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Thomas Eric Peet Collection Unidad documental simple
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Rome, 29/07/1907

Postcard from T. E. Peet to Lawrence W. Grensted. Rome, 29/07/1907. Impressions of Italy, Italian opera, art; reference to his work on Neolithic Italy.

Rome, 08/06/1908

Letter from T. E. Peet to Lawrence W. Grensted. Rome, 08/06/1908 (envelope: 14/06/1908). Impressions of Italy; reference to flint work.

Syracuse, 14/06/1908(?)

Letter from T. E. Peet to Lawrence W. Grensted. Syracuse, 14/06/1908(?) (probably belongs with envelope: Rome, 23/06/08 <Peet mentions that he intends to reach Rome at the end of July and stay there until the end of September; this letter could then have been sent from Rome>). General impressions of Syracuse, Italy and Greece; references to literature (Shakespeare and Victor Hugo).

Rome, 05/07/1908

Letter from T. E. Peet to Lawrence W. Grensted. Rome, Sunday [= 05/07/1908] (envelope: 09/07/1908). Italian flint tools; comparison with French and English flint types.

Rome, 10/09/1908

Letter from T. E. Peet to Lawrence W. Grensted. Rome, 10/09/1908 (probably belongs with envelope: 19/09/1908). Impressions of work in Greece (Thessaly, Aetolia), South Italy; cricket.

Syracuse, 13/05/1909

Letter from T. E. Peet to Lawrence W. Grensted. Syracuse, 13/05/1909 (envelope: 14/05/1909). Impressions of Egypt, Italy.

Cambridge, 27/11/1909(?)

Letter from T. E. Peet to Lawrence W. Grensted. Cambridge, no date (envelope: 27/11/1909(?)). Work in Egypt; reference to Naville; impressions of Malta and Egypt.

Athens, no date

Letter from T. E. Peet to Lawrence W. Grensted. Athens, no date (no envelope). Comments on literature (Shakespeare, novels); reference to his work on Cycladic and Mycenaean period.

Rome, no date

Letter from T. E. Peet to Lawrence W. Grensted. Rome, no date (no envelope). Comments on Peet’s book on Neolithic Italy & draft of the list of contents.

No location stated, 02/01/1918

Letter from T. E. Peet to Patricia M. Peet. No location stated, 02/01/1918 (no envelope). “My dear Patricia”. Possible end of the war, travel to Egypt, pets.

No location stated, 02/10/1918(?)

Letter from T. E. Peet to Patricia M. Peet. No location stated, [02/10/1918(?)] (included in same envelope as 4.3.9). “Dear Mamie”. Story about Arver and Too and Tee.

Turin, 02/10/1923

Letter from T. E. Peet to Patricia M. Peet. Turin, 02/10/1923 (no envelope). “Ma très chère fille”. Describes Rome and some of its monuments.

Leningrad, 07/04/1930

Letter from Vasilij Vasilievich Struve to T. E. Peet. Leningrad, 07/04/1930 (no envelope). References to suggestions made by Peet on Struve’s publication and note on small hieratic texts in the Hermitage Museum that Struve intends to publish.

Liverpool, 16/11/1927

Letter from T. E. Peet to Stephen R. K. Glanville. Liverpool, 16/11/1927 (photocopies). Newberry's manuscript for the JEA; impressions on T. J. C. Baly.

Liverpool, 06/07/1928

Letter from T. E. Peet to Stephen R. K. Glanville. Liverpool, 06/07/1928 (photocopies). Peet's work on tomb-robberies papyri mostly in the British Museum, including museum registration numbers and contents for Glanville; Peet's next step to find a publisher; reference to upcoming Congress of Orientalists in Oxford.

Liverpool, 10/09/1928

Letter from T. E. Peet to Stephen R. K. Glanville. Liverpool, 10/09/1928 (photocopies). Marked "Private and confidential". Publication of stelae; impressions on Henri Frankfort.

Liverpool, 10/11/1930

Letter from T. E. Peet to Stephen R. K. Glanville. Liverpool, 10/11/1930 (photocopies). Marked "Confidential". Position of Honorary Secretary of the Egypt Exploration Society; expanding the scope of the JEA; receipt of a photograph of Henry Reginald Holland Hall.

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