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Affichage de 3531 résultats

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3531 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Philae

View of the island and temple remains of Philae:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto] 'Ile de Philae Juin 1838'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'ILE DE PHILÆ'. (ink note)
  • 53.9 by 34.8 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Dabod

View of the remains of the Isis temple at Dabod:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto] 'N.R.O. DEBOUDE'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'TEMPLE de DEBOUDE'. (ink note)
  • 25 by 16.1 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - el-Sebua

Plan of the New Kingdom temple at el-Sebua:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left] 'Plan du temple de Hemi-speos à ouadi-Asseboua (vallée des lions)'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'NUBIE.R.O '28 mai'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] '3. Plan et détails'. (ink note)
  • 31.1 by 8.7 cm

Hector Horeau Drawing - el-Sebua

Drawings of the cartouches of Ramesses II from the New Kingdom temple at el-Sebua (numbered 2 and 3):

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, left side] '1. les figures de la cour pareilles à celles de Ghirché l'embrasemr de porte à droite est plus refouillé pour l'épaisseur de la porte'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, right side] '4. les colosses à droite et à gauche de la porte sont à terre ils sont figurés debout dans la vue pour donner plus d'intéret'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] '3. Plan et détails'. (ink note)
  • 31.1 by 7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Wadi Halfa

View of the second cataract at Wadi Halfa, with seated figures in the foreground:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge] 'Nubie.R.O. Vue de la 2e cataracte prise du rocher des visiteurs à noms) en regardt le sud. 14 mai 1838'. (ink note)
  • [on mount] 'Mr Horeau, arrivé à la 2e Cataracte, inscrit son nom sur un rocher'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, verso] 'Haute-Egypte La 2e Cataracte, limite de l'Exploration de M. H. Horeau'. (ink note)
  • 25.2 by 17.2 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Thebes

Barque with three men standing inside and wedjat eyes painted on the exterior, possibly from a tomb scene:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] 'Thebes'. (pencil note)
  • 18 by 6.3 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Thebes

Barque with a naos shrine in the centre, and possibly a barque sphinx at the bow. Possibly from a tomb scene:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] 'Thebes'. (pencil note)
  • 18 by 7.7 cm

Hector Horeau Watercolour - Aswan

View of the Nile and nearby buildings at Aswan:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'ASSOUAN 5 [ ]'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Vue d'Assouan (Moyenne Egypte.)'. (pencil note)
  • 17.7 by 12.5 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - el-Kharga

Mythological scenes from the sanctuary area of the Amun temple at Hibis:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom edge -reading from left to right] 'North side 2dd chamber p1 T el Khargeh Oasis magna Right', 'bird with legs of a man', 'Right hand', 'on pedestal', 'tiger', 'arm of a man last of Arms on one hand & a stand end on the other'. (pencil notes)
  • 30.6 by 23.4 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - el-Kharga

View of the inner gateway and portico of the Amun temple at Hibis:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] '72, plate 2. Temple of el Khargeh - Pylon & facade of the temple of el Khargeh'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'Temple of Khargeh - Oasis of Thebes'. (pencil note)
  • 32.4 by 23.1 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - el-Kharga

View of the Amun temple at Hibis with seated figure and camels in the foreground:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'Temple of el Khargeh Oasis of Thebes'. (pencil note)
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'v2'. (pencil note)
  • 33.0 by 23.2 cm

George A. Hoskins Watercolour - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 100

Three registers of relief scenes from the passage area of the tomb of Rekhmire (TT100) at the west bank of Thebes, including rows of male workers preparing, bringing and storing provisions for the temple, and at the right side a larger representation of the seated tomb owner and a group of attendants kneeling at his feet:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'plate 4 nella tomba [...] in colori'. (ink note)
  • [on mount, bottom edge] 'Tomb at Thebes Contd'. (ink note)
  • 46.0 by 32.0 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - two landscapes

View of two unidentified landscape views, the upper scene of a large tree and various figures nearby and the lower scene of the ruins of a structure and desert in the background:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, centre left side] ''Tree & Source'. (pencil note)
  • 22.6 by 29.5 cm

George A. Hoskins Watercolour - Thebes, West Bank. Tomb TT 100

Three registers of relief scenes of a funerary procession from the passage area of the tomb of Rekhmire (TT100) at the west bank of Thebes:

  • watercolour
  • mounted
  • [on recto, bottom left corner] 'Upper row plate 4'. (ink note)
  • [on recto, bottom right corner] 'Upper row Nº 4'. (pencil note)
  • [on mount, bottom left corner] 'Tomb at Thebes contd'. (ink note)
  • 45.3 by 31.9 cm

George A. Hoskins Drawing - el-Kharga

View of the remains of the Ptolemaic Temple at Qasr Zaiyân:

  • pencil drawing
  • mounted
  • [on recto, top left corner] 'Distant view of the temple of pl 16' (pencil note)
  • [on recto, top right corner] 'V22'. (ink note)
  • 23.7 by 14.6 cm

[Upper left] Stela of Iy(en)ash(n)ef, Dyn. XIX-XX, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1931; [lower left and upper right] stelae, illegible, not identified, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico; [middle] pillar (four-sided) of Paraemhab and Kema, Dyn. XIX, from Saqqara, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1892; [lower right] stela in the form of a door with 2 ibises, not inscribed, probably early Ptolemaic, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1902

[Upper left] Stela of Iy(en)ash(n)ef, Dyn. XIX-XX, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1931; [lower left and upper right] stelae, illegible, not identified, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico; [middle] pillar (four-sided) of Paraemhab and Kema, Dyn. XIX, from Saqqara, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1892; [lower right] stela in the form of a door with 2 ibises, not inscribed, probably early Ptolemaic, provenance not known, now in Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 1902.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Pillar of [Qmȝ] B / From tomb of Kema, Saqqara'.

[Left] Coffin of Nebtaui, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico; [right] stela of Shenu showing the deceased before Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, and Anubis with seven lines of text, painted wood, mid- to late Ptolemaic, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7458

[Left] Coffin of Nebtaui, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico; [right] stela of Shenu showing the deceased before Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, and Anubis with seven lines of text, painted wood, mid- to late Ptolemaic, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 7458.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Coffin of [Nb-tȝwj] F'.

Résultats 2851 à 2880 sur 3531