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Carter, Howard Englisch
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Two photographic prints: Howard Carter drawings

  • Two black and white photographic prints:
    • Howard Carter's drawings of harness (from TAA i.3.8).
    • Howard Carter's drawing from object card 333 'portions of the linen housings of the chariot horses' (from TAA i.1.333).
    • Howard Carter's drawing of the second shrine (237) with detail of construction of shrine (from TAA i.3.25).

Carter, Howard

Tutankhamun Archive

  • TAA
  • Sammlung
  • 1922-2014

Notebooks, negatives, photographs, maps, and drawings made during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. For other material, refer to the catalogue.

Carter, Howard

Transporting the painted box (21), cigarette card

  • Cigarette card issued by Churchman's Cigarettes from the set titled 'World Wonders: Old and New: A Series of 50' (c. 1955).
  • No. 11: 'Tutankhamen’s Tomb, Egypt'.
  • Painted version based on an unidentified media photograph. The original photograph was taken on 27 December 1922.
  • View of Howard Carter (lighter coloured hat with black band) watching Arthur Mace (dark hat) and an Egyptian colleague transporting Tutankhamun's painted box from the King's tomb to the nearby 'laboratory' (KV15, tomb of Sethos II).

Burton, Harry

Tomb and tomb plan: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Tutankhamun's tomb and tomb plan. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Carter's 12-page annotated typewritten discussion on Tutankhamun's tomb and 18th Dynasty royal tomb types.
  • Comparisons with other royal tombs and notes on tomb plans from the Turin Papyrus, with the names for the various parts of the tomb.
  • Suggestion as to the identity of the architect of Tutankhamun's tomb.

Carter, Howard

Thebes. Valley of the Kings: objects from the Valley now in Metropolitan Museum, correspondence and list

Howard Carter's records for objects found in the Valley during earlier excavations, now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

  • Typewritten letter from H. E. Winlock to Carter, dated 25 June 1915, in response to Carter's request for a list of objects from the Valley of the Kings, now in the Metropolitan Museum
  • 13 pages, typewritten list of finds from the Valley of the Kings, now in New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, with descriptions, some transcriptions, drawings, museum numbers, and bibliography.

Winlock, Herbert Eustis

Thebes. Carnarvon-Carter excavations. 1911-1922: ostraca, correspondence and report

Records for ostraca found during Carnarvon-Carter excavations at Thebes, including those from the Valley of the Kings, 1911-1922.

  • Two typewritten letters from Battiscombe Gunn to Carter, dated 25 and 27 July 1931, concerning Gunn's work on the ostraca
  • Gunn's typewritten report, "The Ostraka", 26 pages, with translations and commentary
  • Carter's manuscript draft letter, dated 7 August 1931, addressed to Gunn, acknowledging receipt of Gunn's report, and the intention to include it in a planned publication for the Carnarvon-Carter excavations between 1911 and early 1922.

Carter, Howard

Textiles: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Textiles. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's manuscript notes on scarves from Tutankhamun's tomb. Carter suggests they are the forerunners of the Eucharistic vestment called the maniple.
  • ii. Copy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, 1932, with an article by Herbert E. Winlock on sem-priests' costumes.

Carter, Howard

Ten photograph albums

Ten albums containing original photographic prints made by Harry Burton [TAA i.6.1-10].

  • Arranged by chamber and by object type
  • Annotated headings and negative numbers, probably by Harry Burton or his wife Minnie B.
  • Howard Carter's set of albums

Originally belonging to Howard Carter.

Burton, Harry

Stamps, Royal Mail: "Tutankhamun"

Unmounted stamps from the Special Stamp Issue 'Tutankhamun', produced by Royal Mail in collaboration with the Griffith Institute, to mark the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. Royal Mail Group Ltd commissioned the Griffith Institute to act as consultants supplying all the text and required images for all the Special Stamp products.

Burton, Harry

Shawabtis (ushabtis): Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Shawabti (ushabti) figures. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's typewritten general notes on shawabtis.
  • ii. Carter's manuscript report with transcriptions, and notes, for shawabtis from Tutankhamun's tomb, including lists with shawabtis grouped by type, their object excavation number, material, and the chamber they were found.

Carter, Howard

Sepulchral shrines and sarcophagus - objects found between: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Objects found between the sarcophagus (240) and shrines (207), (237), (238) and (239). Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's report on objects nos. 242 (fan), 250 (djad emblem), 249 (bundle of reeds), 251(rags and chips of wood) , 245 (fan), 244, 246 (long bows), 243 (arrows) and 241, 247 (long bows), and 248 (ten arrows).
  • ii. Harry Burton's photographs of 242, 245 (fans), 244, 246 (long bows), 243 (arrows) and 250 (djad pillar).

Carter, Howard

Sepulchral shrines - second shrine (237): Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Second shrine (237). Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's report on the shrine with measurements, wood type, construction, sealings, "guide" marks, and a note on the changes to the cartouches, possibly from those of Smenkhkare.
  • ii. Carter's drawing of shrine detail, noting its construction.
  • iii. Harry Burton's photographs of the shrine. Taken in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Carter, Howard

Sepulchral shrines - fourth (innermost) shrine (239): Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Fourth (innermost) shrine (239). Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's annotated typewritten report, all pages cancelled (crossed through).
  • ii. Four Carter drawings with details of the shrine's construction.
  • iii. Harry Burton's photographs of the shrine, taken in Cairo, Egyptian Museum.
  • iv. Carter's transcriptions of the texts from the shrine.

Carter, Howard

Sepulchral shrines - first (outermost) shrine (207): Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

First (outermost) shrine (207). Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's annotated typewritten report.
  • ii. Carter's drawing of shrine detail, noting construction.
  • iii. Harry Burton's photographs of the shrine. Taken in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Carter, Howard

Sepulchral shrines - General notes: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

General notes on the four sepulchral shrines. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Folder 1: Carter's manuscript report.
  • Folder 2: Carter's typescript notes, many cancelled (crossed through).
  • Base measurements of shrines after their re-erection in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
  • Carter's copies of Egyptian words for shrines and their meanings, taken from Gardiner's Grammar.

Carter, Howard

Sepulchral shrines - third shrine (238): Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Third shrine (238). Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Carter's report on the shrine, its construction, measurements, copies of ‘guide’ marks, note on seal impressions, drawing of roof and cornice showing tongues for attachment. Not published by Carter.
  • ii. Carter's drawing of shrine detail, noting construction.
  • iii. Harry Burton's photographs of the shrine. Taken in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Carter, Howard

Seal impressions: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Seal impressions. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • i. Letters from James Henry Breasted to Howard Carter, 1923, on an article in Harpers Magazine, and Tutankhamun's seal impressions.
  • ii. James Henry Breasted's manuscript report on the eight types of seal impression found in Tutankhamun's tomb and 2 letters from Breasted to Carter dated 03-01-1923 and 15-02-1923.
  • iii, iv. Two folders marked "Seals A-H" and "Seals I-S", Carter's annotated typewritten reports with his draft and finished pencil drawings of each type of seal impression, with some manuscript and a few typewritten notes.
  • v. One record card with notes on seals, extracted from a letter from Breasted, dated 16-03-1923, copied by A. C. Mace.
  • Later typed note, dated 1960, with A. H. Gardiner's translation for Seal C.
  • Annotated photograph (Burton (sic) P0274b), almost certainly taken by Carter, of the outermost doorway showing the blocking intact with seals.

Breasted, James Henry

Royal Mail, Special Stamp collection: "Tutankhamun"

Special Stamp Issue 'Tutankhamun', produced by Royal Mail in collaboration with the Griffith Institute, to mark the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb. Royal Mail Group Ltd commissioned the Griffith Institute to act as consultants supplying all the text and required images for all the Special Stamp products.

  • See https://shop.royalmail.com/special-stamp-issues/tutankhamun (accessed 19-06-2023).
  • A set of twelve stamps comprising:
    • The main set of eight colour stamps, each featuring an object from Tutankhamun's tomb. Araldo De Luca supplied these images.
    • Mini-set of four stamps featuring black and white photographs, including three Harry Burton photographs supplied by the Griffith Institute.
  • Complete set of products:
    • First Day Cover issued on 24 November 2022
    • Presentation Pack
    • Prestige Stamp Book
    • Unmounted stamps
    • Coin cover (£5.00)
    • Postcard pack
    • Royal Mail Yearbook 2022
    • Newspaper cutting, noting the stamp issue, November 2022

Burton, Harry

Royal Mail Yearbook 2022: "Tutankhamun"

  • Royal Mail Yearbook 2022
  • Anonymous (ed.) 2022. A postcard from..: Royal Mail special stamps 2022. Royal Mail Yearbook 39. London: Royal Mail Group Ltd. ISBN: 9780946165773. 24.4 x 25.7 cm; 64 p., [117] figs [ills (mostly colour)] (OEB 307243).
  • The publication contains every stamp and miniature sheet issued by Royal Mail in 2022, with a chapter devoted to every Special Stamp issue. An expert in their field has written each dedicated chapter for each stamp issue. The subjects include The Rolling Stones, Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and the discovery of Tutankhamun’s Tomb.
  • Contains the chapter 'Tutankhamun' and discusses the extraordinary period during which Tutankhamun lived, the significance of his burial and its site in the Valley of the Kings.
  • Also contains the Special Stamp Issue 'Tutankhamun', produced by Royal Mail in collaboration with the Griffith Institute, to mark the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb.
  • The main set of eight colour stamps, each featuring an object from Tutankhamun's tomb, images supplied by Araldo De Luca.
  • Mini stamp sheet of four stamps featuring black and white photographs, including three Harry Burton photographs supplied by the Griffith Institute.

Burton, Harry

Prestige Stamp Book, Royal Mail: "Tutankhamun"

Two copies of the Prestige Stamp Book, 'Tutankhamun: Finding a Pharaoh', issued on 12 December 2022 as part of the Special Stamp Issue 'Tutankhamun', produced by Royal Mail in collaboration with the Griffith Institute, to mark the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb.

Burton, Harry

Presentation Pack, Royal Mail: "Tutankhamun"

Presentation Pack, issued on 24 November 2022, part of the Special Stamp Issue 'Tutankhamun', produced by Royal Mail in collaboration with the Griffith Institute, to mark the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • See https://shop.royalmail.com/special-stamp-issues/tutankhamun/tutankhamun-presentation-pack (accessed 19-06-2023).
  • An illustrated fold-out carrier card, 'Tutankhamun', with the main set of eight colour stamps, each featuring an object from Tutankhamun's tomb, images supplied by Araldo De Luca. Carrier card with text on the tomb's discovery on one side and a commentary for each of the objects featured in the main set of stamps on the other
  • Carrier card with the mini-set of four stamps 'Discovering Tutankhamun's Tomb', featuring black and white photographs, including three Harry Burton photographs supplied by the Griffith Institute, Carrier card text on the recording and conservation of the tomb's objects by Howard Carter and the excavation team.

Burton, Harry

Postcards, Royal Mail: "Tutankhamun"

Two identical sets of thirteen postcards featuring reproductions of all twelve Special Stamps (the mini-sheet stamps are represented twice, once as the complete mini-sheet design of four stamps as well as individually), all issued on 24 November 2022, part of the Special Stamp Issue 'Tutankhamun', produced by Royal Mail in collaboration with the Griffith Institute, to mark the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb.

Burton, Harry

Photocopy: The Tomb of Tut-ankh-amen statement

  • Photocopy of P. E. Newberry's copy of The tomb of Tut-ankh-amen: statement with documents, as to the events which occurred in Egypt in the Winter of 1923-24 leading to the ultimate break with the Egyptian Government.
  • Photocopy made from TAA ii.20.

Carter, Howard

Photocopies: Tutankhamun Archive and Carter MSS donation documentation

Photocopies of:

  • Family papers relating to the donation of Howard Carter's papers to Oxford University.
  • Antiquities returned to Egypt following Howard Carter's death.
  • Objects presented to the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • Family portraits: Samuel Carter (Howard Carter's father); Howard Carter; Amy Walker (née Carter, Howard Carter's sister); and Phyllis Walker (Howard Carter's niece).

Carter, Howard

Pall and its support: Tutankhamun excavation documentation - Carter's notes for planned publication

Pall and the pall support. Howard Carter's collected notes for the intended scientific publication of Tutankhamun's tomb.

  • Carter's annotated three-page typescript with 1 manuscript note.
  • Report on the pall and the construction of the pall struts, the attempts to preserve the pall, and its destruction.

Carter, Howard

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