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Affichage de 1178 résultats

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Joseph Bonomi Collection Anglais
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1177 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Coloured lithograph of details from Greek vase by Nikosthenes discovered in Etruria, from the collection of the Marquess of Northampton

Coloured lithograph of details from Greek vase by Nikosthenes discovered in Etruria, from the collection of the Marquess of Northampton; published on 23 April 1848 as plate XVI to illustrate "Observations by the Marquess of Northampton, Pres. R.S., F.S.A., upon a Greek vase discovered in Etruria, now in his Lordship's possession, bearing the name of the fabricator Nicosthenes", in Archaeologia: or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries of London 32 (1847), p. 255-262:

  • multi-coloured (orange, red, black) lithograph
  • loose
  • 24.3 x 29.4 cm

Seated female figure with nude child on her lap

Seated female figure with nude male child on her lap:

  • pencil drawing on tracing paper
  • mounted, together with Bonomi MSS 41.13 and Bonomi MSS 41.15
  • 13.8 x 11.1 cm
  • [on drawing] 'JB' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] '4' (pencil note)

Marble slab of the Amazon frieze of the Mausoleum of Halikarnassos, with three Greek warriors and two Amazons, one fallen and the other on horseback (London, British Museum, inv. 1847,0424.5, c. 350 BC)

Marble slab of the Amazon frieze of the Mausoleum of Halikarnassos, with three Greek warriors and two Amazons, one fallen and the other on horseback (London, British Museum, inv. 1847,0424.5, c. 350 BC):

  • ink tracing on light weight paper
  • loose
  • 31.9 x 18.0 cm

Diary - typescript of extracts

Carbon-copy(?) typescript of extracts from Joseph Bonomi's diary, entries for periods in Egypt dating between 25 March 1829 and 26 May 1934 (with gaps), with a preface containing an account of the life of Joseph Bonomi from a memoir by William Simpson for the Society of Biblical Archaeology.

Typescript of Joseph Bonomi's diary, entries for the period with Lepsius in Egypt dating between 15 November 1842 and 3 February 1843.

Design for Royal Society of Chemistry medal

Design for Royal Society of Chemistry medal:

  • pencil drawing on paper, with sketched lower legs and feet
  • loose
  • 22.5 x 22.4 cm
  • [on sketch] 'ROYAL / SOCIETY / OF CHEMI / STRY' (pencil note)
  • [on sketch] '1849' (pencil note)
  • [on sketch] '8.' (pencil note)

Stooping man

Stooping man:

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • loose, adjacent to Bonomi MSS 46.9
  • 5.7 x 12.1 cm

Rectangular shapes

Rectangular shapes:

  • pencil sketches on paper
  • loose, adjacent to Bonomi MSS 46.12 and Bonomi MSS 46.14-15
  • 17.3 x 11 cm

Memorial design with woman holding ewer and lamp

Memorial design with woman holding ewer and lamp:

  • pencil drawing/tracing on tracing paper mounted on paper
  • loose
  • 25.2 x 38.3 cm (27.2 x 49.4 cm with mount)
  • [on drawing] 'Α - Ω' (pencil note)
  • [on drawing] 'SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'Joseph Bonomi Invenit / 19 Beaufort St / Chelsea / Jany 1855' (pencil note)
  • [on mount] 'JB' (pencil note)
Résultats 1111 à 1140 sur 1178