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Carter, Howard
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Chariots: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Chariots. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Includes Carter's drawings with reconstructions of the chariots and harnesses, comparisons with chariots from other tombs and depictions of chariots from temple and tomb wall scenes.
  • An essay on Tutankhamun's chariots (TAA i.3.8.10-17), based on Howard Carter's notes, probably edited by Mrs Jane Waley in 1946-1947. Mrs Waley worked for the Griffith Institute and created the first catalogue for the Tutankhamun records.

Carter, Howard

Canopic equipment: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Canopic equipment. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Carter's eight annotated typewritten pages with a description of the equipment and two scale drawings:
    • Carter's typewritten report on the canopic equipment;
    • Carter's typescript notes on the miniature gold coffin from the north-east receptacle;
    • Carter's drawing, the canopic canopy (266), shrine (266a), and chest (266b), plan with orientation, position of the goddess statues, scenes on shrine noting goddesses and genii, etc.;
    • Carter's drawing, section showing the canopic canopy (266), shrine (266a), and chest (266b).

Carter, Howard

Bow-case (335): Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Bow case 335. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Carter's manuscript list of animals depicted on the bow case, noting the colours of the same.
  • Carter's manuscript list of plants represented on the bow case.
  • Harry Burton's photographs of the bow case, annotated by Carter.

Carter, Howard

Boats: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Boats. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's manuscript notes on boats, parts of boats, and the "Eastern Mediterranean" types of boat.
  • ii. Carter's manuscript extracts from Erman, Adolf, Egyptian Religion, concerning boats.
  • iii. Carter's manuscript notes on Egyptian names for various types of boats.
  • G. S. Laird Clowes 17-page annotated typescript titled 'Boat-Models found in the Tomb of Tutankhamen.'

Carter, Howard

Notebooks: The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen ii (ch. 5 and 6)

Howard Carter manuscript for The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen volume ii, chapters V and VI

  • Two notebooks, TAA i.2.9 [1] and TAA i.2.9 [2].

TAA i.2.9 [1]

"I. The Tomb of Tut.ankh.Amen. IVth Season, 1925-26."

  • Howard Carter's manuscript for The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen volume ii, chapters 5 and 6.
    • Covering fourth season, 1925-1926.
  • 54 openings (108 pages) with several enclosures.
  • Two sections:
    • 1-[27] (Carter's numbering for openings).
    • Carter's annotated manuscript for The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen volume ii, chapter 5.
    • Manuscript title: 'Chap. V. The Opening of the three Coffins ||| (Season 1925-26)'.
    • Pages 1-26 (Carter's numbering for openings).
    • Carter's annotated manuscript for The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen volume ii, chapter 6.
    • Manuscript title: 'Chap. VI. Light on Pharaonic Burial Customs'.

TAA i.2.9 [2]

"II. The Tomb of Tut.ankh.Amen. IVth Season - 1925-26 - Continued."

  • 12 openings (24 pages)
    • Pages 27-38 (Carter's numbering for openings).
    • Continuation of Carter's annotated manuscript for The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen volume ii, chapter 6.
    • [Manuscript title: 'Chap. VI. Light on Pharaonic Burial Customs'.]

Carter, Howard

Notebook: A. H. Gardiner transcriptions (copies)

Tutankhamun notebook, Howard Carter's copies of selected object cards

  • Selected object cards, Alan H. Gardiner's transcriptions copied by Carter from original object cards (see TAA i.1.1-620)
  • Carter's manuscript with transcriptions
    • Antechamber, object nos. 37, 38
    • Treasury, object nos. 261-337
    • Annexe, object nos. 338-420
    • 1 enclosure, letter from Percy Newberry to Howard Carter, dated 13-09-1928, with transcription and translation of texts from the model figure of Tutankhamun, lying on a funeral bier [Carter 331a], now in Cairo, Egyptian Museum, JE 60720.

Carter, Howard

Journal: The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen iii (ch. 1 and 2), Madrid lecture, and damp in the tomb

Howard Carter's 'Notes upon Objects in the Store-room [Treasury], 1926-1927', forming parts of chapters 1 and 2 in volume iii of The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen, Madrid lecture, and notes on damp in the tomb

  • 81 numbered pages
  • Carter's manuscript drafts (partial) for The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen volume iii, chapters 1 and 2.
  • Manuscript notes for a lecture in Madrid, May 1928.
  • Manuscript notes regarding the 'Existence of damp in the tomb'.

Carter, Howard

Journal: 1926-1930 (5th-9th seasons)

Howard Carter's excavation journal, 1926 to 1930, covering the fifth to ninth seasons.

  • 65 numbered pages
  • Mostly manuscript (Carter) with some typescript pages
  • Includes a note dated May 1926, in which Carter notes a sighting of a black jackal at Thebes.

Carter, Howard

Journal: 1925-1926 (4th season)

Howard Carter's excavation journal for the tomb of Tutankhamun, 1925-1926, covering the fourth season.

  • 111 numbered pages
  • Manuscript (Carter)

Carter, Howard

Howard Carter's diary for 1924

Howard Carter's appointment diary for 1924

  • Letts's - No. 46 - Indian and Colonial - Rough Diary - 1924
  • Notes on Carter's activities in Egypt in early 1924, which include departures and arrivals, lunch appointments, meetings with officials and colleagues, and lecture venues and dates. Also contains a few notes on negotiations with British officials and the Egyptian authorities, between December 1924 and January 1925, regarding the dispute and closure of Tutankhamun's tomb.
  • Also entries for:
    • Lecture tour, North America, 12 April (depart London) to 2 July (depart New York).
    • Some lectures, England, October to early November.
    • Lecture, Madrid, Residencia de Estudiantes, 24 November.
    • Lecture, Madrid, Trabro Fontainalla, 26 November.
  • Departed for Egypt, 10 December.

Carter, Howard

Howard Carter's diary for 1923

Howard Carter's appointment diary for 1923

  • Letts's - No. 46 - Indian and Colonial - Rough Diary - 1923
  • Carter's activities in Egypt include departures and arrivals, lunch appointments, meetings with officials and colleagues, and his excavations

Carter, Howard

Howard Carter's diary for 1922

Howard Carter's appointment diary for 1922

  • Letts's - No. 46 - Indian and Colonial - Rough Diary - 1922
  • Carter's activities in Egypt include departures and arrivals, lunch appointments, meetings with officials and colleagues, and his excavations
  • Contains the first records on the tomb of Tutankhamun and its discovery
  • Significant dates include:
    • 4th November 1922: "First steps of tomb found"
    • 5th November 1922: "Discovered tomb under tomb of Ramses VI Investigated same & found seals intact."
    • 26th November 1922: "Open second doorway about 2 4 5 pm. Advised Engelbach."

Carter, Howard

Journal: object inventory, 1922-1929

Notebook with an inventory of objects from Tutankhamun's tomb with recording and conservation schedule, 1922-1930

  • 25 numbered items: 23 pages (openings) and 2 loose notes
  • Manuscript records
  • List of object numbers with the schedule for recording, conservation and photography and crating for transportation to Cairo, not comprehensive
  • Data is arranged in columns with the following headings:
    • 'No.' (i.e. Carter's Tutankhamun object number)
    • 'Brought to No. 15' (i.e. KV 15, the tomb of Seti II, used as the 'laboratory' during the excavation)
    • 'Treated'
    • 'Recorded'
    • 'Photographed'
    • 'Packed'
    • 'Box No.'
  • Pages 1-8
    • Compiled by Arthur Mace
    • Object numbers 1 to 171
    • Dated '1922-1923'
  • Pages 8-10
    • Object numbers 172 to 220
    • Not dated, presumably 1923
  • Pages 11-14
    • Object numbers 172-253 (sic) (numbers 172-220 repeated)
    • Titled and dated 'Sepulchral Chamber Nov. 1923' on page 11
  • Pages 15-19
    • Object numbers 253 to 260
    • Dated 'Oct. 1925'
  • Note 19A
    • Object numbers 257-260 (magical figures from niches in wall of sarcophagus chamber)
    • Not dated
  • Pages 20-21
    • Object numbers 261-265
    • Titled and dated 'Sequence Nos and Notes - Store Room (1926-1927)' on page 20
    • All entries on page 20 crossed through (cancelled)
  • Page 22
    • Object numbers 339, 340, 343, 353, 359, 360, 374, 385, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410, 417, 420, 421, 423, 435, 448, 449, 479, 480, 482, 483, 485, 520, 524, 578, 579, 583, 588, 603, 604, 620 (bowl)
    • Titled and dated 'Photos required - 1928-29.'
  • Note 22A
    • 'Note for Burton'
    • 'A set of prints required for register: Nos 1135 to 1150.'
  • Pages 23-
    • Lists of object types with object numbers
    • 'Arms': Nos. 582 (scimitar), 620 (scimitar), 620 (boomerangs, ivory)
    • 'Head-rests': Nos. 403a, 403b, 403c, 403d
    • 'Misc. objects': Nos. 469 (silver vase), 620 (castanets, ivory), 620 (dog bronze), 620 (small box, wood)
    • 'Faience objects': Nos. 399 a & b
    • 'Ivory inlaid chair': Nos. 126, 131 (both numbers crossed through, i.e. cancelled)

Mace, Arthur Cruttenden

Notes: Annexe objects, The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen iii, deterioration and chemical change in tomb

Howard Carter's notes on objects found in the Annexe, manuscript for The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen volume iii, chapters 3, 4, and parts of 5, and notes on deterioration and chemical change

  • Unbound group of 91 rule-lined, loose pages
  • Some pages crossed through (cancelled) by Carter
  • Includes some correspondence, list separately below
  • Notes, some with drawings on various topics including:
    • Egyptian slings;
    • Boxes and caskets found in the Annexe;
    • ‘Note upon Older or Ancestral objects in Royal Tombs’;
    • Alabaster and stone vessels;
    • Baskets;
    • 'Breakage of objects (in the Annexe)’;
    • Chairs;
    • Footstools;
    • Archery;
    • Weapons, arms and armour;
    • Game boxes;
    • Bread;
    • Wine jars;
    • ‘Robes of Dalmatic type’;
    • Fire apparatus;
    • Fan;
    • Minerals.
  • Carter's manuscript for The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen volume iii, chapters 3, 4, and parts of 5:
    • Sections beginning or titled:
    • 'This Annexe was intended for a Store-Room' [etc.];
    • 'Notes. Re Arts, Crafts and design.';
    • 'The existence of damp in the tomb' [etc.];
    • 'The possible sources of water from above, behind and sides of the foot-hill.'
  • ‘Deterioration and chemical change’.
  • Correspondence within this group:
    • J. S. M. Rennie, of J. S. M. Rennie, Limited, to The Editor of the Illustrated London News, dated 17-08-1929, concerning Egyptian slings (TAA i.2.10.1);
    • Berkeley Moynihan, to Howard Carter, dated 13-01-1929, mentioning a visit to the tomb and questions about the two foetuses found in the tomb, and the calcite boat.

Carter, Howard

Journal: 1922-1925 (1st to 3rd seasons)

Tutankhamun excavation journal 1922-1925, and miscellaneous notes

  • 148 numbered pages
  • Manuscript entries, with some drawings and pages with affixed newspaper cuttings

Howard Carter's excavation journal for the tomb of Tutankhamun, 1922-1925, covering the first-third seasons

  • Most entries are by Carter
  • Entries between December 5th and 27th, 1922 (pages 43 to 47) are by Arthur Mace

Also, Carter's miscellaneous notes on Tutankhamun and other subjects:

  • Notes on Synopsis
  • The Legend of Osiris
  • Nomenclature of certain Districts of the Theban Necropolis
  • Records of Royal Tomb Robberies
  • The First Theban Kingdom
  • Protocol of Tut-Ankh-Amen

Newspaper cuttings

  • The Times
    • 31 May 1923
    • 23 July 1923
    • 24 July 1923
    • 5 January 1924
    • 7 January 1924
    • 12 February 1924
    • 14 February 1924

Carter, Howard

Tutankhamun Archive

  • TAA
  • Sammlung
  • 1922-2014

Notebooks, negatives, photographs, maps, and drawings made during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. For other material, refer to the catalogue.

Carter, Howard

Thebes. Valley of the Kings: objects from the Valley now in Metropolitan Museum, correspondence and list

Howard Carter's records for objects found in the Valley during earlier excavations, now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

  • Typewritten letter from H. E. Winlock to Carter, dated 25 June 1915, in response to Carter's request for a list of objects from the Valley of the Kings, now in the Metropolitan Museum
  • 13 pages, typewritten list of finds from the Valley of the Kings, now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, with descriptions, some transcriptions, drawings, museum numbers, and bibliography.

Winlock, Herbert Eustis

Thebes. Carnarvon-Carter excavations. 1911-1922: ostraca, correspondence and report

Records for ostraca found during Carnarvon-Carter excavations at Thebes, including those from the Valley of the Kings, 1911-1922.

  • Two typewritten letters from Battiscombe Gunn to Carter, dated 25 and 27 July 1931, concerning Gunn's work on the ostraca
  • Gunn's typewritten report, "The Ostraka", 26 pages, with translations and commentary
  • Carter's manuscript draft letter, dated 7 August 1931, addressed to Gunn, acknowledging receipt of Gunn's report, and the intention to include it in a planned publication for the Carnarvon-Carter excavations between 1911 and early 1922.

Carter, Howard

Howard Carter Collection

  • Carter MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1899-1939

Notebooks, loose notes, maps, plans, drawings, newspaper cuttings, watercolours, and a silver desk-set. The documentation was created during Carter's career between 1899-1939. This material excludes material connected with the tomb of Tutankhamun, see the Tutankhamun Archive.

Carter, Howard