- Clackson MSS 9
- Serie
- n.d.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Photographs of Coptic papyri from EES excavations at Qasr Ibrim, now in Cambridge University’s Oriental Faculty.
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Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Photographs of Coptic papyri from EES excavations at Qasr Ibrim, now in Cambridge University’s Oriental Faculty.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Lecture on Coptic Oxyrhynchus, given at Oxyrhynchus: a city and its texts, Oxford, 18 July, 1998.
A draft of the above paper, with comments by Dorothy Thompson.
A revised version of the same paper for publication.
Notes for 1998 Oxyrhynchus symposium at Oxford, including notes on Prague Museum and Petrie Museum texts.
Annotated photocopied articles, including published Oxyrhynchus texts.
‘Ashmolean Coptic Oxyrhyncha’ - draft catalogue entries.
Transcriptions and translations.
Lists of Greek papyri.
Transcriptions of Oxyrhynchus papyri, by John Tait.
A letter from Yamanaka Ichiro of Kyoto University with an accompanying illustrated list of the Oxyrhynchus material in the University’s collection.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Amarna Coptic and Greek ostraca and graffiti - text of lecture given in 1995.
Transcriptions and translations.
Copies of ostraca.
Lecture on Ostraca and graffiti excavated at El-‘Amarna, with corrections and comments by Barry Kemp, presented at a conference in Münster in 1996.
OHPs, slides, photographs and photocopies of ostraca from excavations.
The Schøyen Collection, Spikkestad, Norway
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
B&w and colour photocopies of fragmentary papyri.
‘Short description catalogue. Coptic’, by Martin Schøyen.
‘The Schøyen Collection: Checklist of Western Manuscripts 1 - 1660’, by Martin Schøyen.
Some transliteration and translation.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Photographs and photocopies of papyri.
Sam Fogg Rare Books and Manuscripts, London
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
B&w photocopies of papyri.
Liturgical texts - photocopies of texts, correspondence, notes.
Coptic text collections in private possession
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Notebook with notes on Princeton papyri seen in 1999.
Princeton Garett Deposit: notes, transcriptions, correspondence.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Notes and transcriptions.
Annotated copy of ‘Revised inventory of Coptic Papyri’ by G. M. Browne.
Pierpoint Morgan Library, New York
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Transcriptions and translations with commentary.
Annotated photocopied articles.
One reel of positive microfilm of Coptic papyri nos. M660, M661, and M662.
Papyri in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Translation, commentary and transcription of P. CtYBR papyri, including photocopied images and articles.
Typewritten Papyrus collection catalog. Introduction by Stephen Emmel.
Coptic text collections in USA
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Transcriptions with notes of IFAO ostraca.
Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie: notes on texts consulted, February 2002; updates and corrections for catalogue entries.
Annotated photocopied articles.
‘Recherchen zum koptischen Schrifttum in Prager Museen und Sammlungen (Stand August 1998)’, by Wolf B. Oerter
Page titled ‘New šine nsa ostraca - where are they now?’, from ‘Reconstructing the archives of the monastery of Apollo at Bawit’. Transcription and translation of Cybele Coptic ostraca 72, 73, and 74. Three colour photographs.
Typescript of an article on ‘Another Coptic “enquiry” about a delivery of wheat’, by W. J. Tait, for C. Eyre et. al. (eds.), The Unbroken Reed (Fs. Shore).
Coptic and Greek papyri in Göteborg
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Photocopies of papyri.
Coptic papyrus fragments in private possession in Athens
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Photocopies of papyri.
Coptic papyri in Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
List of papyri.
Preliminary transcriptions and translations of several items.
Coptic papyri in Brussels, Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
List of papyri.
Preliminary transcriptions of several papyri.
Coptic ostracon in Copenhagen, Nationalmuseet.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Heidelberg Greek and Coptic ostraca
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
B&w photocopies and photographs of ostraca Heidelberg 979 to 999.
Transcriptions, translations, and related notes.
Article on Koptische Ostraca der Heidelberger Sammlung.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
B&w photographs of unidentified papyri.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Hermopolite dialect documents notes.
Notes on Vienna, Österreisches Nationalbibliothek, Hermopolite Coptic texts.
Vienna Shenoute Archive notes.
Annotated photocopied articles.
List of published articles, books, reviews and conference papers.
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
B&w photographs of K2.344, K3.111, K1.766 recto & verso, K1.165 recto & verso, K1.167 recto & verso, K1.229 recto & verso, K1.725 recto and verso, K3.014 recto & verso, K3.023 recto and verso, K3.112 recto and verso, K3.512 recto and verso.
Annotated photocopied articles.
Coptic text collections in Europe
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Various overheads and slides, including some of papyri and monasteries, for lectures and presentations.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
One CD and a working copy.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
One box with a card index.
Annotated offprints and photocopies, arranged alphabetically by author
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Annotated offprints and photocopies, arranged alphabetically by author.
Other Coptic material in the UK
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Preliminary and incomplete transcriptions, brief notes, lists and correspondence on papyri and ostraca in various collections.
British Library Or. 6206, 6049 and 9035 (Wadi Sarga papyrus and vellum items).
Crum ostraca.
Petrie’s Dendera ostraca in the Petrie Museum, University College, London.
Papyrus fragments at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
Papyri in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
Ostraca in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
Papyri in Bristol Museum and Art Gallery.
Miscellaneous notes.
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Lansing papyri: notes, transcriptions, negatives and photocopied prints.
British Library Add. 14740 A fol. 19
Teil vonSarah Joanne Clackson Collection
Material concerning a projected edition with Dominic Montserrat.
B&w photographs.
Photocopied annotated article.