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44 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Horst Schliephack Collection

  • Schliephack MSS
  • Colección
  • 1909

Framed watercolour showing John Garstang's dig house at Abydos (1909).

Schliephack, Horst

Hilda Mary Isabel Petrie Collection

  • Petrie, H. MSS
  • Colección
  • Probably early 1900s

Two albums. One labelled 'Scraps', which contains mainly photographs, only one of which shows Egypt (Pyramids and Great Sphinx at Gîza); the rest are British churches and historic buildings. The other album is labelled 'Post Card Album' and contains postcards showing French Prehistoric stone circles, megaliths, and chamber tombs, as well as excavations in progress.

Petrie, (Lady) Hilda Mary Isabel

Henry Solomon Wellcome Collection

  • Wellcome MSS
  • Colección

Journals, excavation records (Abu Geili, Jebel Moya, Saqadi, Dar el-Mek, etc.), indexes, maps, plans and photographs.

Wellcome, (Sir) Henry Solomon

Henry Salt Collection | copies of documentation in other collections only

  • Salt MSS
  • Colección
  • 1815-1825

1) Negatives and prints of drawings of Egypt by Henry Salt (1815-25), property of Lady Salt, Shillingstone House, Dorset.
2) Photocopies of a portfolio of coloured drawings of Egypt by Henry Salt at the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, British Museum, London.

Salt, Henry

Henry Francis Herbert Thompson Collection

  • Thompson MSS
  • Colección
  • Before 1939

Greek dictionary card index, used in compiling W. E. Crum, A Coptic Dictionary (Oxford, 1929-39).

Thompson, (Sir) Henry Francis Herbert

Hector Horeau Collection

  • Horeau MSS
  • Colección
  • 1838

Two portfolios with 45 loose sheets of mounted drawings and watercolours.

Horeau, Hector

Heathcote Negatives Collection

  • Heathcote MSS
  • Colección
  • 1922-1933

Negatives of Egyptian antiquities, scenes of daily life, and landscapes.

Heathcote, Reginald St. Alban

Harry Burton Negatives Collection = TAA i.5 and TAA i.5A

  • Burton, H. MSS
  • Colección
  • 1922-1933

Photographic records made during the excavation of the Tomb of Tutankhamun, consisting of approximately 1400 black and white glass negatives. 10 albums of original prints made from these negatives for Carter, and original prints made for and kept with the object card index for the excavation.

Burton, Harry

Harold Parkinson Collection

  • Parkinson, H. MSS
  • Colección
  • 1930-1994

1) Original measured perspective drawing of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings (1978) [corrected version].
2) Drawings of Eighteenth Dynasty tombs (incomplete original set and complete sets of photocopies/prints) (1980s).
3) Prints of the measured perspective drawing of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings (1978) [version with error].
4) Drawings of reconstructions of Egyptian boats (1993-4).
5) Models, plaster and resin moulds and casts for plaque depicting a scene from the lid of box from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c. 1979) - the plaque has been sold in the British Museum shop since the late 1990s (copyright issued in the late 1990s for a while, then reissued c. 2010).
6) Model, plaster and resin moulds and casts for the mask of Tutankhamun (1978).
7) Models, plaster and resin moulds and casts for small figurines (2 seated Isis suckling Horus, Bes amulet and scarab, 1970s).
8) Album of newspaper cuttings titled "Illustrations", mostly from the Illustrated London News, bound in illustrated binding by Harold Parkinson (c. 1930).
9) Copy of Simplified Hieroglyphs arranged according to Gardiner's Signlist. Drawn in both left and right directions together with samples of cursive hieroglyphs and hieratic signs. Hieratic versions are drawn from Möller Hieratische Paläographie Vol. I (6th to 13th dynasties), of which 'Sinuhe' provides the majority of the examples, by R. B. & H. Parkinson (1988-1989).
10) Original measured perspective drawing of the White Chapel at Karnak, by H. & R. B. Parkinson (c. 1989-1990).

Parkinson, Harold

Günther Roeder Collection

  • Roeder MSS
  • Colección

Photographs, tracings and squeezes of Dodecaschoenus graffiti.

Roeder, (Ernst) Günther

Guy Brunton Collection

  • Brunton, G. MSS
  • Colección
  • 1937-1948, card index 1958

Drawings (by Winifred M. Brunton), letters, and working notes for a publication on button seals.
Negatives taken during the Matmar excavations in 1928-30.
Card index created 1958.

Brunton, Guy

Gustav Jacoby Collection

  • Jacoby MSS
  • Colección

Manuscript of Jacoby's original text for the first draft of his chapter on the architecture, 'The Five Graves at Sendschirli (Zincirli)', excavated in 1902, eventually published in Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli, iv (Berlin, 1911). Non-Egyptological.

Jacoby, Gustav

Griffith Institute Photographs Collection

  • GI Photographs
  • Colección

Photographs from various sources, including 19th Century Studio Photographs by Abdullah Frères, A. Beato, F. Bonfils, W. Hammerschmidt, P. Sébath and others.
Includes photographs of Egyptologists.

Griffith Institute Miscellanea Collection

  • GI Miscellanea
  • Colección

Items which cannot be incorporated into other GI series. E.g. plates from early Egyptological publications, maps, casts, film and postcards.

Godfrey Rolles Driver Collection

  • Driver MSS

A collection of 19th Century photographs of Jerusalem, Lebanon, etc.

Driver, (Sir) Godfrey Rolles

Gertrude Caton-Thompson Collection

  • Caton-Thompson MSS
  • Colección
  • c.1920-1985

Notes, papers, correspondence, etc., on prehistoric Faiyûm.

Caton-Thompson, Gertrude

Georges Nagel Collection

  • Nagel MSS
  • Colección
  • 1920s-1930s

Two albums containing approximately 460 black and white photographs taken by various members of the IFAO team during excavations at Deir el-Medîna during the 1920s and 30s. Photographs interspersed with some notes and drawings.

Nagel, Georges

Georges Foucart Collection

  • Foucart MSS
  • Colección
  • 1925-1947

Visitor's book of the G. Foucart family, Cairo, for 1925 to 1948.

Foucart, Georges

George Wilson Bridges Collection

  • Bridges MSS
  • Colección
  • 1846-1852

Bound volume (45 x 28 x 7.5 cm) titled Selections from Seventeen-Hundred Genuine Photographs: (Views-Portraits-Statuary-Antiquities). Taken around the Shores of the Mediterranean between the Years 1846-1852. With, or Without, Notes, Historical and Descriptive. By a Wayworn Wanderer. It contains salted paper photographic prints of Palestine, Greece, Constantinople, Egypt, Malta, Sicily, Italy and Algiers.

Bridges, (Revd) George Wilson

George Lloyd Album

  • Lloyd MSS
  • Colección
  • 1842-1843

Album of watercolours, drawings, and tracings of Egypt produced close to the end of Lloyd's life. It is a folio volume (33 x 44 cm, pages 32.7 x 43 cm), containing 135 watercolours and drawings (74 of which are full-page and 1 folding) and 10 tracings (8 folding). They are all mounted and most are captioned either on the image itself or on the mount. Captions on the mount seem to have been added when the album was put together after Lloyd's death. The album also contains a loose watercolour, a loose drawing and a loose lithographed portrait of George Lloyd by Prisse d'Avennes, who published it in his Oriental Album: Characters, Costumes and Modes of Life in the Valley of the Nile (1848). One of the drawings in the album is a pencil portrait of Lloyd sketched by Prince A. Soltykoff.

Lloyd, George

George Alexander Hoskins Collection

  • Hoskins MSS
  • Colección
  • 1832-1833 and 1860-1861

3 albums containing watercolours and sketches.

Hoskins, George Alexander

Georg Christian Julius Möller Collection

  • Möller MSS
  • Colección
  • late 1890s-1921

Copies, transcriptions, facsimiles, drawings and some photographs of mummy labels in Demotic, Greek or bilingual, presented as loose sheets in folders arranged by cities/museums/collections, housed in five slip-cover boxes. They were collected by Möller from printed sources and from several collections he visited on research journeys. One folder in box V is by W. Spiegelberg (1893).

Möller, Georg Christian Julius

Geoffrey Thorndike Martin Collection

  • Martin MSS
  • Colección
  • 1966-2022

Complete working papers, including notebooks, notes, card indexes, drawings of scenes and inscriptions, plans, slides, photographs, and correspondence.

Research papers
Includes relevant notes, concordances, photocopies, letters, emails, negatives, photographs, and small-scale tracings.

  • Scarabs and seals.
  • Brooklyn Museum scarabs and seals.
  • New Kingdom reliefs.
  • Valley of the Kings.
  • El-Lisht.
  • Tutankhamun shabtis.
  • Amarna Royal Tomb/Necropolis.
  • Research for articles.
  • Photographs, letters and newspaper cuttings.
  • Miscellaneous papers.
  • Three photograph albums.

10,000+ slides, the majority created by Martin, 1960s onwards. They include archaeological sites in Egypt, reliefs and objects, rephotographed publication illustrations, and commercially-produced slides.

Framed watercolour
Watercolour painting, perhaps by Annie Quibell. The upper part of an angel is probably inspired by (or copied from) one of the paintings in the Monastery of Apa Jeremias at Saqqara.

KV57: tomb of Horemheb, Valley of the Kings
Includes research papers, a small box of photographs, and Martin's epigraphic drawings of Horemheb's sarcophagus.

Original epigraphic drawings and scanned reductions of originals

  • Epigraphic drawings of loose Memphite blocks used for Vols. I and II of Martin's Corpus of Memphite Blocks. Vol. I, published. Vol. II, in preparation (info. August 2022).
  • Reduced line drawings of reliefs from published Memphite New Kingdom tombs, including the tomb of Horemheb and possibly the tomb of Maya.
  • Drawings without labels, not yet identified—some Amarna.

Large photographs
Includes the Step Pyramid complex and Unas Causeway, some taken from the summit of the Step Pyramid, or perhaps aerial photographs. Some show tomb reliefs.


  • PhD dissertation, G. T. Martin (two bound volumes on scarabs and seals. The second volume has been published. The first volume is not published).
  • Brooklyn Museum manuscript (bound unpublished manuscript for scarabs and seals in the Brooklyn Museum).
  • Three photograph albums (photographs of sites, buildings and street scenes mostly in and around Cairo in 1942. The albums were given or bequeathed to Martin).
  • Manuscript ("The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb. A Palaeography (Catalogue of Signs)". Unfinished).
  • Photocopied line drawings (these are probably duplicates of a published set of line drawings from a known New Kingdom Memphite tomb or are from Vol. I of Martin's Corpus of New Kingdom Memphite Blocks).
  • Three bound volumes (miscellaneous postcards, photographs, etc.).
  • Amarna Royal Tomb Project (selected material, copies of graffiti, ostraca, etc., represents a small section of the information gathered by the team when Martin was Field Director).
  • Memphite New Kingdom Prosopography (card index with the names and other details of known tomb owners and other officials mentioned in reliefs, paintings, statuary, etc., in or from around the Memphite cemeteries).
  • Photographs, newspaper cuttings, letters etc. (including a letter from Lord Mountbatten of Burma, also newspaper cuttings from international papers, primarily referring to the discoveries of Horemheb and Maya and the relationship of these officials to Tutankhamun).

Geoffrey Almeric Thorndike Martin

Frederick William Green Collection

  • Green MSS
  • Colección
  • 1897-1899

Original painting of the 'Painted Tomb' (or Tomb 100) at Hierakonpolis.

Green, Frederick William

Frederick Leslie Kennet Photographs Collection

  • Kenett MSS
  • Colección

Approximately 50 black and white photographs and two colour negatives of objects in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Kenett, Frederick Leslie

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