Aperçu avant impression Fermer

Affichage de 1636 résultats

Description archivistique
William Matthew Flinders Petrie Collection Avec objets numériques
Aperçu avant impression Affichage :

[Left] Statue of woman, wood, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio; [right] statue of a man with a hawk-standard, Dyn. XIX, from Deir el-Medina, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3049

[Left] Statue of woman, wood, not identified, now in Turin, Museo Egizio; [right] statue of a man with a hawk-standard, Dyn. XIX, from Deir el-Medina, now in Turin, Museo Egizio, Cat. 3049.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Unnamed wooden statues Cat. 3049 T'.

Statue-group of Humasha and his wife Bakt (represented twice), Dyn. XVIII, from Deir el-Medina, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 1802

Statue-group of Humasha and his wife Bakt (represented twice), Dyn. XVIII, from Deir el-Medina, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 1802.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Group of [Ḥwmʿšȝ] and his wife [Bȝkt], [Bȝkt] repeated Cat. 1514 F'.

Probable statue-base of Ptah, dedicated by Prince Merneptah, grey granite, temp. Ramesses II, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 1801

Probable statue-base of Ptah, dedicated by Prince Merneptah, grey granite, temp. Ramesses II, provenance not known, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, 1801.

Caption copied by Černý in Petrie MSS 3.2: 'Base of statue of Ptah dedicated by [Mr-n-Ptḥ] F'.

Page 22

-Qift (Koptos; Coptos).
-K.85-6 Lion's head spout sandstone. From Ptolemaic temple.
-K.87-8 Side chamber in Roman pylon to temple of Isis.

Page 32

-Giza Museum.
-509 Sam of throne of Khafra. (cat. 64)
-510 Sam on throne of Khafra (cat. 64)
-511 Sam on throne of basalt Khafra. (cat 42)
-512 Sam on throne of basalt Khafra. (cat 46)

Page 35

-Giza Museum.
-523-4 Nameless statue of limestone, remarkable for detail of shoulders. Salle 2
-525-6 Statue of Anskha (circumcised) [D35-s-M12-H8-A]. Cat. 20.

Page 38

-Giza Museum.
-535 Seated figure, found 1893. (in glass case)
-536 Statue of Atep. (cat. 21) [i-t:p]
-537 Group of family - Salle 2 - man [h-t:n-A50A-s-i] wife [O10-n:D28-D28:D28] boy [R11-A50A-A50A-p-w-A]
-538 Head of Ptahshepses. Salle 2.

Page 40

-Giza Museum.
-543 Stela of [H-w-O7-O7-U33] and [k:t-i-s-n]. Salle 2
-544 Hotepheres [R4:(t*p)-Hr:r-s] & Ahat her daur. Ahat [i-H-A-t] & Sitmert [G39&t-U6-r:t] (Cat 23)
-545 Heknu and Ata performing. Stele of Ahat. (Cat 23)
-546 Lower part of stela of Shery [S:r-i-i] (rest of tomb at Florence & Oxford) (Cat.13)

Page 44

-Giza Museum.
-560 Nefert, queen of Usertesen II. (cat 122)
-561 Nefert. broken statue (cat. 122)
-562 Nefert: broken statue. (cat. 122)
-563 Sphinx of Sebekhotep III, & statues of XII dyn. (cat. 144)

Page 50

-Giza Museum.
-583-4 Head of a king in sandstone painted. (? Tutankhamen or Ay ?)
-586 Sculptor chiselling a shrine. (Cat. 169)
-587 Funeral of Hor Min. (Cat 172)

Page 54

-Giza Museum.
-600-1 Painted wooden door of Sennezem. (cat. 467) (taken askew to obtain room for the camera) [repeated]
-603 Scribe Amenhotep. painting on limestone. (cat. 544)
-604. Anubis, on limestone. (cat. 525)

Page 55

-Giza Museum.
-605 Ramessu IV & his lion, chasing Syrians, outline on limestone. (cat. 527)
-606 Dog hunting a lion. Red outline on limestone (cat. 528)
-607 Glazed inlays of Ramessu III Tell el Yehudiyeh. (cat. 472)
-608. "Fragments d'autels (?)" or tops of palm leaf capitals inverted.? Restored. In glass case. (cat. 463)

Page 57

-Giza Museum.
-613 Yellow sandstone altar of Haa.abra. (cat 242)
-614 Slab of Nekht.hor.heb. red granite. (cat. 246)
-625 Brown granite base of column. (cat. 244.)
-624 Trial piece in course of working. (cat. 557)

Notes on the pyramid of Abu Roash

Abu Rawash (Abû Rawâsh). Pyramid of Radjedef (Razedef).
Notes read:
'The pyramid of Abu Roash is perhaps before the fourth dynasty. Its builder was Ramen... [<-N5-mn-//->], probably one of the earlier unclassed Menkara kings, as Menkara of the fourth is known already at Gizeh, the third pyramid being his. the bit of cartouche I found on a scrap of a diorite statue(?) which lay among the chips of granite sarcophagus, &c, just before the doorway. That the pyramid was finished is clear by the finding of traces of sarcophagus & statue, and by the large heaps of chips of worked granite left around it, from cutting the granite casing to pieces at a later time.
The lining of the rock-hewn passage and chamber was torn out 40 or 50 years ago: the chamber, now 30x70 ft, would be narrowed by lining enough to be roofed by slanting slabs [drawing] as usual. That there was granite in part of the inside is shewn by the large heaps of chips reaching some way in front of the entrance.'

[66] Outer brickwork of tomb of Nefermat Medum.

Meidum (Maidum). Tomb of Nefermaat (Nefermaet).
Caption reads:
'Outer brickwork of tomb of Nefermat [F35*(U1:a):Aa11:t] Medum.
Shewing panelled or pilastered face outside the tomb,
and a court inside, both covered with white stucco.
The passage up to the stone door in stuccoed & painted.'

[60] "False door" of stone, seen in No 66.

Meidum (Maidum). Tomb of Nefermaat (Nefermaet). View showing Facade and Hall.
Caption reads:
'"False door" of stone, seen in No 66.
On the larger figures is seen the method of sinking holes in the
stone, to give a firmer hold to the inlaying of colored plaster
which is now removed.'

Résultats 181 à 210 sur 1636