and Dorothy Milnes; he studied at Jesus College, Cambridge, BA, 1798; MA, 1804; Fellow of Emmanuel College; he studied art at the Royal Academy Schools; he visited the Troad, 1801, and published Topography of Troy, 1804; from 1804 he travelled for some years in Greece, publishing a number of works on the topography and antiquities of the area; he was sent on an archaeological mission to Ionia by the Society of Diletttanti, 1811-3; he was knighted in 1814; he accompanied Princess (later Queen) Caroline to Italy, 1814, and was at the centre of the scandals involving the queen at this time; from 1820 until his death he lived in Rome and Naples; he was very interested in the progress of hieroglyphic decipherment and corresponded with Young, Salt, and Champollion on the subject and encouraged Wilkinson to take up the study of Egyptian antiquities; FRS; FSA; he died in Naples, 4 Feb. 1836; three of his note-books on hieroglyphs are in the Griffith Institute.

Glanville, Stephen Ranulph Kingdon

  • Person
  • 1900-1956

British Egyptologist; he was born Westminster, 26 April 1900, son of Stephen James G., deputy editor of the Daily Telegraph, and Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Kingdon; he was educated at Marlborough College and Lincoln College, Oxford where he was a Modern History Scholar, Lit. Hum. and BA, 1922; MA, 1926; he was later Laycock Student of Egyptology, Worcester College, Oxford, 1929¬35; he first visited Egypt as an assistant master in the Egyptian Government Service, 1922, and his enthusiasm for Egyptology having been aroused he joined the EES expedition to Amarna, 1923; he also studied the language under Griffith; he was appointed Assistant in the Dept. of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum, 1924; he later became Reader in 1933-5 and then Edwards Professor of Egyptology at University College London; he was elected a Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, 1946-54; he excavated at Amarna, 1925, and Armant, 1928, for the EES, was its Hon. Secretary, 1928-31 and 1933-6, and its Chairman of Committee, 1951-6; he served in the RAF (Air Staff) in the Second World War; Herbert Thompson Professor of Egyptology in the University of Cambridge, 1946-56; Hon. Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford; Master of the Grocers' Company, 1953; Provost of King's College, Cambridge, 1954-6, the first non-Cambridge man to be so elected in 500 years; MA, FBA, FSA; he married 1925, Ethel Mary daughter of J. B. Chubb; he contributed to The Mural Painting of El-Amameh, 1929; published Daily Life in Ancient Egypt, 1930; edited Studies Presented to F.Ll. Griffith, 1932; The Egyptians (for children), 1933; Catalogue of Demotic Papyri in the British Museum, i. 1939; ed. The Legacy of Egypt, 1942; The Growth and Nature of Egyptology, 1947; `Notes on a demotic papyrus from Thebes (B.M. 10026)' in Essays and Studies presented to S. A. Cook, 1950; Catalogue of Demotic Papyri in the British Museum II; The Instructions of Onchsheshonklzy, pt. i, 1955; also articles in the JEA, Br. Mus. Quarterly, etc.; he died in Cambridge, 26 April 1956.

Hess von Wyss, Jean-Jacques

  • Person
  • 1866-1949

Swiss Egyptologist; he was born in Freiburg, 11 Jan. 1866, son of Casimir Balthasar Jacob H. and Maria Josefina Rudolf; he was educated at the Humboldt University Berlin, studying Egyptology under Brugsch and at the University of Strassburg where he received his doctorate; he was appointed Professor at Freiburg, 1889¬1908; he travelled in Egypt, 1896-1900 and in Egypt and NW Arabia, 1908-13; Professor Extraordinary of Oriental Languages, Zurich, 1918; he retired in 1936 with the title of Hon. Professor; he published an edition of the London-Leiden Demotic papyrus, and the Demotic stories of Khaemwese, but in his later years he concentrated on Arabic; Der demotische Roman von Stne Ha-m-us: Text, Uebersetzung, Commentar und Glossar, etc., 1888; Die gnostische Papyrus von London: Einleitung Text und Demotisch-Deutsches Glossar, 1892; Der demotische Teil der dreisprachigen Inschrift von Rosette, 1902; his notebooks and papers are in the Griffith Institute, Oxford; he died in Zurich, 29 April 1949.

Lee, John

  • Person
  • 1783-1866

British ecclesiastical lawyer, antiquarian, and patron of science; he was born at Totteridge, Herts., 28 April 1783, son of John Fiott and Harriet Lee; he graduated from St. John's College, Cambridge; MA, 1809; LLD, 1816; his name was Fiott, but he changed it by royal licence on inheriting from the Revd Sir George Lee, Bart., the estate of Hartwell, Bucks., and other estates elsewhere, 1815; he studied law and was admitted to the Coll. of Advocates, of which he was librarian and Treasurer; he practised in the Ecclesiastical Courts and at the age of 80 was admitted Barrister, Gray's Inn, becoming Bencher and QC the following year; he married 1. Cecilia Rutter, 1833 (11854), 2. Louisa Catherine Heath, 1855; he took great interest in the promotion of science and archaeology all his life, and was a generous patron, forming an extensive library and museum at his seat at Hartwell; he had a rich collection of Egyptian antiquities, many of which he had ,bought at the Barker, Lavoratori, Burton, and Athanasi sales; others he acquired during a visit to Egypt in 1807-10; a printed catalogue of the Egyptian collection, by Bonomi, was issued in 1858; after his death, most of the Egyptian collection was bought by Lord Amherst, his library and MSS were sold at Sotheby's, 1876, and collections of deeds, etc., 8 March 1939; some of the geological specimens and some minor Egyptian pieces are now in the Buckinghamshire County Museum, Aylesbury, while other geological specimens are in the Natural History Museum, London. the MS, registers of Lee's Museum in 4 vols. folio are also at Aylesbury; he was foundation member of the Royal Astron. Soc., 1820, President, 1862; FRS, 1831; FSA, 1828; scientific meetings were held at his house and out of these grew the Meteorological Soc., the Syro-Egyptian Soc., the Anglo-Biblical Soc., the Palestine Arch. Assn., and the Chronological Institute; the last four.were dissolved in 1872 and merged in the Soc. of Biblical Arch.; Lee's name is associated with a judicial papyrus which passed into Lord Amherst's coll. and is now in the Pierpont Morgan Library, NY; some of his papers are in the Griffith Institute, Oxford; Lee died, in Hartwell, 25 Feb. 1866.

Lieder, (Revd Johann) Rudolph Theophilus

  • Person
  • 1798-1865

German missionary and collector; he was born in Erfurt, Prussia, 29 May 1798, son of Christian Wilhelm L. master shoemaker, and Anna Maria Bormann; he worked for many years in Cairo under the Church Missionary Society, 1825-62; he was ordained priest in the Church of England, 1842, and revised the New Testament in Coptic and Arabic for the SPCK; he translated into Arabic the Homilies of St. Chrysostom and other works; Member of the Egyptian Society of Cairo, 1836; he was hostile to Mariette; he married 1838/9 Alice Holliday (d.Cairo, 1868) who made squeezes of many Egyptian monuments which are now in the Griffith Institute, Oxford and Grantham Museum; they collected Egyptian antiquities and in 1861 Lord Amherst purchased the collection of 186 items for £200, the inventory of which is now in the Eg. Dept. of the British Museum; in the preface to the Amherst Sale Catalogue (1921) he is wrongly called `the Revd W. Leider'; he died of cholera in Cairo, 6 July 1865.

Lieder, Alice

  • Person
  • ?-1868
  • See Who Was Who in Egyptology (4th ed. 2012), 332-3 (Rudolph Theophilus Lieder).

MacKay, Ernest John Henry

  • Person
  • 1880-1943

British archaeologist; he was born Bristol, 5 July 1880, son of Richard Cockrill M. and Mary Dermott Thomas; he was educated at Bristol Grammar School and the University of Bristol; MA; D.Litt.; FSA; he married Dorothy Mary Simmons, 1912; he assisted in excavations in Egypt, 1907-12, receiving training in field work under Petrie and contributing to the publications of the British School; he was engaged on excavations and the photographic survey of the Theban Tombs, 1913-16; in 1913 he loaned his collection of Egyptian antiquities to the Bristol City Museum, selling it to the museum in 1919; he served during the First World War as a Capt. in the RASC, 1916-19, in Egypt and Palestine; Member of the Army Commission for the Survey of Ancient Monuments in Palestine and Syria, 1919-20; he was then appointed Custodian of Antiquities by the Palestine Govt., 1919-22; he was Field Director of the Oxford University and Field Museum, Chicago, Archaeological Expedition to Mesopotamia, 1922-6; at this time he also directed the excavations at Bahrain on the Persian Gulf for the BSAE, 1925; he became Special Officer for Exploration for the Archaeological Survey of India, 1926-31; he then was appointed Director of the Expedition of the American School of Indic and Iranian Studies and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts to Chandhu-daro, India, 1935-6; Mackay began his archaeological work in Egypt, but he later moved into Palestine and Iraq where he made important discoveries on early Sumerian sites; it is, however, his work in India for which he is best known, for with Sir John Marshall he was one of the founders and initiators of work on the Indus valley civilization; in Egyptology he was part author of Heliopolis, KO Ammar and Shurafa, with W. M. F. Petrie, 1915; City of Shepherd Kings and Ancient Gaza V, with M. A. Murray, Petrie, and others, 1952; he also wrote, The A 'Cemetery at Kish, 1925; A Sumerian palace and the A' Cemetery at Kish, 1926; Excavations at Jemdet Nasr, Iraq, 1930; Moheryadaro, and the Indus Civilization, with Sir J. Marshall and others, 1931; The Indus Civilization, 1935; Further Excavations at Mohenjodaro (1927-31), 1938; Chandu-daro Excavations, 1941; in addition he published numerous articles in journals, such as AE to which he contributed reviews; he died in London, 2 Oct. 1943.

Nibbi, Alessandra

  • Person
  • 1923-2007

British-Italian orientalist; she was born in Porto-San-Giorgio, Italy, 30 June 1923, daughter of Gino N., an artist, journalist, and art dealer, and Elvira Petrelli; she was brought up in Australia and attended the University of Melbourne and taught at the University of Sydney; she then returned to Italy to finish her education at the University of Perugia where she studied archaeology and the University of Florence; Dr. Letters, 1965; she settled in Oxford and devoted her considerable energy to Egyptological studies; she published numerous articles, pamphlets, and books espousing unorthodox views on Asiatic settlements and the Delta region; she encouraged excavation in the Delta al though the results often disproved her theories; she also wrote on technical subjects including anchors, bellows, and shields; she was the founder and editor of Discussions in Egyptology in 1985; she died in Oxford, 15 Jan. 2007.

Rhoné, Arthur

  • Person
  • 1836-1910

French author and traveller; he was a close friend of Mariette and frequently accompanied him on his tours of inspection in Upper Egypt, as he also did with Maspero; he thus made many journeys between 1865 and 1882; in 1881 he was attached to the Mission Arch. in Cairo; he contributed many accounts of discoveries in Egypt to the Gaz. des Beaux Arts, le Temps, Mag. Pittoresque, etc., and published a travel book, L'Égypte à petites journées, which enjoyed great popularity, running to several editions; his correspondence is in the Griffith Institute, Oxford; he died 7 June 1910.

Wainwright, Gerald Avery

  • Person
  • 1879-1964

British Egyptologist and archaeologist; he was born at Clifton, 4 March 1879, son of William Frederick W., brewer, and Emily Helen Jones; educated Clifton College, but he was unable to go on to University afterwards; his interest in Egyptology was awakened by reading Rawlinson's Ancient Egypt at 15, but he was unable to follow it up and had to work in a timber office when he was 17; in 1900 he attended evening classes in Egyptian and Coptic at the University College, Bristol, Mackay being also a student; he first visited Egypt in 1904, and on meeting Petrie, 1907, asked to be taken on as an assistant on his digs; he went to Sohag and remained excavating with Petrie until 1912, contributing to no fewer than six of Petrie's archaeological vols., Meydum and Memphis III, 1910; The Labyrinth and Gerzeh, 1911; Tarkhan I and Memphis V, 1913; Heliopolis, Kafr Ammar and Shurafa, 1915; and pls. in Memphis I and II, during the summers he studied with Petrie and Margaret Murray at University College London, and received some instruction in language from Griffith in Oxford, in return for help with the Nubian finds; he next joined Wellcome in the Sudan, and having saved enough money was able to study and take his BLitt Oxon, 1913, the subject being The Foreign Relations of the New Kingdom which dealt with the Keftiu and which was published later in Liverpool Annals; Wainwright dug for the EES at Abydos, 1913-14, and at Es-Sawama, and in 1915 at El-Balabish for the American branch; in 1914 he also joined Woolley and Lawrence at Carchemish; to support himself he taught at Christ's Hospital School and the Tewfikia School in Cairo, 1916-21; he was appointed Chief Inspector of Middle Egypt by the Antiquities Service, 1921-4; in 1926 he retired to Bournemouth with sufficient money saved plus the compensation given by the Egyptian Government to retiring officers, to enable him to devote the rest of his life to research and publication; to this end he regularly visited Oxford, and the list of his publications is thus very long, reaching hundreds of items; only two books came out under his own name, Balabish, 1920; The Sky Religion of Egypt, 1937; his interests were very wide and his articles and reviews embraced archaeology and anthropology in areas far beyond Egypt; in all he contributed to at least 15 journals and also reviewed for the Times Literary Supplement, his main studies were technical, e.g. iron, bronze, tin, obsidian; religious and anthropological, e.g. the origins of the gods Amun and Min; and ethnic, e.g. the Sea Peoples; he did much to encourage young people and students, founding a prize of £50 for an essay written on Egyptian Archaeology by a boy or girl at school; he left the bulk of his estate to the University of Oxford to endow two Research Fellowships in the study of Near Eastern Archaeology; he also donated a generous sum for books for the library of the EES; he died in Bournemouth, 28 May 1964.

Weigall, Arthur Edward Pearse Brome

  • Person
  • 1880-1934

British Egyptologist and author; born St Helier, Jersey, 20 Nov. 1880, son of Major Arthur Archibald Denny W. and Alice Cowan. he was educated at Hillside School, Malvern, and Wellington College; he entered New College, Oxford, 1900, but left after a short residence to become assistant to Flinders Petrie on the staff of the EEF, 1901; he married twice, first Hortense Schleiter of Chicago, second Muriel Frances Lillie of Hillsborough, Co. Down; he was Inspector-General of Antiquities for the Egyptian Government, 1905-14; he was closely associated with excavations in the Theban Necropolis carried out by Sir Robert Mond, and also with those of Theodore Davis in the Valley of Kings; he was an efficient and
energetic official and for the first time probably since Pharaonic times the tombs and temples of Western Thebes became well ordered and properly conserved; he initiated the numbering of the Tombs of the Nobles now in general use, and assisted in their opening up and restoration; with A. H. Gardiner he produced the Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes later supplemented by Engelbach; his later popular works are better known but were often written in haste; his later life was that of a writer and journalist, and a scene designer, and shows a very individualistic stamp; for his archaeological work Weigall was awarded the Cross 4th Class Red Eagle, Germany, Officer's Cross of Franz Joseph, Austria, 3rd Class Medjidieh, Egypt; he published many works serious and popular, see Abydos I, in part, 1902; Abydos III, 1904; A Report on the Antiquities of Lower .Nubia, 1907; A Catalogue of the Weights and Balances in the Cairo Museum, 1908; Travels in the Upper Egyptian Deserts, 1909; A Guide to the Antiquities of Upper Egypt, 1910, like Baikie's a very useful book for the tourist; The Life of Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt, 1910, rev. 1922; The Treasury of Ancient Egypt, 1911; A Topographical Catalogue of the Tombs of Thebes, with A. H. Gardiner, 1913; The Life of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, 1914, rev. 1924; Egypt from 1798 to 1914, 1915; The Glory of the Pharaohs, 1923; Tutankhamen and other Essays, 1923; Ancient Egyptian Works of Art, 1924; A History of the Pharaohs, vol.i, 1925, vol. ii, 1926, never completed, a work of great originality and very well written, but marred by the author's individual approach to certain philological and historical matters, and displaying considerable arrogance towards other contemporary Egyptologists; at this stage of his career Weigall's writing became more general with works such as Flights into Antiquity, 1928, Sappho, 1932, and Laura Was My Camel, 1933; but he produced a final Egyptological book A Short History of Ancient Egypt, 1934; he died in London, 2 Jan. 1934.

Wellcome, (Sir) Henry Solomon

  • Person
  • 1853-1936

British manufacturing chemist of American origin; patron of science and amateur archaeologist; he was born in a log cabin at Almond, Wisconsin, 21 Aug. 1835, son of the Revd Solomon Cummings W., farmer and missionary, and Mary Curtis; he was educated at frontier schools, and then qualified at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; he was apprenticed to several American firms, and at this period explored the cinchona forests of Peru and Ecuador; in 1885 he was awarded the Royal Humane Soc. Medal for life-saving; Wellcome came to England in 1880 and with the American S. M. Burroughs founded the firm of Burroughs, Wellcome Co., chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers; he became sole owner after 1895; he founded the Physiological Research Laboratories, 1894, and chemical research laboratories, 1896; also the tropical research laboratories at Khartoum, 1901, and the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 1913; he left nearly all his great wealth to these and other institutions through the Wellcome Foundation; FRS, 1932; knighted 1932; LLD Edinburgh; DSc; Hon. FRCS Eng.; Officer of the Legion d'honneur, 1936; in 1901 he married Gwendoline Maude Syrie, daughter of Thomas Barnardo; he divorced her in 1916 and she married the novelist Somerset Maugham; he was naturalized British, 1910; his interest in exploration seems to have been encouraged by his friendship with H. M. Stanley, and he conducted Archaeological and Ethnological expeditions in the Upper Nile regions of the Sudan, 1901, himself directing excavations at a late neolithic site at Gebel Moya, and employing others to dig for him elsewhere; in all he excavated four sites in the Fung area, Gebel Moya, Abu Geili, Sequadi and Dar el-Melik, 1910-14; the enormous labour force, 500 men rising to 3,000 at times, made for staff difficulties in supervision, and a huge amount of archaeological material was brought back to England and stored in depots and warehouses at Dartford, Marylebone, Stanmore and Willesden; to this material must be added further collections that he acquired by purchase which related to areas outside the Nile valley; he was a pioneer of aerial photography both for exploration and surveying archaeological sites, and used kites with aerial cameras attached in his work; between the 1890s and his death in 1936 he formed an enormous collection of objects, books, and manuscripts on medical, anthropological, and social topics, which formed the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, partly dispersed after his death; this contained a very valuable and large collection of Egyptian antiquities, much material deriving from excavations supported by Wellcome and includes a substantial number of objects from the EES excavations at El-Amarna and Armant, and from Garstang's work at Meroe; he also purchased a considerable number of items at the sale of the MacGregor Collection in 1922 and other sales of this period such as those of the Rustafjaell, Meux, and Hilton Price collections; much of this was presented by his Trustees to University College London in Nov. 1964, to be incorporated in the Petrie Collection; other portions of his Egyptological collections were distributed to the British Museum and other British museums, including Durham, Swansea, Birmingham and Bolton; some papers are in the Griffith Institute, Oxford; he died in London, 25 July 1936.

Results 151 to 180 of 238