Front end paper
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Front end paper:
[On pasted note] 'This volume was re-bound through the generosity of AEMES (Ancient Egypt & Middle East Society, Lincolnshire), Manchester Ancient Egypt Society and the Society for the Study of Ancient Egypt (Derbyshire) in August 2002' (printed)
Front cover
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Leather binding created in 2002.
Sunset; Kasr es Syad and Gebel Tookh; near Siout
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Three pencil and watercolour sketches:
top: sunset
[on mount] 'Sunset (near Magada)' (ink note)
middle: dahabiyya on the Nile
[on mount] 'Kasr es Syad & Gebel Tookh' (ink note)
bottom: dahabiyya on the Nile
[on mount] 'Near Siout' (ink note)
Gebel Abu Foda. Middle Egypt.
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Gebel Abu Foda, Middle Egypt:
[on mount] 'Gebel Aboofayda. Middle Egypt.' (ink note)
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5 mounted pencil sketches: 4 depict camels; bottom sketch depicts the remains of a boat.
Market Boat at Minieh
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Market boat at Minieh:
[on mount] 'Market Boat. Minieh' (ink note)
Dahabiyyas at Roda
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Two dahabeeyahs at Roda:
[on mount] 'Native Dahabeeyahs. Roda' (ink note)
Dahabiyya, shadoof, Sheik Cotton, Mehemet Ali, water collection
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Five mounted pencil or pencil and wash sketches:
top: Dahibyya
[on mount] 'native boat' (ink note)
middle left: Sheik Cotton
[on mount] 'Holy Sheyk Cotton' (ink note)
middle middle: a shaduf
[on mount] 'The Shadoof.' (ink note)
middle right: Mehemet Ali
[on mount] 'Mehemet Ali.' (ink note)
bottom: woman collecting water.
Head of Ti; water sellers; donkeys; Sheik Salîm
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Five pencil sketches:
top: Head of Ti
[on mount] 'Head of Ti. (a statue of IVth Dynasty in the Boolak Museum.) B.C. 4235.' (ink note)
middle left: water seller
[on mount] 'Water seller of Cairo' (ink note)
middle middle: donkeys
[on sketch] 'Cairo donkeys' (pencil note)
middle right: water sellers
[on mount] 'Water sellers' (ink note)
bottom: Sheik Salîm, Farshut
[on mount] 'Sheyk Saleem. (Farshoot)' (ink note). Sketch has additions in ink.
The Damascus Gate; men riding donkeys; a shaduf; camels; and water bearers
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Nine mounted pencil sketches:
top left: man on donkey
top middle: shaduf
[on mount] 'The Shadoof' (ink note)
top right: man on donkey
middle left: man
middle middle: Damascus Gate, Cairo
[on mount] 'The Bab en Nasr - or Damascus Gate. Cairo' (ink note)
middle right: man
bottom left: two camels
bottom centre: man
bottom right: camel, man and three women with water jars
[on mount] 'Going to fetch water from the Nile' (ink note)
Hypostyle hall at Karnak
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of hypostyle hall at Karnak:
[on mount] 'Hypostyle Hall. Karnac. Looking East.'
Dendarah landscape, human figures, Nerghaileh
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Nine sketches:
top left: pencil sketch of donkey
top middle: pencil sketch of mountains above Denderah
[on mount] 'Mountains above Denderah.' (ink note)
top right: pencil sketch of man wading
middle left: pencil sketch of two figures
middle middle: pencil sketch of three men at Beni Suef
[on sketch] 'Benisouf' (pencil note)
middle right: pencil sketch of seated figure
bottom left: pencil sketch of male figure standing
[on mount] 'Georgi Hassan' (ink note)
bottom middle: pencil and watercolour sketch of dahabiyyas
[on mount] 'Nerghaileh. W. Bank.' (ink note)
Ali the Nubian; Riskalli; Salame; Reïs Hassan; unidentified people
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Nine pencil sketches:
top left: person with staff
top middle: man sitting and smoking
[on mount] 'Ali, the Nubian.' (ink note)
top right: veiled woman with jars
middle left: head of man
[on mount] 'Riskalli' (ink note)
middle middle: group of men with boat near Manfalut
[on mount] 'Group of Natives (waiting for the Ferry) Manfaloot' (ink note)
middle right: Man sitting
[on mount] 'Riskalli' (ink note)
bottom left: Reïs Hassan
[on mount] 'Reïs Hassan' (ink note)
bottom middle: man reclining on ?carved block
bottom right: man standing
[on mount] 'Salame' (ink note)
Waterwheel, Sîut
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of remains of structure and dahabiyyas:
[on sketch] 'Near Siout. Jany 1 1874' (painted note)
[on mount] 'Waterwheel. Siout' (ink note)
Coptic convent near Naqadah
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of Coptic convent near Naqadah:
[on mount] 'Coptic Convent - near Negada'
Necropolis of Abydos and Kom es Sultan
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Watercolour and pencil sketch of necropolis of Abydos and Kom es Sultan:
[on mount] 'Necropolis of Abydus and Kom es Sultan' (ink note)
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9 pencil sketches:
top left: man leaning on staff and woman with jar
top centre: man
top right: two women, one with a child
middle left: woman with jar
middle middle: man sitting
middle right: woman with child
bottom left: woman collecting water
bottom middle: man with pipe
bottom left: two men
Arab tombs near Siout
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Pencil sketch of marabouts near Siout
[on mount] 'Arab tombs near Siout' (ink note)
Title page
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Pencil and watercolour sketch of Cairo mosque:
[on mount] '"In the name of The Prophet - Cakes!" Moskee. Cairo.' (in ink)
Amelia Ann Blanford Edwards Collection
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Edwards, A. A. B. MSS
Album of drawings and watercolours made during Amelia Edwards's visit to the Dolomites.
Album of drawings and watercolours made during her visit to Egypt in 1873-4.
Album with 26 pencil sketches and one watercolour titled 'Small Egyptian Scraps, 1874', made during same visit to Egypt.
Album, notebook, packet containing an assortment of drawings, letters, and notes, another packet contains copies of deeds and accounts issued following her death.
Two watercolours of the temples on Philae island, assumed to have been painted by A. Edwards.
First edition of Amelia B. Edwards, Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers (1891); Kate Griffith's (née Bradbury) copy, with handwritten dedication to ‘My Katie - Novr. 1891 - A.B.E’.
Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford