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Sepulchral shrines - second shrine (237): Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Second shrine (237). Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's report on the shrine with measurements, wood type, construction, sealings, "guide" marks, and a note on the changes to the cartouches, possibly from those of Smenkhkare.
  • ii. Carter's drawing of shrine detail, noting its construction.
  • iii. Harry Burton's photographs of the shrine. Taken in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Carter, Howard

Textiles: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Textiles. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's manuscript notes on scarves from Tutankhamun's tomb. Carter suggests they are the forerunners of the Eucharistic vestment called the maniple.
  • ii. Copy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, 1932, with an article by Herbert E. Winlock on sem-priests' costumes.

Carter, Howard

Gold: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Gold. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  1. Carter's manuscript, eight pages, 'Notes upon the remarkable rose-coloured gold employed in jewellery and other ornaments of the Theban Egyptian New Empire' etc., including:
    • (i) Copy of Alfred Lucas' account in Carter, Howard, The Tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen ii (1927), pp. 172 ff;
    • (ii) Copy of Dr Alexander Scott's notes on rose gold;
    • (iii) Copy of the jeweller's J. R. Ogden typewritten analysis of one sequin;
    • (iv) Carter's summing up of the evidence.
  2. Letters addressed to Howard Carter from:
    • (i) Dr Alexander Scott, May (typewritten, with manuscript draft of Carter's reply), June (manuscript), and August 1933 (manuscript), regarding gold in the tomb;
    • (ii) The jewellers J. R. Ogden concerning gold, with their analysis, typewritten;
    • (iii) W. F. Hume, December 1930, typewritten, on his publication about gold in ancient Egypt;
    • (iv) Copy of letter from Howard Carter to W. F. Hume, May 1933, on rose gold;
    • (v) Alfred Lucas to Howard Carter, November 1933, manuscript, on rose gold.
    • (vi) Carter's draft/copy manuscript letter addressed to A. Lucas, 15 May 1933.
  3. Newspaper cutting from Illustrated London News, April 1934, with articles by E. T. Lewis and W. T. Blackband on 'Rediscovery of the lost Etruscan art of granulation'.
    The following items were also filed by Carter in this group:
    • Printed calling card: Mr Alfred Dobrée, Le Fainel, St Martins, Guernsey. Savile Club.
    • Manuscript note with contact details for Dr [Cecil H.] Desch. F.R.S. National Physical Laboratory, Teddington', on Savile Club headed notepaper.

Lucas, Alfred

Mummy, objects found on: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Objects found on Tutankhamun's body. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's notes for the disposition of objects on Tutankhamun's body, 1 typescript page the rest are manuscript pages
  • ii. Carter's drawings of a male figure with a grid, probably the original drawings and template used for the sixteen 'autopsy drawings' showing the position of jewellery on Tutankhamun's body (see TAA i.4.1-16).
  • iii. Drawing of Tutankhamun's body with grid, probably the basis for the drawings described above, in ii.
  • iv. Photostats and a precis of a lecture given by Dr Douglas Derry, Professor of Anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, and Mr Rex Engelbach, Keeper of the Cairo Museum, on "Akhenaton & Tutankhamon, manuscript.
  • v. Photostats of a manuscript "Anatomical Report on the Mummy of King Tut ankh Amon. By Dr D. E. Derry and Dr Saleh Bey Hamdi."

Carter, Howard

Seal impressions: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Seal impressions. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Letters from James Henry Breasted to Howard Carter, 1923, on an article in Harpers Magazine, and Tutankhamun's seal impressions.
  • ii. James Henry Breasted's manuscript report on the eight types of seal impression found in Tutankhamun's tomb and 2 letters from Breasted to Carter dated 03-01-1923 and 15-02-1923.
  • iii, iv. Two folders marked "Seals A-H" and "Seals I-S", Carter's annotated typewritten reports with his draft and finished pencil drawings of each type of seal impression, with some manuscript and a few typewritten notes.
  • v. One record card with notes on seals, extracted from a letter from Breasted, dated 16-03-1923, copied by A. C. Mace.
  • Later typed note, dated 1960, with A. H. Gardiner's translation for Seal C.
  • Annotated photograph (Burton (sic) P0274b), almost certainly taken by Carter, of the outermost doorway showing the blocking intact with seals.

Breasted, James Henry

Magical figures: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Magical figures. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Howard Carter's annotated typewritten notes on the four magical figures, Tutankhamun object nos. (257), (258), (259) and (260), found in sealed niches in the Burial chamber, including Carter's transcriptions for each.

Carter, Howard

Chariots: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Chariots. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Includes Carter's drawings with reconstructions of the chariots and harnesses, comparisons with chariots from other tombs and depictions of chariots from temple and tomb wall scenes.
  • An essay on Tutankhamun's chariots (TAA i.3.8.10-17), based on Howard Carter's notes, probably edited by Mrs Jane Waley in 1946-1947. Mrs Waley worked for the Griffith Institute and created the first catalogue for the Tutankhamun records.

Carter, Howard

Gesso: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Gesso. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Typescript letter from Dr Alexander Scott, December 1930, to Howard Carter, on animal tissue with gesso used under gold on the burial shrines. Also, see Chemistry notes (TAA i.3.9).
  • ii. Photograph of a microscope slide, sample with animal hair follicles, enclosed with Scott's letter.
  • iii. Alfred Lucas's manuscript notes on the analysis of gesso, which mentions a layer of ‘course woven fabric’ found under gesso.
  • iv. Howard Carter's manuscript notes on components of gypsum, whiting and chalk.

Scott, Alexander

Figures of king, gods and standards: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Statuettes of deities, the king, and standards. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Howard Carter's notes, seven items, all manuscript except for one typescript, also one photograph
    • i. Photograph of royal tomb wall scene with figures similar to those found in the tomb.
    • ii. Note on the 'Ennead'.
    • iii. List of the statuettes of deities from the tomb.
    • iv. List of the statuettes of the King which portray him as Horus.
    • v. List of (?) standards.

Carter, Howard

Chemistry: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Chemistry. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • H. J. Plenderleith's typescript report on:
    • i. The pigments contained in the palettes from the toy chest found in the Annexe;
    • ii. The paint used on the Burial chamber walls;
    • iii. The metal tongues from the second shrine;
    • iv. The thickness of gold on shrines (also see Gesso notes);
    • v. On animal skin found with gesso. Plenderleith suggests this is to provide a resilient cushion beneath gold for tooling;
  • Typescript for a lecture given in 1926 by H. Bunker on 'Scientific Aspects of Tomb'.

Plenderleith, Harold James

Canopic equipment: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Canopic equipment. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Carter's eight annotated typewritten pages with a description of the equipment and two scale drawings:
    • Carter's typewritten report on the canopic equipment;
    • Carter's typescript notes on the miniature gold coffin from the north-east receptacle;
    • Carter's drawing, the canopic canopy (266), shrine (266a), and chest (266b), plan with orientation, position of the goddess statues, scenes on shrine noting goddesses and genii, etc.;
    • Carter's drawing, section showing the canopic canopy (266), shrine (266a), and chest (266b).

Carter, Howard

Botanical notes: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Botanical notes. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Letters to Howard Carter from Mr L. A. Boodle of Kew Gardens, May 1932 to October 1933, with Mr Boodle's final report on analyses of the following:
    • Arrows - Carter object no.: None. Boodle report page 31a.
    • Baskets, contents of - Carter object nos.: 369, 426, 429, 470, 527a, 528, 530, 542, 544, 567, 573b. Boodle report page 7.
    • Baskets:
      • Carter object nos. 364, 371, 451, 518b, 454, 476, 573c, 495. Boodle report page 8.
      • Carter object no. 564. Boodle report page 10.
      • Carter object nos. 441, 342, 562, 506. Boodle report page 11.
      • Carter object nos. 401, 355, 439, 473, 531. Boodle report page 12.
      • Carter object nos. 146, 348, 356, 368, 400, 484, 527b, 364, 371, 451, 518b, 454, 476, 573c, 591, 589. Boodle report page 14.
      • Carter object nos. 146, 401, 355, 454, 476, 573c. Boodle report page 15.
      • Carter object nos. 526, 573f, 616. Boodle report page 16.
      • Carter object nos. 348, 356, 368, 400, 484, 527b, 454, 476, 573c. Boodle report page 18.
      • Carter object no. 495. Boodle report page 21a.
      • Carter object nos. 454, 476, 573c. Boodle report page 23.
    • Bouquet, large funerary - Carter object no. 205. Boodle report page 16.
    • Box, plain wooden- Carter object no. 315. Boodle report page 9.
    • Bow, composite - Carter object no. None. Boodle report pages 28, 31.
    • Chariot wheel - Carter object no. 332. Boodle report pages 28, 33.
    • First (outermost) coffin [wreath] - Carter object no. 253. Boodle report pages 5, 17, 30.
    • Second (middle) coffin [wreath] - Carter object no. 254a. Boodle report pages 5, 17.
    • Third (innermost) coffin [wreath] - Carter object no. 255a. Boodle report pages 20, 21.
    • Germinating figure of Osiris - Carter object no. 288a. Boodle report page 12.
    • Granary, model - Carter object no. 277. Boodle report pages 6a, 18a, 12, 15, 23, 24.
    • Branch of a plant - Carter object no. 367h. Boodle report page 22.
    • Statuettes with wreaths - Carter object nos. 280a, 300a. Boodle report page 17.
    • Statuette with a wreath - Carter object no. 299a. Boodle report page 21.
    • First (outermost) shrine - Carter object no. 207. Boodle report pages 29, 32.
    • Second shrine - Carter object no. 237. Boodle report pages 32, 34.
    • Fourth (innermost) shrine - Carter object no. 239. Boodle report pages 29, 34.
    • Stick, walking - Carter object no. None. Boodle report pages 28, 34.
    • Seeds - Carter object no. 146. Boodle report page 4.
    • Vessels:
      • Carter object no. 614k. Boodle report page 3.
      • Carter object no. 614a. Boodle report page 6.
      • Carter object no. 614f. Boodle report pages 15, 23.
      • Carter object no. 614h. Boodle report page 16a.
      • Carter object nos. 614c, d. Boodle report page 19.
      • Carter object no. 614b. Boodle report page 26.
      • Carter object no.: 614e. Boodle report page 27.

Boodle, Leonard Alfred

Boats: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Boats. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's manuscript notes on boats, parts of boats, and the "Eastern Mediterranean" types of boat.
  • ii. Carter's manuscript extracts from Erman, Adolf, Egyptian Religion, concerning boats.
  • iii. Carter's manuscript notes on Egyptian names for various types of boats.
  • G. S. Laird Clowes 17-page annotated typescript titled 'Boat-Models found in the Tomb of Tutankhamen.'

Carter, Howard

Bow-case (335): Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Bow case 335. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Carter's manuscript list of animals depicted on the bow case, noting the colours of the same.
  • Carter's manuscript list of plants represented on the bow case.
  • Harry Burton's photographs of the bow case, annotated by Carter.

Carter, Howard

Davis, Theodore M. (1837-1915) - correspondence

Correspondence including: asking Newberry to write a description of a tomb; describing the condition of the tomb; reference to photographs of the tomb. Also includes letter to Carter relating to him painting a coffin and referring to correspondence with Maspero. Also includes invitation sent to Davis to a meeting to observe whether any phenomena takes place on the anniversary of Pharaoh Akhnaton's death in the Valley of the Queens, 26 January 1909.

MSS 12/4 is also numbered 16
MSS 12/5 is also numbered A.279
MSS 12/6 is also numbered A 280
MSS 12/8 is also numbered 292

Drawings Egypt

Portfolio titled 'Drawings Egypt / JB.' (ink)
Pencil note: '10 / Sketches E / Complete'
Ink table of contents on piece of paper glued to cover, with pencil marks:

  • '1 Roman or Saracenic structure Assuan'
  • 'x 2 Kursi Elephantine'
  • '3 Ibreem Derr Haga (pencil addition) Ibreem and hills beyond'
  • '4 x Derr Wadi Halfa and last rocks of Delta'
  • 'x 5 Soleb'
  • '6 Nouri Berkel'
  • '7 Nouri'
  • '8 Nouri C L panoramic'
  • '9 View above 2 Cataract'
  • '10 Boat Dandour Girf Husseyn'
  • '11 Weaver. View above 2d Cataract'

Red pencil note at top right corner: encircled 'I' (reference to previous arrangement, almost certainly introduced by Dr Moss)
Pencil note: Nubia (almost certainly by Dr Moss).

Drawings Egypt

Portfolio titled 'Drawings Egypt / JB.' (ink)
Pencil notes: '12 / Views Egypt / Complete'
Pencil notes: 'List within / Mostly Assuan - / 1 Sakk[ara]' (rubbed out) (almost certainly by Dr Moss)
Red pencil note at top right corner: encircled 'G' (reference to previous arrangement, almost certainly introduced by Dr Moss).

Drawings Egypt

Portfolio titled 'Drawings / Egypt / JB.' (ink)
Red pencil note at top right corner: encircled 'H' (reference to previous arrangement, almost certainly introduced by Dr Moss)
Pencil note: 'Furniture (rubbed out), Abu Simbel. etc. / and Nubian Temple ?' (almost certainly by Dr Moss).

Drawings Various

Portfolio titled 'Drawings / Various / JB.' (ink)
Pencil notes: 'Designs & Mottos / Not Complete / Vol 2'
Pencil note: 'Perspective etc.' (almost certainly by Dr Moss).

Tracings Various

Portfolio titled 'Tracings / Various / JB.' (ink)
Pencil notes: 'Tracings / Complete / Vol 1'
Pencil note: 'Egyptian Greek. etc' (almost certainly by Dr Moss)
Red pencil note at top right corner: encircled 'L' (reference to previous arrangement, almost certainly introduced by Dr Moss).

Resultaten 181 tot 210 van 1987