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Canopic equipment: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Canopic equipment. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Carter's eight annotated typewritten pages with a description of the equipment and two scale drawings:
    • Carter's typewritten report on the canopic equipment;
    • Carter's typescript notes on the miniature gold coffin from the north-east receptacle;
    • Carter's drawing, the canopic canopy (266), shrine (266a), and chest (266b), plan with orientation, position of the goddess statues, scenes on shrine noting goddesses and genii, etc.;
    • Carter's drawing, section showing the canopic canopy (266), shrine (266a), and chest (266b).

Carter, Howard

Volume I

Print and bound publication:

  • De Keersmaecker, Roger O. (2001), Travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan, I: the kiosk of Qertassi. Berchem (Antwerp): Graffito Graffiti (OEB 184624).
  • Early travellers' graffiti at Qertassi [see TopBib vii.6-8].
  • Most of the graffiti date to the nineteenth century.
  • It includes: the annotation "ACCESSION" on p. 6 (= PDF p. 8) and an annotated sticky note on p. 20 (= PDF p. 23).

Index to volumes I-XII

Print and bound publication:

  • De Keersmaecker, Roger O. (2011), Travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan, supplement: total index for the 12 volumes. Mortsel (Antwerpen): Graffito-Graffiti (OEB 169305).
  • Most of the graffiti date to the nineteenth century.
  • It includes: index sections for the additional volumes I, II, III part I and II (Abu Simbel, Dendera, Napoleon Bonaparte in Egypt and "Index-DUTERTRE") (22 pages in total, all omitted from the PDF), with an annotation in the form of a cross next to "Platt, W. H." in the Abu Simbel section.

Additional volume II

Print and bound publication:

  • De Keersmaecker, Roger O. (2012), Travellers' graffiti from Egypt and the Sudan, additional volume II: the temple complex of Dendara. Mortsel (Antwerpen): Graffito-Graffiti (OEB 185328).
  • The Temple Complex of Dendera [see TopBib vi.41-110].
  • Most of the graffiti date from the nineteenth century.
  • It contains: attached pages at the end with the printed article Hallof, Jochen 1996. Besucherinschriften in den Tempeln von Dendera. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 96, 229-244 (OEB 40093) (omitted from the PDF).

Notebook Černý MSS 17.130

Various New Kingdom texts:

  • monuments from Uppsala, Victoriamuseet för Egyptiska fornsaker
  • hieratic text in Tura quarries
  • a group of records created from older notes including objects seen with dealers in Berlin, Akhmim and Cairo
  • copied from publications
  • copied from A. H. Gardiner's notes
  • note with a query concerning a graffito from Thebes
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