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Egypt. Tell el-Yahudiya. Exterior surface of fragment of basalt clepsydra of Philip Arrhidaeus (London, British Museum, inv. EA 938, c. 320 BC) (TopBib iv.58A)

Exterior surface of fragment of basalt clepsydra of Philip Arrhidaeus, from Tell el-Yahudiya, now in London, British Museum, inv. EA 938, c. 320 BC (TopBib iv.58A):

  • pencil tracing on tracing paper
  • mounted, together with Bonomi MSS 50.40
  • 13.2 x 16.1 cm

Egypt. Tell el-Yahudiya. Interior surface of fragment of basalt clepsydra of Philip Arrhidaeus (London, British Museum, inv. EA 938, c. 320 BC) (TopBib iv.58A)

Interior surface of fragment of basalt clepsydra of Philip Arrhidaeus, from Tell el-Yahudiya, now in London, British Museum, inv. EA 938, c. 320 BC (TopBib iv.58A):

  • pencil sketch/tracing on tracing paper
  • mounted, together with Bonomi MSS 50.43 and Bonomi MSS 50.44
  • 7.4 x 8.4 cm

Drawings Various

Portfolio titled 'Drawings / Various / JB.' (ink)
Pencil notes: 'Designs & Mottos / Not Complete / Vol 2'
Pencil note: 'Perspective etc.' (almost certainly by Dr Moss).



  • pencil text on paper
  • loose, adjacent to Bonomi MSS 51.1
  • 8.2 x 5.2 cm
  • [text]: 'Woolner scafold(?) / Bicletti Bioletti' (pencil note)

View of Acca (Acre)

View of Acca (Acre) :

  • ink sketch on paper
  • loose, adjacent to Bonomi MSS 51.1
  • 10.3 x 5.0 cm
  • [on sketch] 'Acca' (ink note)

Marble slab of the Amazon frieze of the Mausoleum of Halikarnassos, with an Amazon on horseback (London, British Museum, inv. 1847,0424.9-10, c. 350 BC); adjoining slab in Bonomi MSS 51.6

Marble slab of the Amazon frieze of the Mausoleum of Halikarnassos, with an Amazon on horseback (London, British Museum, inv. 1847,0424.9-10, c. 350 BC); adjoining slab in Bonomi MSS 51.6:

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • mounted
  • 35.9 x 23.0 cm

Cyclopean wall at Cori, Italy

Cyclopean wall at Cori, Italy:

  • ink and pencil sketch on paper
  • loose, adjacent to Bonomi MSS 52.1
  • 11.5 x 18.7 cm
  • [on sketch] 'Cora June 24' (ink note)
  • [on sketch] 'Cora' (pencil note)

Egypt. Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. View

View of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna in Egypt:

  • pencil sketch on paper
  • loose, adjacent to Bonomi MSS 52.1
  • 26.5 x 17.8 cm
  • [on sketch] 'Gourna' (pencil note)
  • [on sketch] encircled '7' (pencil note, almost certainly by Dr Moss)

Pietro Bracci Manuscript

  • Bracci MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c. 1750s-1773

Bound manuscript on Egyptian hieroglyphs and related topics (Roman obelisks, Iseum in Rome, Isiac pomp described by Apuleius, Egyptian rites, mummies, etc.). Left unfinished.

Bracci, Pietro

Adolf Coyet Collection

  • Coyet MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1846

Four xerox copies of sketches of Philae drawn on 26 January 1846.

Coyet, Adolf

Francis Giesler Newton Collection

  • Newton MSS
  • Sammlung

Article on churches in Sardinia, with additional notes and drawings, and watercolours and drawings of Italian towns, churches and architectural features, as well as view of the ziggurat at Ur. Non-Egyptological.

Newton, Francis Giesler

Bertha Porter Collection

  • Porter MSS
  • Sammlung

Copies of some stelae in the British Museum. Within Sir A. H. Gardiner MSS Collection (esp. Gardiner MSS 27; see also Gardiner MSS 21).

Porter, Bertha

Osbert Guy Stanhope Crawford Collection

  • Crawford MSS
  • Sammlung
  • 1950-1952

Maps, plans and drawings, original and fair copies created by Crawford and Frank Addison for Crawford, O. G. S. 1951. The Fung kingdom of Sennar: with a geographical account of the Middle Nile Region.

  • Sennar roll 1:
    • Addison and Crawford drawings for figs. 1-4;
    • Northern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 17, 24;
    • Southern Fung region, discussed in Chapter ii, figs. 8, 14, 16, 21, 28.
  • Sennar roll 2:
    • Drawings for figs. 1-8, and part of figs. 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25;
    • Two maps used in the field (1951-1952) for naming sites:
    • — Korgus to Kuddik;
    • — Kuddik to 'Usheir.

Crawford, Osbert Guy Stanhope

Norman de Garis and Nina Davies Collection

  • Davies MSS
  • Sammlung
  • c.1900-1940

Papers, including notebooks, notes, tracings and squeezes, made in Theban tombs and elsewhere, photographs, collection of coloured hieroglyphic signs, indexes of scenes in Theban tombs, etc.

Davies, Norman de Garis

Gustav Jacoby Collection

  • Jacoby MSS
  • Sammlung

Manuscript of Jacoby's original text for the first draft of his chapter on the architecture, 'The Five Graves at Sendschirli (Zincirli)', excavated in 1902, eventually published in Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli, iv (Berlin, 1911). Non-Egyptological.

Jacoby, Gustav

Paul Jacobsthal Collection

  • Jacobsthal MSS
  • Sammlung

Material (mostly photographic) on the Luristan bronzes. It appears to relate to a planned joint publication with Frank Savery, paid by the Griffith Institute. The material was eventually published by Roger Moorey. Non-Egyptological.

Jacobsthal, Paul

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