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44 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Bernhard Grdseloff Collection

  • Grdseloff MSS
  • Colección
  • c.1937-1950

Photographs of objects in museums and of sites, material collected for projected articles, notebooks, notes and articles on hieratic ostraca, and notes on Coptic grammar.

Grdseloff, Bernhard

William Arnold Stewart Collection

  • Stewart MSS
  • Colección
  • 1927 to mid 1940s

Journal, photographs, typescript, and various notes connected with Stewart's work on the reconstruction of some of the furniture of Queen Hetepheres for the Harvard-Boston Expedition.
Xerox of a typescript titled 'Creative Work in Palestine. Technical and Crafts Education 1918-1946'.

Stewart, William Arnold

Robert Thomas Rundle Clark Collection

  • Clark MSS
  • Colección
  • late 1920s-1970

Notes, notebooks, some correspondence, annotated offprints, lantern slides, and a small number of photographs and negatives.

Clark, Robert Thomas Rundle

Amice Mary Calverley Collection

  • Calverley MSS
  • Colección
  • c. late 1920s-late 1950s

Over one thousand colour slides (group III), several hundred black and white photographs (group II), and correspondence (group I).

Calverley, Amice Mary

Christian Tutundjian de Vartavan Collection

  • Vartavan MSS
  • Colección

Notes, reports and negatives and photographs of botanical specimens from the tomb of Tutankhamun. Correspondence.

Vartavan, Christian Tutundjian de

Frederick Leslie Kennet Photographs Collection

  • Kenett MSS
  • Colección

Approximately 50 black and white photographs and two colour negatives of objects in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Kenett, Frederick Leslie

Yates Negatives Collection

  • Yates MSS
  • Colección
  • 1890s

118 glass stereoscopic plate negatives. Most show sites in and around

  • Cairo, in and around
    • General views of Cairo
    • Street views
    • Tombs of the Caliphs
    • Tombs of the Mamelukes
    • Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan
    • Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Barquq
    • Tomb of Abouseer
    • Mosque of Khat Bey
    • Al-Hakim Mosque
    • Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha
    • The Citadel
  • Other sites in Egypt
    • 'Tombs at Thebes'
    • 'Rocks of Abusir', Second Cataract
    • 'Arab village'
  • Outside Egypt, mostly Israel and Palestine:
    • Bethlehem
    • Jacob's Well
    • Mount Tabor

Yates, Miss ?

Robert Eisler Collection

  • Eisler MSS
  • Colección
  • 1940s

Three A4 folders containing an unpublished annotated typescript of a monograph on the constellations of the Babylonian and Egyptian sphere and their modifications by the Greeks of the Achaean period.

Eisler, Robert

Archibald Henry Sayce Collection

  • Sayce MSS
  • Colección
  • 1872-early 1930s

Notes, photographs, squeezes, correspondence, and offprints. Contain, amongst others, references to Assyriological, Greek, Cypriot, and Egyptological material. Includes notes made by Petrie which were with Sayce at the time of his death.

Sayce, (Revd) Archibald Henry

Frank Filce Leek Collection

  • Leek MSS
  • Colección
  • 1966-1985

Notes and related correspondence concerning a prepared monograph on organic materials from the tomb of Tutankhamun. Two photographs showing F. F. Leek.

Leek, Frank Filce

Arthur Cruttenden Mace Collection

  • Mace MSS
  • Colección
  • 1899-1903

(1) Excavation journals for 1899-1901 (working with W. M. F. Petrie) and 1901-1903 (working with G. A. Reisner).
(2) Personal correspondence exchanged between Mace and his wife Winifred during the Winter season 1922-1923, Winifred Mace and her mother during the Winter season 1923-1924, and other correspondence related to the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun.
(3) Two typewritten articles by Mace on work in Tutankhamun's tomb: "DESPATCH No. 5" (3 pages), and "THE CLOSING OF THE TOMB" (incomplete, first page only + newspaper cutting of The Times article); both submitted to The Times and subsequently published on 31/01/1923 and 28/03/1923.
(4) 39 photographs, most are original Burton images, some of which have been annotated by Howard Carter; they may have been used during the preparation of H. Carter and A. C. Mace, The Tomb of Tut.ankh.Amen i (1923).
(5) Newspaper cuttings, most from The Times, published between 1922 and 1925.

(y) Mace's account of the opening of the burial chamber of Tutankhamun - typewritten version (TAA iv.1). Diary for 1922-3 (TAA iv.2).
(z) Mace's account of the opening of the burial chamber of Tutankhamun - original handwritten version (TAA iv.3).

Mace, Arthur Cruttenden

Margaret Alice Murray Collection

  • Murray MSS
  • Colección
  • c.1958

Notes collected on Hierakonpolis (The Hierakonpolis finds). Consists of handwritten notes made by M. A. Murray, typescript, and additional notes in a different hand.

Murray, Margaret Alice

William Gell Collection

  • Gell MSS
  • Colección
  • c. 1815-1820s

Three notebooks containing Gell's copies of hieroglyphic inscriptions from objects and publications, also drawings (some coloured) of objects seen by Gell in museums and private collections.

Gell, (Sir) William

Raymond Oliver Faulkner Collection

  • Faulkner MSS
  • Colección
  • c. 1955-1965

A small group of Faulkner's documentation.

  • Translation of the stela of King Kamose [Kamosi] (Faulkner MSS 1).
  • Sections of Faulkner, Raymond O. 1962. A concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian (Faulkner MSS 2).
  • Original housing for the group (Faulkner MSS 3).

Faulkner, Raymond Oliver

Edward James Hawker Collection

  • Hawker MSS
  • Colección
  • 1850-1852

Three albums containing drawings and watercolours.

Hawker, Edward James

James William Wild Collection

  • Wild MSS
  • Colección
  • 1842-mid 1840s

Two portfolios containing drawings and plans, and three illustrated notebooks.

Wild, James William

Douglas Newbold Collection

  • Newbold MSS
  • Colección

Two volumes on the history and archaeology of the Beja tribes of the Eastern Sudan (MSS 1) and small group of detached papers / personal file (MSS 2).

Newbold, (Sir) Douglas

Gustav Jacoby Collection

  • Jacoby MSS
  • Colección

Manuscript of Jacoby's original text for the first draft of his chapter on the architecture, 'The Five Graves at Sendschirli (Zincirli)', excavated in 1902, eventually published in Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli, iv (Berlin, 1911). Non-Egyptological.

Jacoby, Gustav

Warren Royal Dawson Collection

  • Dawson MSS
  • Colección
  • 1920-1937

Two notebooks

  • Diary with brief retrospective entries dated 6th January 1920 to 13th January 1939.
  • Notebook containing Dawson's list of his publications, 1903 to 1936.

Dawson, Warren Royal

Eric Parrington Uphill Collection

  • Uphill MSS
  • Colección
  • c. 1954-2018

Complete working papers, including notebooks, notes, card indexes, slides, photographs, correspondence and teaching notes.

Eric Parrington Uphill

Henry Francis Herbert Thompson Collection

  • Thompson MSS
  • Colección
  • Before 1939

Greek dictionary card index, used in compiling W. E. Crum, A Coptic Dictionary (Oxford, 1929-39).

Thompson, (Sir) Henry Francis Herbert

Robert McLachlan Wilson Collection

  • Wilson MSS
  • Colección
  • Late 1950s-1980s

Copies, notes, transcripts, photographs, and correspondence relating to the surviving fragments of the New Testament in the Faiyumic dialect of Coptic. Continuing the work of P. E. Kahle, see Kahle MSS 2/13 New Testament Faiyumic Texts.

Includes correspondence from:

  • Paul Eric Kahle, 1959
  • Elinor Husselman (Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan), 1959-1961
  • Walter Till (Department of Coptic Studies, University of Manchester), 1958-1959
  • Theodore Petersen (St Paul’s College, Washington), 1965
  • R. Kasser (Professor of Coptic Language and Literature, University of Geneva), 1987

Wilson, Robert (Robin) McLachlan

Joan Crowfoot Payne Collection

  • Payne MSS
  • Colección
  • c.1960s-1990s

Papers relating to Joan Crowfoot Payne, Catalogue of the Predynastic Egyptian Collection in the Ashmolean Museum (Oxford, 1993; reprinted with addenda, 2000), including notes, lists, registers of graves and objects, and annotated maps (photocopies).

Payne, Joan Crowfoot

Alan Richard Schulman Collection

  • Schulman MSS
  • Colección

Notes, copies of inscriptions, photographs, etc. of objects and sites, mostly concerning ancient Egyptian monuments from the Memphite area.

Schulman, Alan Richard

Edward Hincks Collection

  • Hincks MSS
  • Colección
  • early 1830s-1866
  • Hincks MSS 1: Correspondence, and Warren Dawson's handwritten catalogue for the same ['Box A', 'Box B' and notebook]
  • Hincks MSS 2: Notes, unfinished lecture ['Box C']
  • Hincks MSS 3: A small number of plaster casts made from Egyptian and Assyrian objects [two small boxes]:
    • Egyptian funerary cones (Davies and Macadam, Nos 3 and 20)
    • Marriage scarab of Amenhotep III [Amenophis III] (perhaps Blankenberg van Delden A18)
  • Hincks MSS 4: A hand copy made by W. R. Dawson of Hincks, 'On Certain Egyptian Papyri in the British Museum', published in Transactions of the British Archaeological Association at its Second Annual Congress held at Winchester, August 1845 [one notebook]
  • Hincks MSS 5: Portrait painting (oil on canvas, 79 x 104 cm, 107.5 x 133 cm with frame) by Richard Hooke (1820-1908)

Hincks, (Revd) Edward

Fratelli Alinari Collection

  • Alinari MSS
  • Colección
  • End of the 19th Century to 1st half of the 20th Century

1) Black and white photographs of objects in various Italian museums, including Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, Florence, Museo Archeologico (complete set), and Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale [2 boxes]
2) Two black and white photographs of views of Rome (photographs No. 5964 and No. 6688) [1 package]

Fratelli Alinari

Wylie Negatives Collection

  • Wylie MSS
  • Colección
  • 1910

153 black and white negatives taken in Egypt, Palestine, and Greece. Boxes marked with the date '1910'. Most of the Egyptian negatives show Giza Pyramids and the Great Sphinx.


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